Breath of the Dead

Chapter 292: Exit the rankings and officially confront (102161)

Chapter 292: Exit ranking, formal confrontation (102161)

But the weird demons really overestimated their own strength and combat effectiveness.

The wooden stick they smashed down did not break the skeleton soldiers' shields, but was defended by them.

At the same time, the skeleton soldiers took this opportunity to pierce the demon's body with a backhand sword. Finally, one demon was slashed by multiple skeleton soldiers and finally fell to the ground.

  【Your skeleton soldier (level 4, summoned object) kills the mountain evil spirit (level 2), you get 1 experience point (overflow storage 1 point), the combat team gets 1 experience point, and the summoned object gets 6 experience points. 】

 A wild ghost in the mountains?

 Looking at the pop-up message, Gu Xi knew the name of this weird demon.

Also knew that this thing did not belong to Hanye City.

 It seems that the players did not appear on the night battlefield for the first time.

 “Kill them all!”

After knowing the enemy's situation, Gu Xi no longer held back and issued orders to his men.

The 57 skeleton soldiers were enough to deal with the 14 mountain ghosts. The ghosts did not attack anymore, but took the opportunity to float around.

 It can be seen that they are exploring the surroundings.

Originally this was the mission of the gargoyles, but last time when fighting crows, all the gargoyles were wiped out. New gargoyles have not been spawned this week, so Gu Xi no longer has flying troops that can move at high speed, and the ghosts are also gone. It becomes an existence that Gu Xi can use to explore paths.

 When these ghosts flew out, Gu Xi also raised the cold wind staff in his hand.


 A spiritual spell fell, and the body of the mountain ghost that had just been chopped to death moved, and finally turned into a zombie carrying a wooden stick and stood up from the ground.

  The new zombie's skin is dark red, and its size is obviously larger than that of normal zombies.

  【You successfully used spiritualism and got a stick zombie (level 2), with 1 spiritualist experience point. 】

  【Stick Zombie (level 2, summoned object): experience (0/300), attack 3, defense 4, life 15, skill: stun. 】

Looking at the message that popped up, Gu Xi rolled his eyes, "Useless trash!"

Although I don’t really like the attributes and information of this kind of stick zombie, when it’s time to summon the soul, Gu Xi still has to summon the soul.

After all, Gu Xi planned to replenish his troops this time. He relied on his men to fight along the way, and he was only responsible for summoning souls.

After Gu Xi summoned a wooden stick zombie, the wooden stick zombie immediately joined in the attack on its original companions.

At this moment, the morale of those mountain ghosts dropped rapidly, and it didn't take long for the fourteen wild ghosts to turn into nine new stick zombies.

Seeing that the ghost did not come back, Gu Xi did not wait for them. The main city gate behind him pushed forward and took back the zombies and skeleton soldiers with wooden sticks.

At the same time, Gu Xi also got an inconspicuous piece of equipment, a tooth-like necklace.

                                 You have obtained the treasure, the fang of the evil spirit. Since you have exited the rankings, you cannot get any points. 】

  【Evil Ghost's Fangs: After killing the evil ghost, you can pull out his fangs. During the day, you can give orders to the fangs to attack nearby mortals or strange things. 】

  【Note: Please do not take out your fangs and give orders in the crowd, because your behavior will be discovered. 】

 Gu Xi took one look at this thing and knew that it was a treasure that could only be used in this world.

If he is still on the ranking list, this thing can add one or two points. Now that he is no longer on the ranking list, it doesn't matter whether this thing adds points or not. The advantage of this thing is that it can be shot secretly during the day. .

 Putting away the [Evil Ghost's Fangs], Gu Xi thought of the ranking list.

He opened the rankings and glanced at them. Just as he thought, as the battle began at night, most of the players in Bailian City released their own undead troops and exited the rankings. There are very few Bailiancheng players who are still on the points ranking list.

 Among these players, Gu Xi saw a relatively familiar name.

 【Bailiancheng You Songsheng, 3 points, ranked 33rd】.

 It feels good that this guy is still alive.

 Gu Xi smiled and then focused on the other city players.

 Now I believe these players have discovered that something is wrong.

Faguo is just one or two Bailiancheng players withdrawing from the rankings. They will also think that this is because the Bailiancheng players cannot beat them for various reasons and have to use their own undead or life-saving means.

 Now a large number of players from Bailian City have withdrawn, and only players from Qiufeng City and Hanye City are left in the rankings. As long as they are not stupid, they will immediately understand that there is a problem here.

These players made what they thought was the right choice right away.


 This is what the players in Autumn Wind City think.

 At night, the players in Autumn Wind City have the least advantage. They are not strong enough, and they do not have enough troops like the players in the other two cities.

 The only things they can use are their own strangeness and some strange methods.

 So they immediately chose to hide and see the situation.

But everyone understood that they could not hide for long.

This is not against them. To the players of Autumn Wind City, this world is like a huge rice warehouse.

The people wandering around the city were all weird things that they had never dared to think about before.

 For players in Autumn Wind City who make a living by capturing and controlling weird things, this world is a huge treasure.

The key to unlocking the lock is fighting and exploring every night. If there is no way to find the corresponding weird killing or control methods every night, they can only watch those weird things swimming around in front of them.

It's okay for a day or two. They may reduce their sense of existence because of the madness of the Necromancer players in Bailian City, hide themselves, and then go out to act during the day. But as the time gets longer and longer, they may not necessarily sit still. Gotta live with it.

On the one hand, the weird things during the day are swimming in front of them, and they have no way to capture or kill these weird things, and they are unwilling to do so.

On the other hand, they will find that the necromancer's combat effectiveness will continue to improve with battle after battle.

 If the delay continues, they will only be killed.

 At that time, they will appear on the battlefield at night, but I believe that by that time, they will have nothing to do on this battlefield.

As for the players in Hanye City, they are different from Qiufeng City. They are also war-type players. It is not a problem for them to go to the battlefield head-on. They are willing to participate in the battle.

 So in the past two nights, the players in Hanye City were beaten.

For Gu Xi, it doesn't actually matter who he fights. Even if the players in these two cities don't jump out tonight, the battle of the necromancer will not be reduced at all.

 Because all necromancers understand that the first two days after entering the game are the best time to kill heavily and recruit souls to replenish troops.

 This world is a rice warehouse for the players in Autumn Wind City, and it is also a huge treasure house for the necromancers.

 Time cannot be wasted.

 (End of this chapter)

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