Breath of the Dead

Chapter 306: The shackles of war are launched (please subscribe)

Chapter 306 The shackles of war are launched (please subscribe)

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As the war shackles were thrown into the air, Gu Xi saw a flash of silver light, and a silver shackle appeared on his wrist.

 At the same time, all Necromancer players have the same situation on their hands.

"Okay, I've set everything up. Except for a few of us, everyone else will be killed."

At this time, Gu Xi's eyes turned to the direction of the battlefield. Because of the war shackles, Gu Xi could clearly see the location of the enemy player.

But Gu Xi never expected that in addition to the nearly twenty demon players, there were also seven or eight strange players hidden at the scene.

 It seems that the people from Qiufeng City and Hanye City have chosen to join forces to deal with Bai Liancheng.

 Gu Xi could see this situation, and Zuo Ya and the others could also naturally see it. Zuo Ya couldn't help but smile bitterly.

 “We seem to be a little too ostentatious.”

"There is nothing to show off. This is a good thing. There are about twenty people here. Normally it would take us a long time to find them. Now we just need to kill them all."

The soul-calling guy over there, please leave some of the undead summoned by the corpses of these players for me later. "

The necromancer responsible for summoning souls raised his head and said, "I have a name. My name is Gao Tao."

 “Okay, good name.”

 Gu Xi responded, raised his hand, and began to mobilize the troops.

Now all the Necromancer players are concentrated on the open space just cleared by Gu Xi. Coupled with the effect of war shackles, the situation is now under Gu Xi's control.

The Incarnation of Death flew back quickly, moving back and forth between the three city gates. The red dragon followed behind the Incarnation of Death, and there was a possibility of taking action at any time.

The necromancers looked at each other. There was only one question in their minds, how to cooperate?

In the end, Gu Xi and Zuo Ya looked at each other, and Gu Xi said decisively: "Draw the enemy over to fight, our strength will only increase, so luring the enemy over to fight is the easiest option for us. ”

As soon as Zuo Ya heard this, he nodded affirmatively.

 So several players quickly assigned themselves.

 The two players responsible for summoning souls were protected inside. Gu Xi led his troops and came to the Iron City Gate alone.

This is the location of the deepest battlefield and the place with the greatest pressure. Gu Xi’s death incarnation and the red dragon are the best artifacts to relieve pressure.

The remaining seven players were divided into two groups, going to the main city gate of Gu Xi and the garrison city gate respectively to attract the enemy's attention there.

 At the beginning, only the demons and monster troops from Gu Xi's side came to attack. The other demon players and weird players were thinking about how to retreat.

But they soon found themselves locked in the shackles of war.

Under such circumstances, the players who originally wanted to retreat rushed here reluctantly, but the battlefield has shifted and the current battle rhythm is no longer under their control.

 When facing the largest number of enemies head-on, Gu Xi was not afraid at all, but instead felt excited.

Gu Xi, who had just replenished his mana, finally no longer had to calculate his mana to summon spirits.

 Now he can fight normally.

 “Storm of Bones!”

Following Gu Xi's order, the Bone Storm, which had been strengthened many times, was thrown towards the location where the enemy crowd was the largest.

Under Gu Xi's attack, all the skeleton shooters and skeleton mages behind him took action at the same time, attacking the location with the most enemies.

 The demon troops that came over immediately launched a counterattack. One of the demon players seemed to have thought of something, and threw a [portable magma pool] at Gu Xi's steel city gate. The magma instantly baked the steel city gate into a blazing red color.

 Fortunately, the incarnation of death flew down at this time.

 Just **** it into the magma pool, and the effect of Spark Shadow is quite powerful. The heat of the magma is sucked away on the spot, and then the incarnation of death pounces on the enemy not far away.

 Among these enemies, there are demon troops and demon troops.

 In the demon army, not all soldiers can withstand the heat and flames. In the flames of the incarnation of death, the demons were more or less injured.

 And those demons are even more like this.

Most of these demons have no ability to resist flames. They will be ignited immediately in the flames.

The flames that were originally thrown to deal with Gu Xi have now turned into flames to deal with them, which makes the demon players quite uncomfortable.

At this time, a demon player stood up and said, "I can add fire resistance to all soldiers, but after adding it, my mana will be almost the same. You will fight in the next battle."

"Okay, I'll increase the combat effectiveness of all the soldiers. As long as we fight in, we still have a chance."

 Several demon players looked at each other and quickly made a decision.

 Then a demon player raised the skeleton staff in his hand and shot a red light into the air.

 Subsequently, at least two thousand demons and monsters around him were all covered in blood-red shields.

This effect, this scene, is much stronger than the Guxi Skeleton Shield.

At this time, Gu Xi was also a little jealous.

 He really wanted his bone shield to have such an effect.

But the current Gu Xi level is not yet at this level.

 After that, Gu Xi pointed the cold wind staff downward.

“It’s fireproof, right? Then I’ll freeze you to death.”

 The Bone Storm was released again.

 This time the Bone Storm is still the same as before, with a chilling effect.

However, because the opponent has been blessed with spells such as fire control magic, the fire resistance has been improved, but the cold resistance has dropped a lot.

 Now the cold effect contained in the Bone Storm is no longer a +3 effect for them, but at least a +6 effect.

Sure enough, as soon as the Bone Storm was released, the demonic troops that could have resisted were immediately knocked away.

 A large number of demons were turned into ice sculptures by the Bone Storm.

Then Death Incarnate rushed down. He did not use Death Dragon Breath, but really widened his eyes. The melting light fell on the demon player who was still blessing all the troops with fire-bending magic.

As soon as other nearby demon players discovered this situation, they rushed forward to prevent the attack of the incarnation of death.

But the level of the incarnation of death is level 12. In this world, if there is no Heavenly Dao Guanyin in white, he is almost a ceiling-level existence.

 The minions brought by demon players are at most around level 7.

When they rushed up, their men naturally followed. Without anyone to direct them, these demons were in chaos.

 Seeing the demons huddled together, Gu Xi habitually added three Bone Storms to the location where the demons were concentrated!

 (End of this chapter)

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