Breath of the Dead

Chapter 296: Special treasure (104161)

Chapter 296 Special Treasure (104161)

Seeing that a cloud whale was about to hit the ground, the eldest sister quickly took out a purple potion and stabbed it **** the cloud whale, which made the cloud whale fly again.

But at this time, the way the eldest sister looked at Gu Xi had changed.

Before, he was just dissatisfied, but now he is completely filled with murderous intent.

However, in the end she still suppressed the murderous intention in her heart, "Just grab the things and leave. When we get the treasure, we can come back and kill this guy."

After giving the order, the eldest sister glanced at Gu Xi, thinking of taking note of Gu Xi's expression.

 But when she looked down at Gu Xi, she found that Gu Xi was smiling at her.

The eldest sister was shocked and was about to give an order, but it was too late.

Thirty red dragons flew out of the city gate and rushed in front of Cloud Whale at extremely fast speeds.

Then thirty red dragons sprayed wildly at the cloud whale.

Flame Dragon Breath melted the two cloud whales on the spot.

This eldest sister stood at the forefront of the cloud whale and immediately became the target of the flame dragon's breath. Although as demons, they have high flame resistance, they could not withstand the thirty red dragons here.

 Their dragon's breath comes one after another.

 Under the initial attack, the demon on the cloud whale was burned to ashes immediately.

 Then there are the Cloud Whales whose bodies are covered with steel. The steel covering their bodies has become their biggest weakness at this time.

Under the action of the flame dragon's breath, the steel melted, and even the cloud whale protected by the steel was melted into the steel, and finally turned into an iron block, which hit the ground heavily.

As for the eldest sister, under the attack of the dragon's breath, she only withstood it for more than 20 seconds before being easily ignited.

Thirty seconds later, she was burned to ashes before she hit the ground, and not even a body was left.

  【Xing Yuyu died in battle in Qiufeng City. 】

Gu Xi couldn't say anything about this situation. He just glanced at the position where the cloud whale melted and fell, and then focused on the mummy.

As for the demon players, Gu Xi had already revealed his cards, and he no longer planned to hide them. After the thirty red dragons killed the strongest enemy, they did not return to the city, but headed towards the demon army. Pounced in the direction.

Those demon players did not expect that Gu Xi could be so cruel.

  Not to mention the thousands of undead troops, there are also dragons.

 And thirty of them were released at once.

 Is this a force that normal players can use?

Thinking of this, all the demon players felt like giving up.

But how could Gu Xi let them go?

Anyone who dares to jump out and provoke me will be killed.

So when the red dragon flew towards the demonic player, Gu Xi's two heroes received new orders to kill all the enemies and prevent them from escaping.

Hearing this order, both Amilcar and Robbie rushed out quickly. They kept attacking the demons around them and sent out an army to chase the demon players who wanted to escape.

At this time, Gu Xi started his work again, borrowing the corpses at the scene to temporarily summon souls on the battlefield to replenish his lost troops.

Gu Xi did not immediately receive the undead that he had just recruited into his team, but instead released them all.

In Gu Xi's eyes, the strength of these newly summoned undead is only level 2, and their current combat effectiveness is not strong. If they are incorporated into the team, it will be harmful to them.

Now we just want them to gain some experience on such a battlefield. As long as their level increases, and after reaching level 3, they will have their own profession, and then they will be considered as formal troops under Gu Xi. There are undead leaders who recruit them according to their situation.

 Now, they are just cleaning up the battlefield.

As the number of undead on Gu Xi's side increased, each demon player also died in the siege by Gu Xi's men. 【Hanye City Gu Yi died in battle! 】

  【Hanye City Wanliu Quan died in battle! 】

  【Hanye City Bai Xuedong died in battle! 】


With the death of each demon player, the battle on the mummy side also ended.

Arroyo, who killed the mummy, pushed the mummy off the sedan chair.

And Gu Xi also saw something placed under the mummy.

 That is a piece of purple crystal the size of a fist.

As soon as this crystal appeared, it attracted the attention of everyone nearby.

Even the undead men under Gu Xi moved their heads to this crystal involuntarily.

Gu Xi understood that this crystal was probably a good thing. The female demon player who came on the cloud whale came just for this crystal.

 So Gu Xi immediately came to the crystal and reached out to pick it up.

  【You get solidified purple gold liquid (treasure)】

  【Solidized purple gold liquid (treasure): The purple gold liquid comes from a mysterious figure. You should use it as a tool to strengthen your subordinates, or you can use it as a clue to find the existence of that mysterious figure. 】

  【Note: When you get the Purple Gold Liquid, everyone's eyes will fall on you. 】

 Looking at this explanation, Gu Xi raised his eyelids to attract everyone's attention?

 This is an interesting change.

While Gu Xi was thinking, he began to issue new orders to his subordinates.

Under Gu Xi’s order, his cannon fodder soldiers began to clean up the battlefield.

Although most of the demon soldiers were turned into undead troops by Gu Xi on the spot, there were still some special corpses that Gu Xi did not move.

 Currently, Gu Xi's spiritualism level has not reached level 8. He can directly transform ordinary corpses and produce special undead.

For example, those little demons holding fireballs among demons, those succubi can be transformed into skeleton mages, and another example is that the hellhound can be transformed into the rot-skin wolf that appeared once before.

 Therefore, there is no waste in Gu Xi, and everything that can be converted is converted.

As for the ones that could not be transformed, or those that looked very strong, Gu Xi did not force the souls to be summoned, but planned to take these corpses back to Alidovi City.

Keep these corpses first, and then use these things when his undead research or other skills level up, and he can research the undead and make special undead.

The corpses inside were mainly those of three Cyclops, and the mummy was also sent back by Gu Xi.

 In addition, the melted cloud whales and demon player corpses are all within Gu Xi's selection range.

 After spending some time to clean up the battlefield, Gu Xi began to command the troops to retreat.

Since the three heroes still had their own tasks, Gu Xi immediately released them back.

 But all the newly transformed undead souls, Gu Xi, stayed behind.

 There were thirty red dragons left behind.

 Gu Xi already understood that he already knew the red dragon's trump card, so he might as well put it outside to attract other people's attention.

 As for whether he will be besieged, Gu Xi is not afraid.

 (End of this chapter)

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