Breath of the Dead

Chapter 30: Activate building and city patrols (please read)

Chapter 30: Activating buildings and urban patrols (seeking for follow-up reading)

“The number of contracted undead finally increased by one.”

Seeing the situation in front of him, Gu Xi's mind suddenly started to move.

 Luna's existence brought him an Aridovi city, but Luna's lack of combat power was also obvious.

How about taking this opportunity to visit the cemetery in Victoria City to see if there is a suitable undead person that you can contract with.

While Gu Xi was thinking about this, the battle at the end of the sewer ended.

 Similar to the situation there before, when the last mouse was killed, the black fog at the end of the sewer turned into a white and transparent light curtain.

When both ends of the sewer were opened, Gu Xi suddenly noticed that the water pipes on both sides of the sewer began to fill the sewer with water. It seemed that the activation task on the well side had been completed.

 Gu Xi has no idea of ​​continuing the fight for the time being.

 He said hello to Luna.

“Luna, let’s go and activate the candle factory.”

Luna quickly came to Gu Xi's side, and then the skeleton fighting team followed.

  When Gu Xi and the others climbed up from the well, they could see that the sewer below was already knee-deep in water.

 After coming out of the well, Gu Xi brought the linen bag to Luna.

 “Luna, look at this.”

Luna took a look at the contents of the linen bag, and her eyes lit up. She immediately picked up the hearthstone. This thing was most familiar to Luna, who was originally an elf.

“Sir, this is a good thing, aren’t we planning to build an anchor in Victoria City?

This is a good opportunity. If we can have a residential building in Victoria City, I can use this hearthstone to decorate a fireplace. Then we can go back and forth from the meeting hall to the residential building through the fireplace. "

"Okay, let's move quickly. I'll activate the candle factory first. You go build the city gate first. We'll split up and move faster."

Luna didn’t have any objections. After receiving Gu Xi’s order, she quickly flew towards the council hall.

 Gu Xi led the skeleton soldiers towards the candle factory.

At this time, the candle factory was still the same as before, without any changes. After Gu Xi arrived here, he decisively poured out the strange rat meat and threw it all into the pot where the food was being cooked.

 As the strange rat meat was thrown in, Gu Xi noticed that the candle factory in front of him began to undergo some changes.

The color of the candle factory turned white, the animal skins hanging in front of the door turned into rat skin, and the things boiling in the cauldron also turned white.

Most importantly, Gu Xi noticed that there was an extra wooden box in the corner of the candle factory.

 Gu Xi stepped forward and opened the wooden box and saw that there were 30 white candles as thick as his fingers inside.

  【White candle (white): a special item for the undead, which can generate a certain amount of negative energy and replenish the vitality of the undead (it has a very strong effect on ghosts and ghosts)】

As a necromancer, Gu Xi felt that the white candle contained strong negative energy as soon as he got hold of it.

As long as the candle is lit, a negative energy field will soon be formed, and all the undead illuminated by the candle will be supported by negative energy.

In the eyes of the undead, this thing is equivalent to serious food, used to replenish physical strength and vitality.

It seems that there is no random choice of buildings in a city.

At this moment, a tingling sound came from Gu Xi's ear.

【The construction of the city gate began, with a total investment of 300 negative energy points, 3 units of wood, and 3 units of stone. It was completed in 4 hours. 】

Hearing this voice, Gu Xi felt relieved. Now that the three buildings had been activated and the city gate was under construction, Gu Xi was half relieved. There is still some time left, so Gu Xi thought he might as well take his men around the city to see what was in these rooms.

After all, you don’t open a box when you enter a room, which is really a pity for the player’s identity.

So Gu Xi immediately led the skeleton soldiers to search from nearby rooms.

Gu Xi discovered that James I was really rich back then.

 In order to deceive people, I did my best in everything.

 Everything in the room is also handled according to the original layout of the room.

 Except for the absence of people and corpses, he had arranged everything else.

It seems that every building in the Guxi area has all kinds of furniture.

In the houses relatively close to the street, all the furniture and other items were dragged out by Gu Xi's combat team and used as roadblocks.

 But things that could not act as roadblocks remained in the houses.

 Gu Xi saw many ancient-style clothes here, as well as wooden horses made for little dolls.

There were even more items in the houses on the side away from the street. Gu Xi even saw weapons such as bows and arrows, swords and spears. There were also things like chicken coops and doghouses outside the houses.

After walking around for a few times with his men, Gu Xi did not transport all these things out. He just took stock of the existing houses.

 At this point, we will not consider the issue of large, medium and small buildings. There are a total of 362 buildings used as background panels.

 More than half of them are two-story buildings, and there are also 32 three-story buildings and three four-story apartment buildings.

 In addition to these more than 300 buildings, there are actually some houses that have collapsed due to the passage of time. Those are the open spaces used to build other buildings.

 In more than 300 buildings, the one-story buildings are all built near water wells.

From the layout of the house, Gu Xi can also tell that the area he occupies belongs to the edge area of ​​Aridovi.

 So his city has five external passages, three of which lead to different cities in Aridovi.

These three passages all have corresponding levels.

 Gu Xi led the skeleton soldiers to patrol one by one.

 One of the passages is through a bridge over the river. After crossing the river, you can enter the upper city of Aridovi.

The other passage is blocked by a city gate in the middle.

 Having not knocked down the bridge and city gate, Gu Xi had no intention of attacking these two areas.

The only easier level is the passage in the southwest corner of the city.

This passage leads to a neighborhood that also belongs to the lower city. At the same time, this neighborhood also has a river terminal and a freight plank road, and it belongs to the industrial area of ​​Alidovi City.

The only checkpoint on this road is a six-story tower. It occupies a small area and looks like a barracks from a distance. It shouldn't be too difficult to take it down.

Gu Xi planned to capture this area first when he had enough troops, and then expand his territory.

 (End of this chapter)

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