Breath of the Dead

Chapter 291: When night comes, the devil appears (103161)

Chapter 291 Night comes and the demon appears (103161)

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“Nothing, I’m just curious as to why there are so many weird things happening here.”

“That’s the protection of underage Weirds. During the day, Weirds are home, but at night, even a powerful Weird can’t defeat thousands of soldiers.

 So the weird ones below level 5 can come to the Guanyin Statue every day before nightfall to seek protection.

 For level 5 and above weirdness, you can only bear it yourself. "

 The boss placed the newly prepared food in front of Gu Xi and spoke casually.

At this time, the boss also saw that Gu Xi was not from this city.

 He is quite curious about strange things.

I'm afraid it's a trickster from other places.

Although he is a mortal and doesn't like the weird things that appear in the city during the day, the boss doesn't want to destroy some of the city's customs.

So the boss just said one sentence and didn’t go on further.

Let alone introduce those weird situations.

 Gu Xi didn’t ask. The weird ones were not the goal of his visit this time, at least not the weak ones.

His target is the Warring States melee at night and players in other cities.

To be able to make the Bailian Festival like this, Bailiancheng’s face has been greatly humiliated this time.

If the top spot in the Bailian Festival is snatched away by players from other cities, then Bailian City will not have to think about raising its head in the next ten years.

Whether it’s for himself or for Bai Liancheng, Gu Xi’s goal will not be on Weiyi.

Perhaps only those players in Autumn Wind City have a need for these weird things.

While Gu Xi was eating and drinking, the sky gradually darkened. Around half past six, the sky was almost dark, with only some light remaining where the sun was setting.

At this time, the statue of Tiandao Guanyin in white was directly wiped off the map as if it had been stimulated by something.

At the same time, the sound of bells and drums rang, and Gu Xi found that the entire city seemed to be magnified many times.

The two-story wooden buildings that originally formed the city have now been transformed into castles such as Japanese castle towers.

 The distance between houses was widened, and a variety of different soldiers appeared on the city walls.

The original streets and alleys have turned into wilderness, and the trees in the distance have grown rapidly and twisted into different shapes.

But this was not what surprised Gu Xi. Gu Xi found that some shrines not far away were actually shining with dazzling golden light.

 “What are those places?”

 Gu Xi asked curiously. As soon as he raised his head when asking the question, he was startled by the boss's situation.

It turned out that there were more than twenty soldiers in armor standing behind the boss at some point. They were holding tools and roasting food, while the boss himself was sitting aside like a general, commanding.

Seeing Gu Xi looking over, the boss also smiled at Gu Xi.

Then Gu Xi discovered that the food in front of him seemed to have become much larger due to the influence of the night.

 It's just that Gu Xi doesn't have time to talk about this now.

 He slowly stood up, and the various equipment decorated on his suit returned to his body.

Holding the spiritual lamp in his left hand, the cold wind staff in his right hand, and the reverse lich on his shoulder, Gu Xi walked out of the food stall with satisfaction.

The moment he stepped out of the food stall, a voice sounded in Gu Xi's ears.

  【Please note that you have stepped out of the safe range, and you will be attacked by monsters in the dark. 】

 The monster in the night?

Gu Xi thought for a moment and looked up into the darkness. At this moment, Gu Xi heard a voice coming from the distance.

 “It’s a human being, it’s a human being!”



 “Eat meat!”

Looking in the direction of the sound, Gu Xi found a group of weird demon-like creatures rushing out from not far away.

They are said to be demonic creatures because they have horns on their heads and their skin is red or brown.

They are weird because they are carrying wooden sticks and wearing tiger skins around their waists. They don't look like normal beings.

There were not many of them, only seventeen or eighteen. When they rushed forward, their steps were obviously weak. It looked like they had been hungry for nine meals in three days.

 No wonder they rushed out immediately when they saw Gu Xi appearing alone.

But it’s understandable if you think about it.

Mortals in this world all know what they will encounter at night.

Even when setting up a stall outside, there are soldiers protecting you.

These demons have no way of finding meat to eat.

 Now it is rare to see a mortal with nothing beside him, so they will naturally jump out to grab the meat.

It’s just that they met Gu Xi. Looking at these strange demons rushing towards them, Gu Xi stretched out his hand, and the evil coffin appeared in front of him.

When Gu Xi turned over and jumped onto the evil coffin, the city gate behind him opened, and the skeleton soldiers of the fighting team rushed out quickly, followed by a group of ghosts.

At the same time, a voice came from Gu Xi's ear.

  【Bai Liancheng Gu Xi violated the regulations, was found guilty of cheating, and withdrew from the standings. 】

Hearing this voice, Gu Xi smiled, and then pressed his hand forward.

 “Kill them!”

Hearing Gu Xi's order, the skeleton leader of the last fighting team under Gu Xi raised his sword and rushed out.

This is the skeleton leader who has been with Gu Xi for a long time. At first, he had 4 combat teams under Gu Xi, but slowly he only had one combat team left.

Even so, he has always served Gu Xi's men. Even if Gu Xi has more undead leaders or even heroes, he has always stood by Gu Xi's side.

This time Gu Xi released him. For this skull leader, it was an opportunity for him.

Gu Xi has already replenished all his troops, and also arranged several skeleton warriors in his team.

 Now this oldest combat team has reached its highest level of combat effectiveness.

The 57 skeleton soldiers rushed forward together, raising their shields and striking in front of those weird demons.

 The strange demons that rushed over seemed to be powerful beings, but they were pushed back several steps by the skeleton soldiers.

This situation shocked the skull leader. He raised his sword in a slashing motion.

So all the skeleton soldiers raised their shields to protect themselves, and at the same time slashed out at the weird demon with their long swords.

At this time, the ghosts that flew out from behind had also arrived in front of the weird demon. They immediately pounced on the weird demon and stretched out their hands to grab it.

 But as soon as they grabbed it, their arms quickly retracted, and they discovered that this weird demon was actually covered with a thin layer of flames.

Such a situation made the demons feel that they were able to do it again. They raised their big sticks and hit the skeleton soldiers in front of them hard, trying to carve out a **** path.

 (End of this chapter)

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