Breath of the Dead

Chapter 298: The strange player who attacks in secret (please subscribe)

Chapter 298 The strange player who sneaks up on you (please subscribe)

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 Thirty red dragons were hovering in the sky, immediately attracting the attention of some people nearby.

 They raised their heads and glanced at these red dragons. Those who thought they had no strength all shrank back and had no intention of confronting Gu Xi.

However, some people have taken up the idea of ​​these red dragons.

That is a player from Autumn Wind City.

  Different from other Autumn Wind City players who hide as soon as it gets dark.

This player is also quite courageous. He has two natal weirdnesses, one of which allows him to hide among everyone without being discovered. This is his earliest natal weirdness.

Relying on this weirdness, this player can enter and exit places with a lot of people coming and going.

The more people there are, the safer it is for him.

Another natal weirdo can allow him to take on someone else's identity for a period of time, but this requires him to come into contact with that person, and that person is not weird.

 This is actually very good. He has used this method before and got a lot of benefits from some classmates.

At the same time, it is precisely for this reason that he is favored by people in Qiufeng City and considers him to be one of the five most promising newcomers in Qiufeng City.

 He even earned the title of the Man with a Thousand Faces.

This time when he saw the thirty red dragons placed by Gu Xi's hand, his eyes immediately went straight.

These are thirty red dragons. Even the most **** red dragon is still a dragon.

If he can sneak into Gu Xi's side, he can secretly borrow Gu Xi's identity as long as he comes into contact with Gu Xi, and then he can control these red dragons to leave.

With these thirty red dragons, he couldn't do anything he wanted to do.

Even if he goes out at night to sweep across the entire land, killing the weird things he sees during the day, and looking for ways to crack and control these weird things.

He believes that as long as he is given two nights, he can capture at least fifteen level 5 and above weirdos. By then, his ranking will be in the top ten. After he goes out, he can even impact the world of Qiufeng City. The first position.

Thinking of the guy who had mastered three weird destinies, the player chuckled.

“Bitter Bear, you didn’t expect that I won first in this round.”

 After finishing speaking, the player pulled up his clothes, and a windy cloak appeared behind him.

 But as soon as he put the cloak on him, he became very ordinary.

 When I look at him, I always feel quite natural.

  Although the way he is wearing a cloak is incompatible with the street in front of him, when you look at him, you always feel that he should be here.

This feeling is like going to the men's room and seeing an aunt. This is very unreasonable, right? But she is wearing cleaning clothes and cleaning there. You will immediately feel that her existence is very reasonable, and even Thinking that you are ruining other people's work by running in.

 This is this player’s first weird power.

However, there is always a price to pay for using weird power, even if your own destiny is weird.

 After using this cloak, his body will instinctively activate some special stimulation to prove to the outside world that he is not an ordinary person.

 For example, while walking, he will suddenly do a handstand on the ground.

 For another example, when he opens the door, he will walk in backwards with his back to the door.

 If he cannot control everything in time, he will change from the inconspicuous one to the most inconspicuous one.

 So usually he would not put on this cloak when he was not in any situation. As for another item with a strange nature, it is the upper glove on his left hand. This glove is pure black. When you look closely, you will find that there are some purple threads swimming out of the inside of the glove from time to time.

However, he quickly slapped them back.

This is his second natal weirdness, but this natal weirdness is of a higher level and has many rules. After using it, you must pay attention to the situation inside the weird gloves at all times.

 If the silk thread inside turns red, you need to put flesh and blood into it. If the silk thread turns black, you need to take off the gloves immediately.

 The thread is now purple and in a ready-to-use condition.

This player also has the confidence to challenge Gu Xi.

So he quickly came to the direction of Gu Xi's team and waited there for the arrival of Gu Xi's team.

 Looking at the red dragon getting closer and closer, this player's eyes lit up.

The red dragon is coming soon, and now is a good time to go out. As long as he blends into the necromancer's team, he can get close to the necromancer.

As for the necromancer, can he tell who is in his team?

What a joke. Pointing at a bunch of skulls, can you identify who these skulls are?

At that time, as long as he gets close to Gu Xi, he can use his strange handle to temporarily replace Gu Xi's position.

 At the end, the red dragon flying in the sky and the undead troops on the ground belong to him.

 Even if it only takes two or three days, it is enough.

So the player waited there. After seeing a team appear in front, he observed it first.

  Then the player couldn't help but complain.

“It’s really… really amazing that a necromancer can play so well.”

It turns out that what this player saw was a wedding team at night. The faces of the people inside were painted white and their lips were black, making them look like ghosts.

This team is not too long, but there are also a lot of people. Put together, there are always about 60 people.

Among their team, there were also people carrying a unique Japanese sedan, but this kind of sedan looked quite uncomfortable. Some people would find it too small to be a coffin.

 As the team turned out from a nearby street corner, the player sneaked in secretly.

His strange ability is activated, and under the influence of the cloak, even if his appearance and clothing are completely different from these people, no one thinks that he should not appear here.

Then the player slowed down and quickly approached the sedan in the middle of the team, preparing to take down the people in the sedan in one fell swoop.

 But at this moment, he suddenly heard a woman's voice coming from the sedan.

“Mei Zi, look at how I dress. Can I attract that person’s attention?”

 Hearing this, the player was shocked.

 No, we went to the wrong team. This is not the team of the necromancer, but the team that delivers sacrifices to the necromancer.

The player was about to leave immediately, but at this moment, thirty red dragons fell from the sky, and there was a burst of dragon breath towards the ground.

 After that, a large number of undead came out, slashing at the enemies who had been attacked by the dragon's breath.

When Gu Xi came over, he happened to hear a voice.

  【The Thousand-Faced Man of Autumn Wind City (Wu Tianyou) died in battle! 】

 (End of this chapter)

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