Breath of the Dead

Chapter 297: Gains from killing players (please subscribe)

Chapter 297 Gains from killing players (please subscribe)

While Gu Xi was cleaning up the corpses on the battlefield, his undead soldiers were also cleaning up the battlefield.

As the main force in the battle, these undead soldiers who have just been summoned cannot do it.

  But as the main force in cleaning up the battlefield, they can play an extraordinary role.

Whether it is something that Gu Xi can see or it is in a place that Gu Xi cannot see, as long as it has some attributes, even if it is gray garbage, they will pick it up.

Soon there was a pile of weird things in front of Gu Xi. Among them were weapons used by the demon player's troops before, as well as feather spears used by the mummy's spearmen.

There are also some broken weapon fragments or things thrown nearby that no one usually pays attention to.

There was something in it that caught Gu Xi's attention.

It was a human head carved from jade. The face of this head could not be seen clearly, but the eyes were carved very clearly. Looking from a distance, they looked a bit like fox eyes.

【Ding! Your temporary mission: The sealed power has changed, and you have found a head part that suits the mission requirements. 】

 【Task requirements: Find seven sealed parts (2/7), assemble and defeat the assembly (0/1)】

 Looking at the information in front of him, Gu Xi picked up the jade skull.

For some reason, when Gu Xi held the jade head, he actually became interested in the faceless head, as if it belonged to the most beautiful woman in the world.

But fortunately, there is only one human head left in this thing. As a necromancer, Gu Xi has a wide range of hobbies, but he doesn’t have any other thoughts about human heads.

He immediately got rid of the charm brought by the head. At the same time, he also believed that the jade head in front of him was really a sealed part.

Gu Xi quickly asked the undead to send the head back to Aridovi City.

 This thing is a disaster if you carry it with you.

 In the current situation, it definitely cannot be kept by your side.

After making such a discovery, Gu Xi became more interested in the garbage. He rummaged around a little more and found a few decent items.

[Portable magma pool (green): A special product from Hanye City. A magma pool with a diameter of 30 meters can be placed at a designated location. The temperature of the magma in the pool is below 1000 degrees. It is most suitable for demons or other people who are interested in flames. required biological use. 】

This thing made Gu Xi's eyes light up. It has a diameter of thirty meters, which is not too small. If this magma pool can be kept there forever, then Gu Xi can put this magma pool in Aridovita and let the red dragon There is usually a place to replenish firepower.

[Slave Column (Green): A special product from Hanye City. It can be placed on the battlefield during combat. After being placed, little demons of about level 3 can be spawned at a rate of 30 per hour. These little demons will take the initiative. Join the battle, which lasts three hours. 】

This is used to replenish troops on the battlefield. It seems that Hanye City has embarked on a different battle route.

It's just that this thing is useless at first glance. Replenishing soldiers on the battlefield is not like this. Replenishing 90 soldiers in three hours are all level 3 little devils. This data looks good, but in fact it is just a joke.

By the time all these troops are drawn out, the battle will have been over for hundreds of years.

 No wonder the demon warlock holding this item didn’t use it himself. He probably knew that this thing was quite unreliable.

Flame Trails (White): Decorations used to add a gorgeous effect to the mount. They can be placed on the mount at will. After placement, traces of flames will appear on the road where the mount moves. ]     "Is there such a thing?"

 Gu Xi looked at the [flame footprint] in front of him and then placed it on the evil coffin.

The next moment, the evil coffin was wrapped in flames on the spot. Looking from a distance, it was obvious that it felt like it was too big to handle the rice dumplings and had to burn the coffin together.

Looking at this situation, Gu Xi was quite speechless, but when he got closer, he realized that the flame actually had no temperature at all.

He reached out and touched the flame, and Gu Xi turned over on the evil coffin. At this time, the flames on the evil coffin followed the position where Gu Xi sat on it and led to Gu Xi's body.

 Wrapped in the flames, Gu Xi found that the flesh and blood on his body had disappeared, and now he was just a skeleton burning with flames.

Such a situation left Gu Xi quite speechless. Although he was a necromancer, he didn't want to directly turn into a skeleton.

As soon as Gu Xi's thoughts arose, the flames on his body quickly disappeared, and then the flames on the evil coffin also disappeared, leaving only scorch marks on the ground.

Seeing that this thing can still have such an effect, Gu Xi felt relieved.

He drove the evil coffin around in a circle and found that wherever the evil coffin ran, it would leave a trail of flames for about ten seconds, and after that, there would be scorch marks on the ground.

 If nothing else is considered, this is a rather impressive performance.

  Next, Gu Xi rummaged through the garbage and found a few pieces of equipment that were reasonably good, but the effects were not as good as the previous ones. It seemed that the demon warlock players were not experts.

 The real master should be the eldest sister riding the cloud whale.

It's just a pity that the eldest sister's head was sprayed by thirty red dragons, and everything on her body was burned away, leaving nothing behind. Otherwise, Gu Xi would have touched the corpse. See if there's anything good to mix it up with.

After making sure that there were no other objects at the scene, Gu Xi got on the evil coffin again, pointed in a direction and set off with the undead troops that had just been summoned.

 After the battle just now, plus the undead souls summoned before, Gu Xi now has more than 600 undead souls under his command. Most of them are level 2, and a few have reached level 3.

There are several undead leaders among these undead, but because the undead under Gu Xi are too mixed, they have not yet obtained the corresponding undead soldiers, let alone formed a new combat team.

However, they all knew that they were nothing to Gu Xi now, so they did not cause trouble, but worked hard to help Gu Xi control the undead team.

 Let this chaotic and swollen team go smoothly in the direction designated by Gu Xi and not deviate due to various reasons.

As for the thirty red dragons, Gu Xi did not let them go back, nor did he let them out.

These thirty red dragons are the guarantee of Gu Xi’s current safety.

When they were hovering over Gu Xi, Gu Xi was the most handsome boy on this street.

 (End of this chapter)

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