Breath of the Dead

Chapter 295: The female boss among the devil (103161)

 Chapter 295 The Female Boss among the Demons (103161)

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At Gu Xi's side, the troops from the Black Spear Battalion were almost in front of the mummy.

 At this time, the attention of Gu Xi began to turn to other directions.

The Bone-Zhanying Battalion has already fought against the demons. As the earliest batch of skeleton soldiers under Gu Xi, the skeleton soldiers from the Bone-Zhanying Battalion have gone through many battles with him, and their level can be regarded as relatively high among Gu Xi's troops. High.

 When fighting against Demon Soldiers, although they are not as powerful as Demon Soldiers, they are no worse than Demon Soldiers in other aspects.

It was clearly a four-on-one situation, but the two sides fought back and forth and were evenly matched.

As Gu Xi began to turn his attention here, the four demon players also discovered that new undead began to crawl among the corpses on the ground.

As soon as these new undead get up, they will immediately jump into the battle, regardless of who the enemy is in front of them.

 Such a situation makes the demon players quite helpless.

 They all know that this is the difference between demons and undead.

The demon warlock's troops were all bought, tricked, and given as gifts after completing tasks. However, none of them were resurrected on the battlefield like the necromancer.

 Suddenly, several demon players felt that they had no chance of winning, and they no longer wanted to continue the fight.

At this moment, a new batch of demon troops rushed out from where they appeared.

Although this demon army only has more than 400 people, the demons in their hands are obviously more powerful.

Among these demons, Gu Xi saw a horned demon with a horn on its head that was longer than its body, a succubus with a long whip, a blood-red void guard, and a two-headed hellhound.

However, what attracted Gu Xi's attention the most was the three huge Cyclops at the back of the team.

The skin of this Cyclops is still gray-white, with blood-red lines painted on their skin. Their one eye has been pulled open with an iron hook, and the eyes are full of bright red bloodshot eyes.

The Cyclops is also carrying a long stick that is thicker than a normal human body. It is obvious that he is a specially created army.

Seeing this situation, Gu Xi did not immediately send his men out, but took a serious look at the direction in which the demonic troops came out.

 Gu Xi noticed that when this army appeared, the first four demon players who came out all looked towards the sky.

Gu Xi thought for a while, then turned his eyes to the mummy.

At this time, the black gun battalion had already reached the mummy, and Arroyo was leading his men to attack the sedan chair of the mummy.

 It seems that he has intercepted the target of the demon player.

 A thought flashed through Gu Xi's mind.

Then he raised his hand, and a city gate hidden by vines and leaves appeared near the newly emerged demonic troops.

Amilcar, who had been fighting in the fog, led his troops into the battlefield through this city gate.

As soon as he entered the battlefield, Amilcar noticed his current position and the situation of the demonic troops in front of him.

 Amilcar knew his mission without even having to explain anything.

 “Set up the formation!”

Amilcar's ability was activated, and the skeleton soldiers who were originally crowded behind Amilcar quickly appeared in different locations.

 A large number of skeleton soldiers appear behind the weak defensive magic or long-range troops in the demon army. As for the more difficult troops, the defensive skeleton soldiers stand in front of them.

 Amilcar’s idea is quite simple.

 First kill all the enemy's magic systems and long-range enemies.

 Later, go back and fight the hard ones.

 The undead men of Amilcar were the elite troops who followed him in the mist to kill for a long time.

They all knew what Amilcar was thinking. When Amilcar gave the order to set up the formation, they just had to wait. In a short time, they will be sent to where they need to go.

 At that time, they can directly face the enemy's weakest troops and kill them.

It was the same this time. When the skeleton soldiers found themselves behind the succubus and other magic and long-range troops, they directly raised the opening in their hands and slashed at the succubus and the others.

These succubi and long-range troops did not expect that the enemy would suddenly appear next to them.

 They didn't even react before they were pressed to the ground by the skeleton soldiers and beaten.

Seeing this situation, the demon players who led the attack no longer cared about their mission. Why did they rush to Gu Xi's main formation with their troops? The most important thing for them now was to protect their own troops.

 So they turned around and fought with Amilcar's troops.

Even the three demonized Cyclops lent by their eldest sister were used by them.

 At this time, the eldest sister who was behind had an angry look on her face.

 “Trash, a bunch of trash!”

Although she was cursing like this, the current situation forced her to lead the attack.

After raising her hand, two cloud whales wrapped in steel shells rose from behind her. Above these two cloud whales stood more than sixty demon troops with uniform styles.

These demons have bat wings behind them, hold torches in their hands, and hold scimitars in their mouths. They look like pirate sailors who want to join a gang.

These are the demon troops, the core strength of this eldest sister.

Now she couldn't care about anything else and jumped on top of a cloud whale, "Go and grab the treasure we want. Who are we!"

 “The Taboo of the Devil’s Sea!”

 All such demons raised their torches.

 “What are we going to do?”

 “Kill people, set fires, steal things!”

 “Who do we listen to?”

 “Listen to the wishes of fate.”

 “Whose hands are the destiny in?”

 “In the hands of the goddess!”

After the eldest sister raised the crystal ball and asked these questions, all the demons raised the golden eagle symbol, and their morale increased to an extremely high level.

At this time, the cloud whale also flew towards the direction of the mummy.

Standing on the cloud whale, the elder sister’s head and face were already distorted.

But she still muttered with a smile.

“Things belong to me, and no one can take them away from me.

 I don’t believe it, you can still have flying troops. "

Looking at the cloud whale that appeared at the end of the battle, Gu Xi also had a smile on his face.

“It seems like there are really good things here, but do you really think you can take them away just by yourself?

I have been fighting for a long time and have already reached the enemy. Finally, I want to come over and intercept him. I am afraid you are overthinking it. "

 Gu Xi pointed at the cloud whale that appeared in the sky, "Extract mana!"

Under Gu Xi’s command, the skeleton mages behind him raised their hands at the same time, and activated the effect of extracting mana.

The eldest sister who was standing on the cloud whale only heard a howl from the cloud whale. The cloud whale actually rushed downwards. At the same time, the crystal ball in the eldest sister's hand also lost its luster. She only felt a sense of emptiness, as if something had been touched by someone. It's like it was taken away.

 (End of this chapter)

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