Breath of the Dead

Chapter 290: In front of the Guanyin statue (please subscribe)

Chapter 290 In front of the Guanyin Statue (please subscribe)

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When Gu Xi walked near the statue of Guanyin in white clothes of Tiandao, the crowd watching the excitement had already left.

 Gu Xi looked up at the huge Guanyin statue several hundred meters high, took a deep breath, and was about to walk inside.

Unexpectedly, a security guard stopped Gu Xi at this time: "It's half past four, and I'm off work. Please come back tomorrow to visit."

 “Closing so early?”

 Gu Xi was speechless. He had walked for a long time to get here. He couldn't help but go up and touch the statue of Guanyin in white.

“There’s no other way. The place needs to be cleared before six o’clock, and it will naturally close at four-thirty.”

Uncle Security Guard is a mortal, so when he saw that Gu Xi was not weird, he naturally started talking.

Hearing this, Gu Xi raised his eyebrows. Clear the place before six o'clock?

Is it possible that the statue of Guanyin in White Clothes of Heaven has other places to go after six o'clock?

Looking at the serious look on the security guard's face, Gu Xi knew that there was no way he could get in.

However, Gu Xi didn't want to rush back. He couldn't run away in vain.

So Gu Xi asked: "Is there a tavern nearby where you can see the big Guanyin statue? I want to find a place to have a drink."

“Yes, there are roadside stalls in the alley over there. You must look at the carts lit with white lanterns and sit in them.”

Hearing the white lantern again, Gu Xi also had a trace of doubt in his heart.

Four Dou Mino also said before that if you go back at night, if it is too late, you can call a carriage, but it must be a carriage with a white lantern.

Is it possible that this white lantern has a different meaning?

Although he had such doubts in his heart, Gu Xi still didn't ask any more questions. Maybe among the mortals in this world, the idea of ​​white lanterns is their common sense.

Gu Xi followed the direction pointed by the security guard, turned around and walked to a nearby alley.

 Sure enough, some people have already pushed the carts out in this alley.

 Gu Xi found that after they fixed the trolley, they didn't take out the food first, but hung up the lantern first.

In addition to the white lanterns mentioned by the security uncle, there are also green lanterns and black lanterns hanging on nearby stalls.

 Gu Xi took one look at that kind of stall and hesitated for a moment. He did not commit suicide on the first day, but finally sat at a stall with white lanterns hanging on it.

At this time, the boss was sorting the ingredients. When he saw Gu Xi sitting down, the boss quickly stepped forward and asked.

 “Guest, if you want something to eat, here is the menu.”

 Gu Xi looked through the menu and found that the most expensive item here was only 150 yuan, and the cheapest item was almost 30 yuan.

 Gu Xi thought for a while, took out a ten thousand yuan note and put it on the table.

"Bring me some food and wine. I'll probably sit here until after six o'clock, and you can watch the food being served."

Seeing Gu Xi's behavior, the boss thought for a moment and finally collected the money.

“Guest, please wait, I will serve you the food right away.”

As the boss spoke, he turned around and served Gu Xi three small plates of pickles.

 After that, he poured a plate of sake for Gu Xi, and then started to deal with other ingredients.

 Gu Xi smelled the wine and found that the wine seemed very light, as light as drinking boiled water, while the food served was normal and tasted pretty good. If you don’t have big requirements, it’s not a problem to spend an hour or two eating here.

But Gu Xi was more curious about what was for sale at the stalls with the other two types of lanterns.

Without getting up, Gu Xi glanced at him from a distance.

At the stall with a green lantern, the boss was grilling the tentacles of an octopus with human eyes.

As for the stall with the black lantern, it was too far away and Gu Xi couldn't see it clearly. The only thing he could see was a watermelon over there, and pink brains could be dug out of it.

 Gu Xi felt that these two stalls were not for mortals to eat and drink, but which one corresponded to the weird ones during the day and which one corresponded to the soldiers at night.

While Gu Xi was thinking about this, the boss had already delivered the first portion of food.

 That was a portion of saury as long as an index finger.

Looking at the grilled saury that can be eaten in one bite, Gu Xi couldn't help but shook his head.

 No wonder this thing only costs 30 yuan. It turns out that the head itself is not big.

 Gu Xi put the saury in front of his nose and smelled it. Just as he was about to take a bite, he found a woman sitting in front of the green stall next to him.

This woman is wearing a mask and a long windbreaker, the kind of perverted style that can scare others when she opens the windbreaker on the street.

After sitting down, she pointed to the freshly roasted tentacles and said, "Boss, have a bunch!"

"for you."

The boss placed a bunch of freshly grilled octopus tentacles in front of the woman. The woman patted the table and a green light fell. Gu Xi found that he could not see the woman's actions clearly.

 “Boss, what’s going on?”

 Gu Xi pointed at the green light and asked.

While the boss was grilling something, he said with a smile: "Guests rarely come out to eat, right? Green Lantern is a weird eating stall. Some weird things will trigger taboos when people see their faces, but you can't eat without showing your face." Face.

 So every stall will have such a lantern, and there will be one in front of you. If you don’t want people to see you, and you don’t want to see the weirdness outside, you can click on the white button in front of the table.

But you have to be gentle. My buttons are old and have been repaired several times. "

Gu Xi lowered his head and saw that there was a white button in front of the table. Gu Xi thought for a moment and then looked up at the lanterns on the stall. He found that there were five white lanterns hanging here, which corresponded to the five in front of the stall. Location.

After understanding something, Gu Xi didn't say anything more. He put the saury in his mouth, bit it hard, and started to eat it with big mouthfuls.

As time passed by, Gu Xi noticed that after five o'clock, there were many strange things coming from all directions towards the statue of Guanyin in white.

They now seem to ignore some bans and just appear on the streets.

When Gu Xi looked at them, they also looked at Gu Xi, but had no intention of attacking Gu Xi. They just looked at Gu Xi one more time and entered the park area of ​​the White-clad Guanyin of Heaven.

The security guard who stopped Gu Xi before didn't even pay attention to these weird things and just let them in.

This situation made Gu Xi quite puzzled. Even if these people who came in were weird, you haven't gotten off work yet. You had the momentum to block him before.

 “This is a roasted lantern, best eaten while it’s hot.”

At this time, the boss brought the freshly baked goods to Gu Xi. When he saw Gu Xi looking towards the statue of Guanyin in white, the boss also asked.

"What are you looking at?"

 (End of this chapter)

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