Breath of the Dead

Chapter 300: Attack the Demon Fortress (106162)

Chapter 300: Attacking the Demon Fortress (106162)

Looking at the situation in front of him, Gu Xi couldn't help finding that special undead soul, and felt a little unwilling to do so.

 So he thought for a while, and finally called all the undead souls that had just been summoned in front of him, and checked the attributes of these undead souls one by one.

 Soon, Gu Xi found the information he wanted on an ordinary-looking zombie.

 【Special Undead: Thousand Faces (Level 2)

 Buildings that can be garrisoned: squares, streets, sewers

 Characteristic impact:

Ignore: Qianmian has the ability to blend into the environment. If he doesn't stand up on his own, most people will not find that there is a Qianmian next to them.

 Change: Qianmen can change himself into the appearance of other people, but he can only change his appearance, and should not be able to change in other directions.

Assimilation: If Qianmen keeps changing into a certain person or a certain thing, then after a long time, he will also become this thing and slowly lose the ability that Qianmen should have. 】

   【Explanation: This is an undead transformed by the player, but before his death, he had two different strange items on his body, and at the same time, he activated these two strange abilities after his death. 】

 After finding the target, Gu Xi finally breathed a sigh of relief.

 Gu Xi didn't care about Qianmian's situation, nor how he appeared. He was just worried that some weird things would mix into his team.

Now that this special kind of undead has been found, Gu Xi no longer has to worry about it.

 His target turned to some of the items delivered.

 Gu Xi first took a look at the bones or stones that recorded various strange information. After just one glance at this information, Gu Xi planned to take it to the wine girl to help sort it out.

 As to how much of this is true and how much is false, it is up to the wine lady to judge.

 What was delivered after that were some items or equipment.

 Ever since Gu Xi asked his men to clean the battlefield first, the number of these things has obviously increased.

However, Gu Xi's attention was quickly attracted by two damaged items.

   【Damaged cloak (gray): A broken cloak. No one knows what the cloak looked like before, but the strange aura left on it will attract some people's attention. 】

【Destroyed Gloves (grey): A completely destroyed glove. When you hold this glove in your hand, you will find that it was originally a very powerful trick. 】

 For these two things, Gu Xi suddenly had an idea in his mind.

 Perhaps he can use these things to lure out some players from Autumn Wind City.

 Of course this is all a thought for the future.

 After completing the summoning, Gu Xi's gaze had already partially moved to the direction where the Blood Oiran first appeared.

Gu Xi no longer plans to only fight the enemies wandering around the streets. Gu Xi also plans to deal with the enemies who have already established their bases.

 The appearance of the Blood Oiran just now gave Gu Xi an excuse.

 Now he is looking for the location of the enemy monster.

Soon Gu Xi saw an abandoned castle tower. The reason why he noticed it at first sight was entirely because of the pink clouds hanging over the castle tower in front of him.

 Gu Xi understood the other party's situation at a glance, and he couldn't help but shake his head.

 No wonder these demons can suppress the Blood Oiran. It seems that they are the kind of existence that suppresses the Blood Oiran.

But these guys are not so lucky when they meet Gu Xi.

Gu Xi raised his hand, and thirty red dragons stopped in the air. At the same time, Gu Xi's undead troops began to move towards the castle tower in front of them.

Behind Gu Xi, a city gate appeared.    This is Gu Xi's first siege battle since entering this game.

At this time, Gu Xi was not sure what kind of situation the enemy would be in, and he didn't know whether the opponent would have any other blessings when defending, so no matter what, being cautious would not be a problem for Gu Xi. Incorrect.

Under Gu Xi’s order, the newly summoned undead troops swarmed towards the castle tower like a swarm of ants.

They had just rushed a certain distance when a group of monsters appeared in the direction of the castle tower. These monsters were wearing JK, one-step skirts, nurse uniforms, etc., but their bodies were distorted.

 Some heads are larger than their bodies, some have many unnecessary organs growing on their bodies, and some limbs have turned into completely different weapons.

Even Gu Xi couldn't stand the sight of these existences in front of him.

Even the undead that he has seen that failed to study are better looking than these guys.

 When these demons rushed out, they also showed their great fighting power.

These demons, like the undead, do not care about their own casualties. They only care about whether they can kill the enemies in front of them.

 So their attack method is to rush directly in front of the enemy and kill them with their hands.

 In any case, either you will die, or your enemy will die, or if you are lucky, you can take away one more enemy.

 This fighting method killed more than half of Gu Xi's undead troops in just one encounter.

However, Gu Xi did not send out the main force from the rear.

He kept waving the cold wind staff in his hand, and every time he waved it, an undead could stand up again.

 That’s right, Gu Xi understood at this moment that the enemy wanted to force out his main force.

But Gu Xi did not intend to follow the enemy's ideas. Gu Xi was directly summoning souls on the battlefield. He did not want any information or equipment. He directly used the soul summoning skills to fight back and maintain the cannon fodder undead troops first.

 Every time a cannon fodder undead is killed in battle, two new cannon fodder undead will immediately stand up.

 Gu Xi didn't believe it. The commander here would be like himself, with countless cannon fodder to use.

Sure enough, after about ten minutes of fighting here, the number of twisted girls rushing out of the castle tower began to decrease.

 Some powerful units finally appeared at this time.

This time the demons that rushed out of the castle tower were a group of women with colorful hair. They were different from the twisted girls who appeared before. Their faces and bodies were at least normal.

 In their hands, they also held some things like scepters and makeup boxes.

 Every prop is pink and looks quite cute.

After they appeared, they first took a look at the scene, and then actually raised the props in their hands, as if they were about to transform.

 When they appeared, Gu Xi had already asked the red dragon to wait in the sky.

Seeing this abnormal situation, Gu Xi immediately waved his hand heavily.

The red dragon rushed down and faced these women with colorful hair with a burst of dragon breath.

The dragon's breath was sprayed out unexpectedly. The props in the hands of these women actually glowed pink, and the dragon's breath disappeared.

 (End of this chapter)

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