Breath of the Dead

Chapter 312: Two new heroes (112164)

Chapter 312 Two new heroes (112164)

Hearing Gu Xi’s words, Zuo Ya and the others laughed.

They understand that this is what Gu Xi Qianrang said. How can any necromancer not want his undead to be more numerous and stronger?

After thanking Gu Xi, Zuo Ya asked Gao Tao to choose the undead according to Gu Xi's wishes.

But the undead hero, Zuo Ya, has no one to listen to.

“Brother Gu, if you are more humble, I will take away all three undead heroes.”

Looking at the serious look on Zuo Ya's face, Gu Xi could only say: "Okay, then I'm not welcome."

 The two undead heroes who were finally assigned to Gu Xi were of quite good quality.

One of the undead heroes is a ghost hero that Gu Xi does not have under his command.

This is a fresh product summoned by Gao Tao. If Gao Tao hadn't finally upgraded to level 8, there might not have been such a hero.

[Lewis (level 4, summoned object, undead hero): experience (0/8000), attack 1, defense 1, life 45, mana 10, talent: Ghost (after level 3, for every level up, the attack and defense of the ghost troops under his command + 1), skills: ghost body (can automatically restore life during combat), overcast clouds (can change the battlefield weather to cloudy), leader (can command 59 soldiers + 7 boss troops at the same time). 】

Looking at the hero attributes sent over, Gu Xi glanced at Gao Tao in surprise.

 “What’s wrong? Is there something wrong with this hero?”

“Undead can be strengthened. Can even heroes be strengthened?”

"That's so new. Just tell me whether he was summoned by me."

Well, Gu Xi didn't expect that spiritualism has such convenience.

If the undead enhancement is enhanced to level 20 in the future, will a powerful hero of level 20 be produced directly as soon as the soul is summoned?

 When I think about it, I think this is too cool.

However, Gu Xi immediately realized that the level of undead enhancement was not so easy to increase.

Not to mention other things, reading every day consumes a lot of time, and strengthening the undead cannot increase experience through constant use of skills like spiritualism. It can only be improved through reading.

 The time required to do this is not a small amount of time.

 So Gu Xi could only think about it, and could not directly enhance the undead to level 20.

With the ghost hero in hand, Gu Xi immediately assigned the ghost team to Lewis, along with the remaining ghosts in Gu Xi's team.

 Speaking of it, among Gu Xi's team, the loss of ghosts was the greatest. The ghosts that disappeared from the guild were now not even left, and they all died in the battle at an unknown time.

 Now the ghosts under Gu Xi are the 100 ghosts that were exchanged from the guild. They have also lost a lot, and now there are less than 60 ghosts left.

However, Gu Xi is not worried about this matter at all. He has a complete set of ghost architectural design drawings in his hand. After returning home, he will find time to build all these buildings, no matter what kind of ghost he wants.

 Lewis will definitely go crazy with joy by then.

Compared with Lewis, the other hero is a little more ordinary. He looks like a very depressed zombie with a torn suit, his head lowered, wearing glasses, and not much hair on his head. A newspaper.

 But his attributes are not weak, and he is actually a good legal hero.

[Fighting (Level 4, Summon, Undead Hero): Experience (0/8000), Attack 0, Defense 1, Life 30, Mana 50, Talent: Eagle Eye (There is a certain chance of learning the skills and magic of the enemy hero) ), skills: secret book (can record various magics and use them in battle), ritual magic (can command mage troops and use super powerful spells together), leader (can command 66 soldiers + 7 heads at the same time) target troops). ]    Although I don’t know why this hero is called Yongdou, his talent is really good, and his ability to learn spells secretly is top-notch.

 Gu Xi thought about it for a moment, and then brought the Skeleton Mage under his command, along with the leader of the Skeleton Mage who had been with Gu Xi for a long time.

After that, Gu Xi took another look at the undead bosses. Like the undead heroes, these new undead bosses and undead warriors were all level 4. In order to express his good intentions, Gao Da specially selected some good quality undead bosses and undead heroes. The brave man will rest.

Under Gao Tao's arrangement, the undead leader has automatically divided the three thousand undead troops.

Now he is standing in front of Gu Xi, waiting for Gu Xi's order.

Gu Xi glanced at them and then at his own troops.

 Gu Xi lost more than 800 undead troops in this battle, with the main losses coming from cannon fodder and Amilcar's team.

 The loss of cannon fodder is because they are weak and play one-for-one. Amilcar is because the position where he fought at the beginning is the core position of the devil.

Although he used his formation ability to make adjustments, Amilka was still a little behind in terms of military strength. Especially at the beginning, Gu Xi did not focus on this. At that time, he lost a lot. of manpower.

 On the other hand, the Black Spear Battalion and the Bone-cutting Battalion did not lose many men due to their fighting styles, and they have now recovered.

Looking at the situation in front of him, Gu Xi nodded with satisfaction.

This is the correct way to open the Necromancer.

After every battle, the losses were severe and the troops could not be replenished. How could they be called necromancers?

The Necromancer can only fight more and more, never less and less.

Today’s battle is really exciting.

 Commanding the undead who had just been recruited under him to join the team, Gu Xi did not forget to thank Gao Taan and Zuo Ya.

“Thank you, brothers, if it weren’t for you this time, I wouldn’t have gotten so many undead.”

"It's just good luck that you met such a large number of troops, and your level of spiritualism is not weak, but the level of undead enhancement is a little lower. If you are interested in this field, you'd better strengthen the undead enhancement. "

Gao Ta also said with a smile.

“Yes, there is, but it will definitely be slow to learn.”

 Gu Xi now has no time to brush up on reading. He can really improve some skills quickly by just relying on the little reading time he has every day.

“You can go to the guild’s library, where there will be experts to explain. If someone gives lectures, you will improve faster.”

Hearing what Gao Tao said, Gu Xi's eyes also lit up.

There is also this kind of operation. It seems that there is such an operation among the rewards of this Bailian Festival. If it doesn't work, go back and try it?

While Gu Xi was chatting with them, one of Zuo Ya's men came over.

“Boss, the battlefield has been cleaned and everything has been inventoried, we...”

Zuo Ya pointed at Gu Xi and said, "Tell Brother Gu."

“This time, a purple piece of equipment and a blue quality treasure were released.”

 (End of this chapter)

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