Breath of the Dead

Chapter 293: Army of Demons (please subscribe)

Chapter 293 The Legion of Demons (please subscribe)

 “Kill forward!”

 After Gu Xi killed the first batch of enemies, more and more enemies appeared in front of Gu Xi.

These enemies appear in waves.

 Most of their strength is at level 2 to level 3, and there are almost 30 to 50 people each time they appear.

They also have different looks. Some are ashigaru wearing straw armor and carrying bamboo spears, some are boar heads covered with thick mud, and some are weird monks who look like monks but have tattoos on their bodies.

Although their attack method is a frontal battle, their style is a little weird. They always try to find some weird directions when they attack, making it difficult to guard against them.

However, Gu Xi didn't pay attention to this at all. Gu Xi, who had enough troops under his command, directly placed his troops in front and drove over them with his unparalleled troops.

 He himself kept recruiting souls and replenishing troops from behind.

Without even releasing the heroes, Gu Xi had already killed seven or eight troops and harvested more than two hundred different undead.

It’s just that these undead, like the stick zombies, are ordinary undead with no special characteristics, and Gu Xi just threw them into the cannon fodder queue.

 On the contrary, he killed some of the things left behind by these enemies, which made Gu Xi become somewhat interested.

【The Mountain Lord's Fang (treasure): A fang that records some conditions of the Level 4 Strange Mountain Lord. With this in hand, you will have a chance to kill the Mountain Lord during the day. 】

  【Treasures Guarded by Ashigaru (Map): Record the location of treasures guarded by a group of Ashigaru. During the day, you can go to this location to take out the treasures. 】

                             的                                                       :leggy monk's token used to prove his identity, with this token he can go to nearby monasteries and seek protection and blessings from him, but who would use a token as a serious monk. 】


Looking at these harvests, Gu Xi slowly understood what the Bailian Festival in front of him would be like without the participation of Qiufeng City and Hanye City.

At that time, all necromancer players would carry military cards and rely on the troops in the military cards to fight.

 After killing the enemy, use spiritualism to replenish troops.

  This method can be used without the participation of Qiufeng City and Hanye City. This method is relatively fair.

 At least everyone’s starting point is the same.

 The rest is to compete with each player's skills, command methods when encountering enemies, and the success rate of summoning spirits.

At the end of the battle, what matters is the quality and data of your troops.

However, with the addition of Qiufeng City and Hanye City, the situation has become different. These fair and just rules have become unimportant to the grievances between the cities.

Most Necromancer players have made a choice. Even if they don’t care about their ranking in the rankings, they still have to concentrate large forces to kill players in other cities.

It can be said that once the necromancers let go of their methods, the enemies they encountered at the beginning were enough to see.

Gu Xi didn't even send out his heroes, but directly sent out a combat team, which achieved an effect close to clearing the battlefield.

This made Gu Xi change his eyes and look at the larger battlefield not far away.

“We’ll go over there, and you can go back to the city after cleaning up the battlefield.”

 After killing another batch of enemies, Gu Xi immediately summoned all the enemies into new undead souls, and then issued orders to the skeleton leader.

Then Gu Xi drove the evil coffin and rushed in one direction.

 The reason why he came in this direction was because he heard the sound of blowing coming from this direction.

 The sound here is a bit loud. Compared with the miscellaneous soldiers just killed, there are obviously more enemies here.

Gu Xi was also a little tired of fighting the miscellaneous soldiers. He happened to encounter a powerful enemy here, so Gu Xi naturally wanted to come over and take a look.

 When Gu Xi drove the evil coffin around half a street and followed the sound of blowing, he saw the enemy this time.

Just as he guessed, the enemy this time was no longer a small group of 20 to 50 people like before. In front of us is a large army of more than 500 people.

There were more than a hundred trumpeters in the army, and the sound of blowing and beating that Gu Xi heard came from their hands.

Most of the remaining more than 400 people were spearmen wearing gorgeous armor made of feathers. Together they guarded a sixteen-person sedan in the middle of the team.

This large sedan chair was hung with silk and inlaid with gems, gold and silver, and inside sat a mummy wearing a white feather coat and a black top hat.

This mummy has three eye sockets. When Gu Xi appeared, the mummy also saw Gu Xi's presence.

 He slowly raised his head, opened his mouth and said to Gu Xi: "Get out!"

After saying that, he raised a folding paper fan and pointed forward, "Let's go and ignore that trash."

His words of trash were deliberately said loudly, clearly telling Gu Xi that I just don't like you, so come and beat me if you can.

Regarding this person’s behavior, Gu Xi had to admit that he was the most provocative person he had ever encountered.

I don’t know where this monster got the confidence to dare to challenge Gu Xi like this.

No matter what the situation of this monster is, he has annoyed Gu Xi now anyway.

As soon as Gu Xi raised his hand, a huge city gate appeared in front of the army, and at the same time a special army walked out of it.

 This army was completely covered in black dust, and all that could be seen were the spears they held in their hands.

 “The Black Gun Battalion goes out and kills them!”

This unit that stepped forward was the Black Spear Battalion under Gu Xi.

 Because of this Bailian Festival, Gu Xi specially gathered all the troops and placed them near the city gates.

Whether he encounters some situation in the world or Alidovi encounters some trouble, he can quickly mobilize the troops. He will not be unable to mobilize the appropriate troops due to reasons such as the troops are not available.

The situation before him was like this. As soon as Gu Xi saw the enemy's arrangement, he immediately released the Black Spear Battalion.

They are also spearmen. Gu Xi wants to see whether his own spearmen are stronger or the enemy's spearmen.

Following Gu Xi's order, the attacking Black Spear Battalion began to charge forward.

 While they were moving, the enemy finally saw the troops of the Black Spear Battalion clearly.

 They were wearing red battle clothes and black hats, and their skin shone with a metallic sheen.

Seeing this, the mummy sitting on the sedan pointed his hand forward.

 “Charge from the front and fight with them to kill!”

 The mummy is full of confidence in his spear stabbing skills.

 In his eyes, there is nothing that his spearmen cannot do.

 It's just that he didn't think about it at all, what he saw was just the appearance.

The black gun battalion in front of us looks like metal troops, but in fact, the largest number of them are skeleton soldiers.

 For skeleton soldiers, they have more than half the dodge rate for piercing attacks.

  Normal people would choose bludgeoning as their main attack method when seeing skeleton soldiers. Those who choose piercing attacks like this are really rare.

It's a pity that the mummy didn't know that he made the wrong choice, and he was still roaring loudly.

 “Kill them, kill everyone who offends my majesty!”

 (End of this chapter)

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