Breath of the Dead

Chapter 31: Going out of town (seeking for further reading)

Chapter 31 Leaving the City (please follow up)

While Gu Xi was patrolling the territory with his men, Luna had also completed the construction arrangements for the city gate.

Luna arranged the city gate close to the well. The door of the city gate did not directly connect to the street, but to a pile of collapsed huts.

With the construction of the city gate, the ruins of collapsed houses here are also being cleared. It can be seen that Luna intends to clean up the ruins here and turn it into a square for garrisoning troops.

At the same time, the materials in the ruins can be stored first, waiting to be used to build city walls or other buildings.

When Gu Xi came to the city gate, it was only half-built. When he came here, Gu Xi noticed that no one seemed to be working on the city gate in front of him, just pieces of wood and bricks. Just stack it up.

  I don’t know what the situation is.

 Gu Xi stood in front of the city gate and looked at it for a moment, and he knew that four hours would be the time. This was the estimate given by the system. The time was definitely just right, neither too early nor too late.

At the same time, Gu Xi has already seen that the city gate in front of him will be ten meters wide. Judging from the layout of the city gate, when it is completely built, it will be nearly fifteen meters high, which can be regarded as a large city. Door.

There will also be a walkway for people to walk on the city gate, and gates, iron gates, etc. can be installed later.

The next city wall will also take this side as the starting point and begin to be built outward. It can be said that the height and thickness of the city wall that Gu Xi can build in the future are all related to the city gate in front of him.

This is quite important to Gu Xi, so Gu Xi took a few more glances here.

 At this time, Luna also floated out of the meeting hall.

“Luna, how big do you think the city over there was?”

 Gu Xi pointed at the area that was also called Xiacheng District.

“It’s small over there, only about 0.4 square kilometers.”

 Luna understood Gu Xi’s thoughts immediately, and she also believed that the dock area in front of her was the best place to take action.

However, Gu Xi's troops are obviously insufficient at the moment. If we attack now, we may not know what we will encounter.

“Sir, we don’t have enough troops now.”

"I know. After the city gate is built, you will send me to Victoria City. I will go there to see if there are suitable bones to transport back.

 Add some troops and negative energy, as for these troops. "

At this point, Gu Xi glanced at the combat team beside him, hesitated for a moment, and finally said: "I will leave all these troops for you. If there is an invasion by foreign enemies while I am away, you will handle it."

This is also the first time for Gu Xi to come into contact with the skill of Death City, and it is still a territory that is being contested. He has no way to judge now whether other areas will target him.

 So he hesitated for a moment and decided to put all his troops in the city of Alidovi.

Luna also knows how important Aridovi City is to Gu Xi.

After hearing what Gu Xi said, Luna agreed.

Gu Xi took Luna around the city again.

After this round, Gu Xi discovered a very serious problem.

 There is no food for him to eat in the city of Aridovi.

 Gu Xi was already extremely hungry when he was locked up in prison, and now he is almost too hungry to respond.

“Sir, would you like me to arrange some manpower to search for you in other cities?”

Watching Gu Xi keep pouring water into his mouth, trying to trick his stomach, Luna was also a little worried about Gu Xi.

 Ever since she signed the contract with Gu Xi, she has never seen Gu Xi eating anything.

 Not only did he not eat, but he also fought all the way, which consumed a lot of energy.

 Even if the upgrade replenishes Gu Xi's life and mana, hunger cannot be eliminated by upgrading.

 Luna was somewhat worried about Gu Xi's situation. But Gu Xi didn't care about this. He took a wooden cup, took a sip of the warm water in it, and said with a smile: "It's okay, I will leave directly after the city gate is built in a few hours.

 Having money in hand, there is always something to eat in Victoria City.

 Besides, I am very hungry now. The big fish and meat at this time are not good for my health. Drink more water and deceive my stomach. Let’s talk about it after we go out. "

Hearing what Gu Xi said, Luna didn't do anything to persuade her, she just floated beside Gu Xi.

 After Gu Xi drank a few sips of warm water, he found a place to sit down and closed his eyes.

 “I’ll take a rest first, wake me up when the time comes.”

When speaking, Gu Xi's expression was natural and no one could tell that Gu Xi was already very hungry.

He just wants to fall asleep quickly. Only when he falls asleep can he forget the empty feeling in his stomach.

 Four hours passed by in a flash.

When the time came, there was no need for Luna to call. Gu Xi was woken up by a tinkling in his ear.

【Ding! The construction of the small building gate is completed, the city experience +1, and the city level is upgraded to level 2. 】

  【City name: Aridovi

 City Direction: City of Death

City characteristics: Territory in contention (more than half of the city is uncontrolled area, and the city will be attacked by enemies in the uncontrolled area at any time. If the city is captured, the city territory will be automatically expanded)

 City level: Level 2 (0/50)

 Core building (1/2): Assembly Hall (gives 500 negative energy points every day)

 Large building (1/2): Cult church (can train 20+10 skeleton soldiers per week)

 Medium-sized building (1/3): White Candle Factory (can provide 300 negative energy points per day and 30 units of white candles per week.)

 Small buildings (2/8): wells (the number of soldiers that can be trained per week is increased by 50%), city gates

  Auxiliary buildings (0/20): None

Garrison Heroes: None

 Garrison troops: None]

After taking a look at the message that popped up in front of him, Gu Xi quickly stood up and said hello to Luna.

“I’ll leave first. When the resources are sufficient, you can build a warehouse first. The treasure box in front of the door can’t store too many things. I don’t need you to worry about me in Victoria. You can just manage Alidovi City well.

 As for the skeleton soldiers, you just need to arrange them to patrol, and just maintain a combat team in front of the city gate at a time. "

 After explaining everything, Gu Xi put away the bone-crushing stick and the strange head, and was ready to leave.

 “I’ll see you off, sir!”

Luna didn’t say anything more and spoke to Gu Xi honestly.

 Gu Xi nodded and said nothing, just took a step forward, and then he felt a spin, as if he was thrown off a roller coaster.

 This is actually the biggest function of Death City.

A necromancer who has mastered the skill of Death City can freely enter and leave the city if he is alone.

The entrance and exit points are fixed. In the City of Death, the entrance and exit point of the Gu Xihui is in front of the council hall.

 In the real world, wherever the mind comes in, it will go out.

It’s just that this time Gu Xi entered the world from Victoria Tower.

 The way to enter was different, so when he went out, Gu Xi was randomly thrown out.

Spinning half a circle in the sky, Gu Xi only felt his eyes light up. Then he heard a pop, and a stream of smelly sewage was poured into his mouth. He was thrown into the Isis River that passed through Victoria City. .

 (End of this chapter)

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