Breath of the Dead

Chapter 309: Grab treasures on the battlefield (please subscribe)

Chapter 309: Grabbing treasures on the battlefield (please subscribe)

Gao Tao and Liu Fei looked at each other and nodded at the same time.

 They all know the name of the Death City, but they have never entered the Death City to take a look.

  Not to mention enjoying the conveniences of a dead city.

 Now that they have such an opportunity, they are naturally willing to give it a try.

However, Gao Tao still said: "Is it really okay for us to enter your city like this?"

“Don’t worry, if you can’t get in, close the door.”

Under Gu Xi’s order, the gate of the Iron City Gate was closed.

Then Gu Xicai said to Liu Fei: "I'm going to wrong you next. I'll wait here in front of the gate, and I'll do the delivery."

Gu Xi pointed at the closed door. Liu Fei nodded with a normal expression and stood at the city gate.

As Liu Fei stood in, Gu Xi secretly thought it was okay.

 The steel city gate can be equipped with a three-piece defense set, namely the inner gate, the urn city and the battlements. These are not buildings and do not require time, as long as there are enough materials.

That's why Gu Xi could close the city gate, otherwise his main city gate would not have a city gate yet, and where would the branch gates be available?

After closing the inner door, Gu Xi waved his hand, and the steel city gate disappeared.

At the same time, the incarnation of death also received Gu Xi's order, opened his mouth and let out a burst of death dragon breath at the three hellfires below.

 The level of the incarnation of death is much stronger than that of hellfire, and the power of the death dragon's breath is also significantly greater.

When the hellfire hit him head-on, the hellfire exploded on the spot and turned into burning green stones and fell to the ground.

The effect of the death dragon's breath is still there for a while. The incarnation of death did not stop and swept the first one, drawing the death dragon's breath to the hellfire of the other two.

At this time, Gu Xi also raised his hand, and the steel city gate appeared at the location where the first Hellfire died.

As soon as the steel city gate was lowered, Liu Fei rushed out from inside. He immediately rushed towards the hellfire that was blown to pieces.

I saw that his hands kept moving, and a large number of soul fragments were poured into the fragments of Hellfire.

 It only took less than thirty seconds for a green crystal to appear in Liu Fei's hand.

Liu Fei put away the crystal and quickly rushed in other directions.

There are still two corpses of Hellfire there that he needs to deal with.

There is not much time left for him now, not to mention that the position he is in is quite dangerous. Although Gu Xi's death incarnation is right in front of him, Liu Fei cannot guarantee whether Gu Xi will defend himself to the death.

 So Liu Fei could only rush to the second hellfire corpse in three steps and two steps at a time, and quickly operated.

 At this time, the incarnation of death was really going crazy. After the death dragon's breath was used up, the incarnation of death fell to the ground and fought with his own body.

The body of the incarnation of death is quite weird. When it hits others, it can be as hard as steel, but when others hit it, it can turn into nothingness like a ghost.

Such a weird body, coupled with the evil sparks on his body, killed a large number of enemies in the first place.

 But after the incarnation of death lands, he must face the enemy's attacks. Even if he can avoid more than half of the attacks, even if he can ignore most of the damage, the damage is still damage.

 The vitality of the Death Incarnation is constantly decreasing, and the evil star fire shadow around him is becoming more and more red.

 Even the black mist on his body was about to turn into red mist.

At this time, Liu Fei also finished processing the last Hellfire corpse, and he quickly ran towards Gu Xi's steel city gate. At this time, Gu Xi was not as relaxed as when he cooperated with Gao Dan before. Without the support of the city gate, the pressure on Gu Xi was a little greater. Even Amilka, who had already fought out, retreated. He came back and defended himself in front of Gu Xi.

On the other hand, Arroyo and Robbie, with Gu Xi's two troops, were still fighting among the demons and monsters, preparing enough corpses for Gao Tan's spiritualism.

“Okay, Liu Fei has taken care of it.”

Looking at the enemy troops that had already attacked, Gu Xi raised his eyes, reached out and pushed forward, and the steel city gate slammed heavily in front of the enemy's charging route.

As soon as the inner door opened, Liu Fei ran over holding three green crystals.

"How about it?"

 Gao Taan and Gu Xi quickly surrounded him.

 This is not the time to be polite, and naturally you want to get good things immediately.

 “It’s all successful, come here, this is yours, Gu Xi, this is yours.”

While Liu Fei was talking, a green crystal was thrust into Gu Xi's hand.

  【You get a piece of dead Hellfire Core (grey). 】

[Dead Hellfire Core (grey): The killed Hellfire Core has been processed by the Necromancer to suppress the special energy in the Hellfire Core, preventing it from summoning Hellfire again. It can be used to create high-energy The main material that consumes the undead. 】

 Looking at the properties of the Hellfire core, Gu Xi nodded with satisfaction.

Then Gu Xi immediately handed over the hellfire core to an undead and asked him to send him back to Alidovi City.

This kind of thing must not be held in hand, it must be taken to the warehouse and stored.

 Looking at such a convenient behavior, Gao Tao and Liu Fei were somewhat jealous.

Since they don’t have a city of their own, they can only put such valuable things in their backpacks, and they have to be cautious when doing things, for fear that the backpack will be stolen accidentally.

But Gu Xi has no time to think about this now.

 After getting what they want, they naturally have to focus on attacking the enemy.

 Otherwise they will waste the good opportunity in front of them.

 “Gao collapse, prepare to take action.”

Gu Xi quickly ran up to the gate tower of the Steel City Gate and began to use his spells on the battlefield in the distance again.

This time Gu Xi no longer used attack spells, because Gu Xi's troops were already fighting against the enemy.

 So Gu Xi immediately used the Skeleton Priest spell to strengthen the combat effectiveness of his undead troops and restore their vitality.

 At this time, letting the undead troops fight is what Gu Xi should do.

Faced with this method, the demon players on the opposite side are also preparing to use their best abilities to fight. After all, if they don't fight hard, they will die here.

But just as they were about to take out the things they had packed at the bottom of the box, a demon player accidentally raised his head.

 “Fuck, what is that.”

“What’s it called? Ever since thirty red dragons appeared in the sky, I won’t be scared by anything in the sky anymore. Damn it!”

 All the demon players were stimulated by the scene before them. Four to five thousand ghosts appeared in the sky, and the crowd was so dense that it scared everyone's courage.

 (End of this chapter)

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