Breath of the Dead

Chapter 305: Players gather (please subscribe)

Chapter 305 Players gather (please subscribe)

 After Gu Xi used spiritualism three times in a row, he suddenly found that his mana had dropped to a low point.

 In the end, he had to temporarily change his spell and released his biggest trump card, the incarnation of death, in the middle of the battlefield.

 At this time, the incarnation of death rushed out of the black mist. This time, the incarnation of death was loaded with sparks of evil shadow and melting light. It was not the fastest moving speed, but it was the most powerful one.

As soon as the incarnation of death flew out, all the red dragons quickly flew in front of the incarnation of death.

They opened the way with flames in front, and the death incarnation carried the evil shadow of stars behind to crush.

 In just a moment, the flames pushed out the way and were already in front of the necromancers.

 Looking at the situation in front of them, all these necromancers were stunned.

The leader pulled his friend and said, "Liu Er, hit me to see if I'm dreaming. Isn't this the incarnation of death among the three divine skills?"

“Brother, stop it, this is the incarnation of death!” Another necromancer couldn’t help but said, “Oh my God, the people from Chaoyang Guild have used double magic skills this time.

Two of the three divine skills, such a necromancer can definitely become the God of Death as long as he does not die. "

"That will happen in the future. We should take care of ourselves now. The Breath of the Dead is sending us an invitation."

The necromancer headed by him saw Gu Xi's thoughts at a glance.

"He is using his magical skills to prove to us that he has the ability to protect us. Now he is asking us if we want to fight back."

 “No, boss, where did you see so many subtexts?”

 “Just guessing.”

The necromancer shrugged, "But who makes my skills better? Soul Mentor, I can know many things through face-to-face communication with souls, so trust me.

 When we get there, we can form a counterattack.

More than 8,000 enemies are nothing, this time we are going to be developed. "

“Boss, look over there, the Breath of the Dead has sent out all the troops, and he actually has so many ghost troops under his command.”

Looking in the direction of his companion's finger, he found that a large number of ghosts appeared in the sky above where Gu Xi was now.

The number of those ghosts has exceeded a thousand, and the number is even increasing.

“This is not his main force. Those ghosts have just been summoned. But he can increase the number of ghosts so quickly. In addition to the three divine skills, he also has other abilities.

What will it be? Soul hunter? "The leader of the necromancer guessed.

“Boss, don’t guess, we just go over and ask.”

 Seeing that their leader's old habits had returned, the other necromancers also quickly began to persuade him.

Only then did the leader of the necromancer react, "Oh, okay, let's go there now."

 After saying that, they quickly commanded their troops and headed towards Gu Xi's steel city gate.

 That's what the Necromancers are good at. They dare to abandon some of their troops.

The same thing happened this time. In order to break out of the encirclement, they simply left behind an undead army of around level 4.

The remaining undead all protected a few necromancer players and killed them.

As soon as these necromancers moved, all the demon players discovered them.

 In fact, when Gu Xi appeared, they were hesitant whether to continue fighting.

Although they didn't know what the city gate Gu Xi released was, it was obviously not an easy skill to deal with.

 Now that so many red dragons and a super powerful bone dragon have been released, they don't know whether to continue the fight.

It is good to fight, but you may not win. But without a fight, the long time they spent preparing would have been wasted.

While the demon players were hesitating, the necromancers had already rushed in front of Gu Xi.

As soon as they rushed past the Iron City Gate, the nine necromancers said three different words.

“Hello, I am the left tooth of the Corpse Ichthyosaurus, a level 4 necromancer, soul mentor route, and the leader of this team.”

 “Can you let me do the summoning later?”

“Brother, are you sure about so many enemies? If you are sure, I will put you in shackles.”

  ? ? ?

Looking at the three people talking at the same time, Gu Xi didn't know who to respond to first.

Fortunately, Zuo Ya stood up at this time and said, "You don't need to pay attention to them. I am the leader of this team. Nice to meet you."

“Nice to meet you, Breath of the Dead, Master of the City of Death and the Incarnation of Death.

 What are you going to do next? "

Gu Xi shook hands with Zuo Ya, and then raised his eyebrows, because they rushed between Gu Xi's three city gates, and now the enemy was hesitating.

"Are you sure we can fight? Our current total strength is four to five thousand, which is not much different from the enemy. If we fight, we still have a chance to win."

Zuo Ya took a look at his surroundings.

"Then fight. If you don't fight, where will the corpses come from? If there are no corpses, where will the new undead come from?"

“I’m here to summon the souls!” At this time, a necromancer stood up and said: “My soul summoning skills are level 7, undead control is level 5, and undead enhancement is level 4. The mutation rate of new undead after summoning souls is 25%, and the level is level 4.

  is the best choice. If you give me the opportunity to summon souls, I will share half of your undead after the war. "

"There are more than eight thousand enemies here. Including those who died in the battle, I want three thousand undead. In addition, if my red dragon dies in battle, it is not allowed to summon its souls."

 Gu Xi put forward his own conditions.

“Okay.” The necromancer who jumped out just now responded decisively.

At this time, another necromancer said: "My level of spiritualism is relatively low, but my level of undead research is already level 5. Can you give me a dragon corpse..."

The necromancer was interrupted by Gu Xi before he finished speaking. "no."

 Gu Xi himself wants dragon corpses to study various undead dragons, so how can he distribute these dragon corpses.

After Gu Xi made sure everything was done, Zuo Ya turned to one of his companions and said, "Remove the war shackles and don't let anyone go."

Hearing this, Gu Xi couldn't help but turn to the player.

 “You have war shackles?”

These war shackles are a treasure. As long as they are used, both parties present must fight to the death. There is no choice of surrender or escape.

Everyone knows that this kind of thing is quite deadly, and few people will directly carry war shackles with them, because they don't know if they can escape if they encounter such a situation.

 But the player raised his head, took out a black iron chain and waved it in his hand.

With his sharp eyes, Gu Xi saw the properties of war shackles at a glance.

  【War Shackles (Green Treasure): The battlefield is locked, and all players participating in the war cannot surrender, retreat, escape, or exit the game. The restriction will not end until all players on one side are killed. (Can be used three times)]

“Yes, none of these demonic players can escape.”

 (End of this chapter)

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