Breath of the Dead

Chapter 299: Special undead summoned from the soul (105162)

Chapter 299 The special undead summoned from the soul (105162)

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 “How could a titled player get mixed up in a weird team?”

Gu Xi, who was at the back of the team, heard the voice and couldn't help but be confused.

 What is this situation?

Is it possible that the players in Autumn Wind City have gotten mixed up with the local weirdos?

Thinking of this, Gu Xi also raised his eyebrows. It seemed that the local demons and weirdos could not be given any chance to stand up.

 The blow against them will continue to be intensified.

 Gu Xi looked at the direction in which the team appeared and made a decision in his mind.

“Clean the battlefield and pick out the players’ corpses to see if they have any important things. Throw the other corpses aside to prepare for soul summoning. The red dragon flies in the direction where they appeared to check if there are any enemy strongholds nearby.”

 Under Gu Xi’s order, the undead who had just completed the last hit quickly moved into action.

 They quickly dragged the body aside. While dragging the body, they had already rummaged through all the useful things that could be found on the body.

 This is an instinctive behavior they developed under Gu Xi.

 At the beginning, Gu Xi summoned the soul directly during the battle.

 But afterward, Gu Xi found that summoning spirits in this way was simple, but wasteful.

 Those who can appear on the streets at night have some strange aura about them.

Whether it’s a way to deal with weird things during the day, or a treasure during the day, you need to find this information.

 At the beginning, Gu Xi directly turned the corpse into an undead. Although the speed was fast enough, a lot of information was lost.

 It’s different now.

Now Gu Xi can clean the battlefield first, collect everything he needs, and then call the souls.

 In this way, you will not miss any information. On the other hand, after processing the corpse, the effect of summoning the soul will be better.

 After listening to Gu Xi’s order, the undead quickly dealt with it.

 They quickly sorted all the corpses here and put them away.

 The player named Wu Tianyou died when the strange power was activated, so even if he died, he was not discovered by the undead and was just put aside as an ordinary corpse.

 It was the offering that was in the sedan chair that was dragged out alone.

 Speaking of which, this offering was also a weird one, but her strength was a bit weak and she was unlucky. She did not get to the white-clothed Guanyin statue of Heavenly Dao before dark.

 So he was caught by the demon in the night.

It turns out that this weirdo still has some weird abilities, which coincides with a nearby demon army. After a period of time, she became the core figure of this demon army.

 This time she just attacked as usual.

By the way, this weird one is called Blood Oiran.

  It is a kind of weirdness that regards oneself as an offering.

 No matter who accepts the offering, he or she must fulfill the wish made when the offering was made, and when leaving, part of the recipient's power or military strength will also be taken away.

It can be said that accepting this kind of offering is tantamount to becoming the victim of the Blood Oiran. Not only will he have to pay for what he earns, but he will also pay for himself.

So the team of demons controlling the Blood Oiran have expanded greatly recently, and have even occupied a territory, ready to take root and become a vassal.

Gu Xi didn't know this. The undead men under him glanced at the Blood Oiran, then dragged the body aside and put it alone. After the undead were dealt with, Gu Xi glanced at the rows of corpses on the ground.

 He nodded with satisfaction, and then pointed at all the corpses.


 Under the effect of spiritualism, countless white light spots flew out of Gu Xi's hands and fell into the corpse.

At the same time, the news of the success of spiritualism also reached Gu Xi’s ears.

  【You used spiritualism successfully, you summoned a zombie (level 2), spiritualism experience +1. 】


 Looking at the message that popped up, Gu Xi's eyes were quite happy. For a necromancer, there is no better news than the increase in the number of undead under his command.

At this moment, a different message suddenly popped up in front of Gu Xi.

  【You used spiritualism successfully. You summoned a special undead (level 2), and your spiritualism experience +3. 】

 Special undead, spiritualism experience directly +3? What is this situation?

 A trace of confusion flashed through Gu Xi's mind.

 He looked in the direction where the message just popped up.

 Before he saw the special undead, another similar message popped up.

  【You use spiritualism successfully, you get a special undead (blood oiran, level 2), spiritualism experience +1. 】

This piece of information left Gu Xi speechless.

This time it is a special undead, but this time the information about the undead is given.

Looking at the female zombie who was dressed in white and had a white face, Gu Xi knew that this was the special undead blood courtesan.

  【Special Undead: Blood Oiran (Level 2)

 Buildings that can be garrisoned: Brothel, Flower House, Tavern

 Characteristic impact:

Blood supply: As the top card of a brothel or a flower house, the blood courtesan will always be snatched away by others, but the person who snatches her away will always encounter misfortune of one kind or another, and in the end the price of life will be paid for everything.

 Spy: As the top boss of a brothel or a flower house, the Blood Courtesan can get a lot of information. You can get one piece of information from her every day, but she cannot be assigned to get information about a certain person or a certain force.

 Assassin: As the leader of a brothel or flower house, the Blood Courtesan can kill some important figures silently, but after she takes action, she will be hunted down, so please protect her. 】

  【Explanation: This is the undead transformed by Weird. Please note that you only killed this Weird at night. 】

Looking at this message, Gu Xi was speechless. Doesn't a strange killing at night count as a killing?

Could it be possible that they were killed at night and killed again during the day?

Actually, Gu Xi really overthinks it. There is no reason in this world to kill once at night and again during the day.

It's just that if you kill the weird ones at night, their weird power will not stay, but will automatically be transferred to the same kind.

 If the same kind of people are almost dead, they will be transferred to the weird ones of the same series.

 This explanation means nothing more than this.

Gu Xi didn't know this, so he muttered after looking at this explanation.

Then the blood courtesan was sent to the drunkard. Couldn't he be stationed in a brothel, a flower house or a tavern? Then let the drunkard deal with this one.

At the same time, Gu Xi's eyes turned to the other undead. He wanted to know where the other special undead was. Why did all the undead look the same?

 (End of this chapter)

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