Breath of the Dead

Chapter 288: The means of each city (101161)

Chapter 288 The means of each city (101161)

During the exchange with Wu Dou Mei Nai, Gu Xi learned some information and unspoken rules of this city.

 These are things that cannot be recorded or reflected in normal information when he enters this world.

For example, Gu Xi always felt that the Great Guanyin in White Clothes of Heaven was staring at him.

This is not actually an illusion, it’s just that Gu Xi has been paying attention to the location of the Great Avalokitesvara, which made the Great Avalokitesvara react.

 After all, the weirdness of this world is that if you don’t pay attention to him, he won’t see you.

It was precisely because of Gu Xi's attention that Guanyin paid a little attention to him.

This is because Gu Xi didn't take action during the day. If Gu Xi had taken action at will, Guanyin might have been struck down with one palm.

 It can be said that Gu Xi was targeted by Guanyin entirely because of his own doing.

Also, it was not without fighting during the day.

 The weird ones only appear during the day, and there is actually a battle between them and mortals.

 As long as your battle is secretive enough and not discovered by others, it is not a battle.

Just like when Gu Xi used his mind lamp to take action on the train, it fell under this rule. If no one discovered it, it would not count as an action.

Many Tricksters like to lurk in dark alleys during the day and sneak up on monsters passing by.

However, compared to the situation during the day, Gotou Mino didn’t know much about the situation at night.

The only thing that can be known is that every night, her small B&B building will turn into a castle, and the flowers and trees planted outside will turn into a city wall, and 500 stone men will guard the city wall.

With the small amount of troops her family has, they can only protect themselves at best and cannot expand the scope of their control any further.

Since he had not faced the situation directly at night, Gu Xi could not imagine what the chaos of the Warring States Period was like at night. He could only get some general ideas from Wu Dou Mino's description.

Just when Gu Xi was planning to take a rest first and wait until he got better at night to deal with the chaos of the Warring States Period, Gotou Mino suddenly looked out the window.

 “Oh my god, who is that?”

Gu Xi quickly stood in front of the window and found that someone was climbing up the statue of Guanyin in white.

 “Those lunatics.”

At a glance, Gu Xi understood the identities of the people who were climbing the Great Guanyin Statue. They were order mages from Qiufeng City.

As mages of order, they know the most about weirdness, so they naturally focus on the weirdness at the core of this world right away.

 Level 20 statue of the Great Avalokitesvara in White Clothes.

As long as they take down this big Guanyin statue, or even without taking it down, as long as they can borrow part of the power of this big Guanyin statue, they can be invincible in this Bailian Festival.

 We cannot let them succeed like this.

 A thought flashed through Gu Xi's mind.

“Mino, I have something to do. I’ll be back before dinner in the evening.”


Wudou Mei Nai grabbed Gu Xi.

"What's wrong?"

Gu Xi glanced at Wudou Mino curiously.

“Never run around outside at the junction of day and night. It’s better to wait until it’s completely dark before coming back. If you can’t find a taxi after dark, just flag down a carriage with a white lantern on it.

 You must not ride in a carriage with lanterns of other colors.

In addition, bring this with you, otherwise you won't be able to get in at night. "

 After saying that, he handed Gu Xi a piece of red wooden board with the word "Tongxing" written on it.

  【You have obtained the Five-Dollers' Access Guard. When you hold this Access Guard, you can freely enter and exit all rooms in the Five-Dollers' House.     "Okay, I get it."

Gu Xi turned around and walked out of the B&B.

Walking on the street, Gu Xi walked quickly while thinking about his plan.

 It will definitely not work to run over and stop him by force.

 Now all the players are hiding their identities. If they jump out at this time, they are going out to be targets.

 Gu Xi did not rule out the possibility that these players who challenged the white-clad Guanyin statue of Tiandao were pushed out as bait by other players in Qiufeng City.

 So it is necessary to rush over, but rushing forward directly to stop and destroy is what a fool would do.

 He must think of a way to see if there are other ideas to deal with these players who jump higher.

Just as Gu Xi was on his way, a message suddenly popped up in front of him.

  【Bai Liancheng Wu Hetong violated the regulations, was found guilty of cheating, and withdrew from the standings. 】

Gu Xi was stunned for a moment, then raised his head to look at the statue of the Avalokitesvara in white.

 He found that around the climbing players, each one was surrounded by four ghosts like hanging ghosts.

These ghosts will not attack you, they will just surround you.

Wu Hetong is the master of these ghosts. He did not use the undead in the weapon card, but mobilized his own men. This naturally violated the **** rules that Bai Liancheng changed this year and lost the opportunity to rank in points.

 But he didn't care about that at all.

 Wu Hetong is now waiting for the white-clad Guanyin statue of Tiandao to see these ghosts and determine that he is at war with these players during the day.

 As soon as this judgment is made, Wu Hetong will immediately crush the props in his hands, surrender, and leave this world.

 After returning home, he can brag to his guild leader that he defeated five players from Autumn Wind City in a one-on-one battle.

According to the nature of their guild leader, there is a high probability that he will make up for his losses and give him some benefits.

 Although he cannot complete other tasks, this is better than safety.

Moreover, he didn’t come in with a **** card, and his ranking had nothing to do with him from the beginning. It would be great if he could just sit outside and watch the show with the title of a hero.

Wu Hetong didn't know that when he took action, there were several Necromancer players nearby lamenting why such a good opportunity was snatched away first.

At the same time, Wu Hetong also noticed that the statue of Guanyin in white clothes of Tiandao opened his eyes, slowly lowered his head, and looked at what was happening in front of him.

 The sudden appearance of the undead was a provocation to him, but what was the situation of the people surrounded by the ghosts, and why were they hanging motionless in mid-air.

 In fact, the Great Avalokitesvara Statue of Heavenly Dao in White didn't understand that it wasn't that these five people didn't want to move, but that all their roads were now blocked by ghosts.

As long as they move, they will encounter ghosts.

 The ghosts will automatically determine that they have launched an attack.

If they don't move, they still have a chance to wait for the Great Avalokitesvara Statue of Heaven to take action to get rid of the ghost and the necromancer who released the ghost.

 If it is moved, the names of the five of them will be among those who are eliminated.

But Wu Hetong put his life on the line in order to fight for this, and now it is impossible for these guys to hide.

 He tightened the props in his hands and ordered loudly: "Ghost, make a face!"

 All the ghosts stared at several players with their dead fish eyes.

 Finally one player couldn't stand it anymore and shouted loudly: "Get out of here!"

 Then other players immediately attacked all around, shouting while attacking: "We are weird, we are weird!"

 (End of this chapter)

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