Breath of the Dead

Chapter 301: Destroy the city and get the land deed (please subscribe)

Chapter 301 Destroy the city and obtain the land deed (please subscribe)


 It is an ability such as mind control.

 Gu Xi immediately saw the tricks of these women.

 At the same time, I also understand that my choice is wrong.

 With so many troops under his command, he should not send the red dragon to attack.

 Even though other undead are not as powerful as the red dragon, they will not be mind controlled.

 Fortunately, Gu Xi is not the kind of necromancer who only knows spiritualism.

Although the thirty red dragons are controlled, he still has stronger tricks.

Just as Gu Xi was preparing to release the incarnation of death, another change occurred on the battlefield.

The red dragons who stopped breathing did not look back at the resting team, but pounced on the women with colorful hair.

Looking at the appearance of the red dragons, Gu Xi always had the feeling that these guys were not under control, they seemed to be in heat.

Looking at this situation, Gu Xina was speechless.

 He thought about various possibilities, but never thought of this situation.

 At the same time, Gu Xi noticed that as the red dragon pounced, the color of their scales seemed to be changing slightly.

If this goes on for a long time, I am afraid that the red dragon will become the slave of these girls.

At this time, Gu Xi no longer waited any longer and pointed his hand in the direction of the red dragon.

 “Skeleton Priest!”

 A skeleton priest appeared near the red dragon, and he blessed the red dragon with various effects on the spot.

The red dragons' eyes lit up immediately, and their attack speed was significantly increased.

 At this time, with the red dragon as the center, a new city gate appeared.

 Robi and Arroyo rushed out of the city gate with the Bone-cutting Battalion and the Black Spear Battalion.

When they rushed out, they had already received Gu Xi's order. The enemy this time was very special. Don't say anything to them, just go on the battlefield and kill them.

Because Gu Xi’s words were particularly serious, when Robby and Arroyo rushed out, they both obeyed Gu Xi’s orders decisively and took action with all their strength immediately.

Those girls with colorful hair did not expect that someone would suddenly kill them at this time.

They were still seducing the red dragon and had no time to look back and deal with the situation behind them.

The undead from the Bone-cutting Camp immediately rushed in front of these girls and killed them all before the girls could emit that weird pink light wave.

 As all the girls were hacked to death, the red dragon seemed to react and flew into the air again.

They circled in the sky, and finally, feeling a little embarrassed, they all fell behind Gu Xi, unwilling to move any more.

 Gu Xi glanced at them and found that they had no intention of betraying him, but that their morale had improved a lot, so he let them fall.

At the same time, with the participation of Robbie and Arroyo, the battle ahead has become much simpler.

Robbie and Arroyo have two different fighting styles, but they can cooperate and help each other. In just a blink of an eye, they entered the already exhausted castle tower and killed all the enemies inside.

As the last enemy was killed, a voice suddenly came to Gu Xi's ears.

[You take down a house occupied by demons and get the title deed to the house. You can live in this house during the day and lead your troops to rest in this house at night to supplement the consumption of troops. If you choose to demolish the house, you will get 3 to 10 A copy of the random architectural design drawings and a copy of the land deed. 】

"Is this still possible?" Gu Xi's eyes lit up when he saw the pop-up message in front of him.

As a lord, what he lacks most now is free land and architectural plans.

 At the moment this is clearly a benefit to oneself.

 Gu Xi glanced at the time, then at the dilapidated castle tower, and decisively ordered: "Demolish the house."

Under Gu Xi's order, without waiting for the undead to take action, the castle tower in front of him fell heavily. In the fallen castle tower, Gu Xi found a large number of stones, wood and some strange items.

 The thing that most attracted Gu Xi’s attention was a CD.

Gu Xi personally stepped forward to pick it up, and a reminder sounded in his ears.

  【You get the title deed of an abandoned old house, covering an area of ​​7651 square meters, with 2 medium-sized plots and 4 small-sized plots. 】

 “What a bad luck.”

 Gu Xi couldn't help but say something when he looked at the land deed situation in front of him.

This time it really didn’t get off to a good start. The newly obtained land title did not even open a large plot. It seems that this time the luck is not good.

However, judging from the land area, it is actually pretty good. There are some medium-sized plots and small plots, which can be used to make up for Gu Xi’s current lack of small and medium-sized plots.

 Putting away the CD-ROM land deed, Gu Xi looked in another direction.

 Before demolishing the house, I said that I could get three to ten architectural design drawings. I don’t know what my luck will be this time and whether I can get some good things.

 At this time, the undead who were cleaning the battlefield suddenly discovered something.

The undead who were transporting stones and wood suddenly stopped what they were doing and looked at one place, where there was a statue of a girl with green twin tails.

 Gu Xi understood that this should be an architectural design drawing.

Although he has received many architectural design drawings, this is the first time Gu Xi has seen such a large architectural design drawing.

At this time, Gu Xi stepped forward and touched the architectural design drawing.

Gu Xi was also curious about the grade of the architectural design in front of him. Gu Xi thought that the architectural design was large, but when he thought that there was no large plot of land in this house, Gu Xi gave up hope in this situation. .

 But when Gu Xi's hand touched the architectural design, Gu Xi's eyes still lit up.

  【You have obtained the architectural design drawings of Green Forest (large). 】

 【Green Forest (Large): Use 1500 resources and 20 units of wood to build a Green Forest (large building) in the city.

 After completion, 50 onion farmers can be trained every week.

 After completion, it can produce 150 units of green onions per week.

 After completion, the morale of all soldiers in the city will be +1. 】

[Onion farmer (level 1): experience (0/75), attack 1, defense 1, life 5, skills: pay taxes, grow onions (can improve the morale of nearby soldiers during combat), after level 3, can be upgraded to use sword militia). 】

 Are you a farmer again?

 And it’s also a farmer that can be used to boost morale?

Gu Xi initially refused such a large-scale architectural design, but he immediately thought that there could be cities with other attributes near his Alidovita Tower that had not yet become dead.

If this green forest is built there, maybe something different can be added to Gu Xi's territory.

 “Take it and send it back first.”

 (End of this chapter)

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