Breath of the Dead

Chapter 302: Special architectural design drawings (300

Chapter 302 Special architectural design drawings (Chapter 300, please subscribe)

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After getting the first architectural design drawing, Gu Xi finally breathed a sigh of relief. Then Gu Xi's undead men found several different architectural design drawings.

This time Gu Xi’s luck was pretty good, not so bad that he only produced three designs, but not so good that he produced ten designs.

 Including the green forest before, Gu Xi got a total of six architectural design drawings.

In addition to the lush green forest, Gu Xi also received a large-scale architectural design.

It looked like a piece of tile, and it was obviously removed from the top of the previous castle tower. At that time, Gu Xi thought he had come across a rare residential building design.

 But he never expected that this was actually an architectural design drawing for a training camp.

  【You have obtained the architectural design drawings of the pitched roof (large). 】

  【Sloped Roof (Large): Use 1500 resources and 20 units of wood to build a sloping roof (large building) in the city.

 After completion, 45 Crow Lancers can be trained every week. 】

  【Crow Lancer (level 0): experience (0/50), attack 2, defense 2, life 4, skills: flying troops, scavenging (can be mixed with undead troops without reducing morale). 】

This unit is a good supplement for Gu Xi. Gu Xi’s previous flying units happened to be missing due to the war. Now is a good time to replenish the flying units. It can be said that this [Sloped Roof] came at the right time. .

 These two large-scale architectural design drawings are a supplement to Gu Xi, so among the remaining four small and medium-sized architectural design drawings, there is a good thing that Gu Xi himself could not have imagined.

 It is something that looks like a blue orb.

As soon as he got the architectural design drawing, Gu Xi’s first thought was to send this thing to Luna and ask her to jump in the queue and build it first.

[Energy Orb (medium size): Use 500 resources, 10 units of stone, 10 units of wood, and 1 unit of gems to build an energy orb foundation in the city. The user can take an energy orb from the foundation and place it in the wild After being placed at a designated location, the energy orb will have its own energy operation effect, which is equivalent to a tent (meeting hall) in the wild and can provide corresponding energy for the temporary camp (upgradeable, with a maximum level of 5)]

 Gu Xi could tell at a glance that this thing was used to open bases.

According to the above description, this thing is to build a foundation in the city, and then take out the energy orbs on the foundation and place it in the wild to form a temporary camp. Although the level of this camp can only be upgraded to level 5, For Gu Xi, this was actually pretty good.

 You must know that Aridovi, who is Gu Xi, has just passed level 4.

Level 5 is such a long way for him.

 And think about the speed of city upgrading, no matter how small a city is at level 5, it will cover a relatively large area.

 At this time, Gu Xi slowly began to have some non-undead architectural design drawings in his hands.

 Previously, Gu Xi only placed those buildings in the Aridovita Tower.

  After all, Alidove Tower has more of a strange attribute, rather than a death attribute like the Alidove City captured by Gu Xi.

 But there is not much open space available at Aridovita, and if this continues, many of the architectural plans he has obtained will be of no use.

 But this time, just now, Gu Xi saw a lot of hope.

 All the castle towers in front of me at night are like treasures one after another.

 After demolishing the house, there will be architectural design drawings and land deeds, which Gu Xi could not imagine before. If he hadn't had other goals, Gu Xi would have wanted to keep demolishing the house until dawn.

 But even so, such a good thing still moved Gu Xi's heart. He quickly sent the [Energy Orb] back to Alidovi City and asked Luna to arrange it first.

 Let’s not talk about anything else, let’s build this building first.

 With such a good thing, the remaining design drawings are not so attractive to Gu Xi.

 He just took a look at the condition of these things and put them aside.

 Of the remaining three design drawings, two are medium-sized design drawings and one is small-sized design drawing.

The attributes are actually pretty good. If it were normal, Gu Xi would definitely accept it happily, but this time it was different. Gu Xi really had no time to care about it.

[Design of the Goddess Maiden Square (medium size): Use 500 resources, 10 units of stone, and 10 units of wood to build a Goddess Maiden Square (medium-sized building) in the city. All male soldiers who pass through this place every day will have +1 morale and luck. (upgradeable)]

[Twisted Digital Street Design (medium-sized): Use 500 resources, 10 units of stone, and 10 units of metal to build a twisted digital street (medium-sized building) in the city. All shops and buildings built near this street will have their material production increased by 10%. (upgradeable)]

 【Speed ​​traffic light design (medium size): Use 250 resources, 5 units of stone, and 5 units of metal to build a rush traffic light (medium-sized building) in the city. The movement speed of all soldiers in the city will be increased by 10% (can be upgraded)】

Gu Xi directly packaged these architectural design drawings and sent them away together.

 After taking down the architectural design drawings, Gu Xi started to deal with other things.

 Because something went wrong in the battle, Gu Xi did not wait until the battlefield was cleared before using spiritualism this time.

There were not many bodies left at the scene, and not much could be found.

 Most of them are weapons used by those weird people before.

 And most of them are gray.

However, Gu Xi noticed that the weapons here are mainly divided into two types, one is the twisting weapon, which should be used by the previous cannon fodder, and the other is called the ambiguous weapon, which has the effect of attracting men.

  It seems to be used by women with hair of various colors.

These weapons are already gray and cannot be used anymore, but Gu Xi still collected them all. After Gu Xi has a blacksmith shop, he can remelt them and create new weapons.

 As for the weird information and treasure information, a lot of new content was found. Gu Xi flipped through it roughly and found that there were at least forty pieces of information found this time.

Most of them were things that Gu Xi had not found before, so Gu Xi packed them up and sent them back to Alidovi City.

 This thing needs to be left to the wine girl to deal with.

 Gu Xi himself does not have the means to piece together relatively complete intelligence from this information.

After taking care of everything here, Gu Xi took another look at his troops, and then raised the Cold Wind Staff.

"Set off!"

 (End of this chapter)

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