Breath of the Dead

Chapter 313: Purple outfit belongs to (please subscribe)

Chapter 313 The ownership of the purple outfit (please subscribe)

 Hearing this, everyone’s eyes focused on the player.

 Blue treasures are okay, but they are rare, not non-existent. Purple equipment is different.

 Even in some big families, purple clothes are heirlooms.

For this reason, Zuo Ya also looked at Gu Xi with some embarrassment: "Brother Gu, I'm sorry, if it's something else, I'll just give it in, but for purple equipment, I have to compete for it."

“It’s okay, everyone competes fairly, the winner gets the equipment, and the loser gets the money. This is very reasonable.”

 “Okay then, take it out and let’s see what it is.”

Zuo Ya also laughed when he heard this. He was just worried that Gu Xi wanted purple equipment. In that case, let alone his reluctance to part with it, even his brothers would not be able to explain it to him.

 If he doesn't give it, a conflict will break out between him and Gu Xi soon. Even if they suppress it temporarily, they will no longer be friends in the future.

 Now that Gu Xi can have such a reaction, it is a relatively good start.

As soon as Zuo Ya and the others said this, the player took out the purple equipment first.

There is no place for this thing, and other people are not in the mood to share other things.

Sure enough, when the item was taken out, everyone’s eyes were focused on it.

It was a belt made of stone, green flames and strips of cloth. It was just that the belt was a bit big, and it looked like it could wrap around the whole person.

  【Nasrezim Vampire (purple, belt, cloth armor)】

  【Defense: 6】

 【After equipped: Constitution +3】

 【Equipment requirements: Strength 9, Agility 5, Constitution 5】

  【Special 1: Vampiric Touch, you may gain demonic energy when hit. All melee attacks can drain health from the target. 】

  【Special Effect 1: After wearing the equipment and activating the blood-sucking touch effect once, the user will be affected. During combat, the user will be uncontrollable and want to rush forward for melee combat. 】

  【Special 2: The Giant Rock of Fire, automatically empowers fire-bending magic and earth-bending magic during combat, and automatically refreshes the user's defense every minute, keeping the defender's defense at +3 to +9. 】

  【Special Effect 2: After wearing the equipment and activating the Rock of Fire effect once, the user will be affected by the slowness spell or blindness effect every five minutes. 】

  【Special 3: Blood-clothed avatar, when encountering a fatal blow, the stone on the belt will self-explode to bear the blow on the user's behalf, allowing the user to exit the attack range about 300 meters away (can be used five times). 】

  【Special Effect 3: After wearing the equipment and activating the blood-clothed avatar once, part of the user's body will turn into stone. After five uses, the user's whole body will be petrified and cannot be recovered. 】

  【Explanation: This is a life-saving equipment, but it is also a deadly equipment. 】

 As the attributes of [Nasrezim Vampire] were revealed, everyone fell silent.

 They all understand that this piece of equipment can be used by the Necromancer, but it is not the best.

Gao Taan and others were about to stand up, but Gu Xi immediately took a step back.

 “I share the money.”

Zuo Ya looked at Gu Xi in confusion upon hearing this.

“Brother Gu, this is a good thing. Although its properties are a bit surprising, this is a purple outfit that can be passed down from generation to generation.”

"It's okay. I have sold two purple pieces of equipment, both of which are better than this one. Besides, I am here to participate in the White Training Festival, and I will be rewarded with a purple piece of equipment when I go back. It is more appropriate for me to split the money."

Hearing what Gu Xi said, Zuo Ya was stunned for a moment. He knew that Gu Xi must have something good, but he never expected that Gu Xi would be so awesome. He sold it as soon as Zizhuang said it was for sale. In fact, the reason why Gu Xi made such a choice was entirely because of the first special influence of [Nasrezim Vampire].

 Let a mage rush out to fight in close combat. Isn't this a joke?

From the moment Gu Xi knew that his direction was the necromancer, he knew that he must be commanding the troops from behind.

 With his melee strength, he would simply go forward and die.

If it weren't for this, Gu Xi might still be tempted to grab the purple outfit.

 Now, what's wrong with sharing money?

As long as the money can satisfy Gu Xi.

Gu Xi glanced at the pot of Ghost Yin Fruit Tree that was still at his feet. The Corpse Fish and Dragon Guild had good stuff.

At this moment, Zuo Ya had also finished discussing with his companions. He walked up to Gu Xi, looked at Gu Xi and said, "I have already discussed with them. When we go back, we will give them guild achievement points in exchange for this purple outfit." .

 The next thing is our business, what do you want, money? Resources or something else? "

Looking at the money he brought to his door, Gu Xi smiled happily.

“I have sold two pieces of purple equipment before, one for seventeen dragon blood crystals, and the other for a land deed with a vampire building.

 I won’t talk about the land deed. At that time, I encountered the best main tank, and the price was a bit high.

Let’s calculate it based on the price of seventeen dragon blood crystals. If the money is divided equally, there will be ten of us, and each of us will get one point and seven dragon blood crystals, or something of equivalent value. "

“Thank you for including me when you divided the money, but I don’t need it. Seventeen dragon blood crystals are really not a high price, so I’ll add a little more and settle the bill for you as two dragon blood crystals.

However, our Corpse Ichthyosaurus does not produce dragon blood crystals, but there are similar products. I wonder if you have heard of ichthyosaur bones. "

“Fish keel?” Gu Xi shook his head.

"The fish dragon bone is a specialty of the Corpse Bone Fish Dragon Guild. It is the bone left behind after the death of the fish dragon living in Bailian Lake. Because it has a trace of dragon nature, its status is similar to that of the dragon blood crystal. The only advantage is that the fish dragon bone It's produced in the real world.

 The output will also be greater. If you are willing, I will give you three copies of the copper bones in exchange. "

 “Bronze bones?”

Gu Xi felt a little speechless, it was another term he had never heard of.

"Oh, fish keel bones also have grades. With my current grade, I can only get bronze grade. I can't get a higher grade. How about four shares?"

 “Three servings.”

Looking at Zuo Ya's appearance, Gu Xi shook his head helplessly.

“By the way, can you give me a copy of the instruction manual? I at least need to know what these fish keels can be used for.”

 “Of course, just wait for me.”

As Zuo Ya spoke, he went back to communicate with his companions.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Gu Xi took a look at the blue treasures that could be compared with the purple equipment.

As soon as Gu Xi saw this treasure, his eyes lit up, and he also understood why this blue treasure was taken out separately.

 It was a gold medal the size of a pocket watch, with a dove of peace engraved on it.

 (End of this chapter)

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