Breath of the Dead

Chapter 310: The battle is over (please subscribe)

Chapter 310 The battle is over (please subscribe)

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“This is the main force, the main force of the necromancers, they were released at this time, they hid it really well!”

"Hell, ghosts are the hardest to fight. Prepare spells, no matter what type they are, as long as they are spells."

 “You idiot, when I get into close combat, you ask me to prepare a yarn spell!”

 Looking at the thousands of ghosts in the sky, the demon players were a little scared.

But they don’t know that there are actually no four or five thousand ghosts here. There are only a ghost team of less than a hundred. It’s just because they do more damage, so they look more scary.

 In fact, in comparison, Gu Xi could defeat them with just one of his troops.

 Gu Xi also knows the role of this kind of ghost team. The most suitable way to use them is to drag them out to do a last-ditch attack, and to scare the enemy.

 Gu Xi has already thought about it. When he gets back, he will ask where there are some angels or other skins that look like high-level soldiers, and put them on the ghost team first.

 It is also great to use it to pretend to be a high-level army and attract enemy targets.

This time all the ghost teams took off, it was an experiment conducted by Gu Xi. He made the ghost team fly forward slowly to attract the attention of the demon players.

At the same time, several of Gu Xi's heroes have also opened up the enemies in front of them and headed towards the location of the demon player.

This time the number of enemies in front of Gu Xi was almost the same as the number of troops under his command.

 Gu Xi doesn't have to worry so much now, he can now command the troops to fight out.

Since their attention was focused on the sky, the demon players did not notice that Gu Xi's troops were already very close to them.

By the time they reacted, Arroyo's black gun battalion had already rushed out of the black ashes. Their attacks were like waves, constantly hitting the demons and monster troops, and charging towards the demon players.

 The demon players realized that something was wrong, and they quickly turned around to deal with the Black Gun Battalion.

 But at this moment, the Black Gun Battalion suddenly turned left and made way.

The Bone-Zhanying Battalion, which had been hiding behind the Black Spear Battalion, jumped out at this time. The skeleton two-handed swordsmen of the Bone-Zhanying Battalion jumped directly in front of the demon players. The two-handed long swords in their hands started a wave of killings on the spot.

 The demon players immediately counterattacked, but half of their attention was still on the sky.

 After all, the pressure in the sky was too great for them.

 Even if they face danger, they instinctively look up to the sky.

 They can still be distracted at such a time, and Gu Xi has to admit that these players are big-hearted.

 Because of this, these players quickly died under the attacks of Arroyo and Robby.

 When a demon player dies in battle, Gao Tuan will always rush to the front immediately and drag the player's body back.

 Gu Xi was a little surprised by Gao Tan's behavior.

 “Why do you value the player’s corpse so much?”

“Rumors in the guild say that if the player’s corpse is processed quickly, the possibility of producing special undead is relatively high, and it has strong growth potential. It is the most suitable corpse to be used as contract undead.”

As soon as Gu Xi heard this, he thought of the two special undead he got last time, Thousand Faces and Blood Oiran.

Thousand Faces are the undead transformed from the player's corpse.

Gu Xi had learned about special undead things in college.

 It is an undead person who has his own location and can arrange various tasks. They have fighting ability, but their biggest role is to arrange things, such as taking care of shops and farmland.

Hearing what Gao Tao said, Gu Xi's eyes also lit up.

“What can these players do after they can summon souls? Are there any enchanters or blacksmiths?”

“You are thinking too much, which guild would release the logistics seeds to participate in such a war.”

Gao Tao rolled his eyes, what was he thinking.

If a new player recruited by a guild is found to be a logistics seed such as a blacksmith, they will be directly arranged to a special place for training. All the experience required for upgrading will be taken care of by other players in the guild.

 Sending them to a place like the Grand Festival to fight to the death, I’m afraid the guild’s top brass may have lost their minds.

Gao Tengtai didn't know that somewhere in the city, Song Sheng from the Steel Ghost Hands Guild led a pitiful dozen or so ordinary soldiers and a dozen ghosts to surround a player.

“Liu Yongqiang, this is the material you want. Tomorrow, I hope that at this time tomorrow, I can see the war equipment I want.”

"Okay, I promised the vice-president to help you three times. This is the first time, right?"

“Yes, as long as you prepare the war equipment, it will be done the first time.”

Song Sheng said with certainty.

“Okay, at this time tomorrow, you can come and get it, and also bring thirty units of spider poison. I don’t care where you got it from, thirty units can’t be less.”

Gu Xi will naturally not know about the matter between Song Sheng and Liu Yongqiang.

He is now cleaning up the last enemies. After the demon players were killed, their men dispersed, and Gu Xi's ghost team jumped down from the sky and began to clean the battlefield.

 When they were cleaning the battlefield, Gu Xi discovered that this ghost team had another use.

 When there are many of them, they are quite useful in cleaning up the battlefield.

Other undead are cleaning the battlefield from place to place, killing the enemies that are not dead, but the ghost team is sweeping forward one by one.

 After finding things, they don’t have to transport them back one by one. They often collect a batch of things and then send them back.

  It can be said that rather than deceiving the enemy, they are more suitable for cleaning the battlefield.

  After releasing the ghost team, Gao Tao also saw some clues.

He asked quite simply: "Gu Xi, you ghosts are very interesting."

"Where, I encountered a batch of human centipedes before. When the spiritualism is at level 7, one spiritualism can get more than ten zombies. After the spiritualism reaches level 8, you can get these."

 Because Gao Tao introduced a lot of internal information and knowledge of the Skeleton Ichthyosaur Guild before.

 Gu Xi also reciprocated the favor and told him how he obtained these ghost teams.

"Human Centipede, I understand. They are one person and a group of people. There is no way to distinguish them well. After killing, the soul will naturally change like this. You are so lucky."

“No matter where, it’s all luck. I happened to meet such an enemy. If they hadn’t jumped out on their own, I wouldn’t have known such a good thing would happen.”

 While Gu Xi and the others were joking, the final battle ended. As Gu Xi's last enemy was killed, the iron chain on Gu Xi's wrist disappeared instantly.

 The shackles of war are lifted!

 (End of this chapter)

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