Breath of the Dead

Chapter 319: Intelligence: Weird information (115166)

Chapter 319 Intelligence: Weird information (115166)

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 “Princess Anna!”

Looking at the female body on the ground, Gu Xi couldn't help but shout out.

He didn't expect that he just wanted those paladins to cause trouble for the great king in the mirror world, but they would actually carry back such a corpse.

Gu Xi stepped forward to check and found that the situation of Princess Anna was quite bad. She had been affected by the power of the undead at least three times after her death, including resurrection, undead transformation, and finally spiritualism.

 Just three resurrections brought about the death of Princess Anna three times.

His status among the undead has been declining again and again. If the body is not brought back by the paladin this time, what awaits Princess Anna next time may be a corpse explosion or other undead methods.

 At the same time, there are many traces of the influence of strange forces on Princess Anna.

 Gu Xi noticed that things like wood, armor fragments, feathers, and gold pages were incorporated into Princess Anna's body.

 It can be said that her body is a mess.

 Such a corpse, in the eyes of a necromancer, there is no need to deal with it at all.

The failure rate of spiritualism will be increased, and turning into a ghost is not feasible.

 Fortunately, Princess Anna's soul was protected by some kind of power, and a little soul breath was left in the end, which prevented the body from turning into a ball of rotten flesh.

Looking at the body of Princess Anna in front of him, Gu Xi thought about it seriously, turned to Luna and said: "Send a letter to Shaya, tell her what happened here, and let her find out what happened to Princess Anna." Something happened.

As for this body, let’s soak it in the evil wood lake first and deal with all the troubles on her body. "


Luna also knew the identity of Princess Anna. After hearing what Gu Xi said, she retreated to write a letter.

At this time, Gu Xi looked at Amilka again, "Have you seen that paladin just now? He should be more than one person who can carry this body here. If you encounter the body of the same paladin on the way, please Send it to Xiemu Lake."

Amilcar also liked this kind of heroic and loyal paladin. He nodded and said he would handle it.

After such an interruption, Gu Xi had no other thoughts. He jumped on the evil coffin and headed towards the tavern.

 Princess Anna's body had long been carried to Evil Wood Lake by several undead.

At this time, in the center of Xiemu Lake, there was a platform of tree branches that had been cut off for sacrifice, and dark green liquid was flowing there.

 Several undead placed Princess Anna's body in the dark green liquid. Before they could step off the branch platform, the dark green liquid wrapped Princess Anna's body into a giant dark green cocoon.

Gu Xi didn't see all this. With Xie Coffin's speed, when Princess Anna was sent to the platform, he had already arrived in front of the tavern.

As soon as Gu Xi appeared, the Boneless Wine Lady came out to greet him.

"Sir, what do you mean? Do you think I haven't worked hard enough? By sending such a thing, you are trying to steal my business."

Before Gu Xi understood what was going on, he saw the Blood Oiran leaning in front of the tavern door.

Her movements are similar to those of the Bone Wine Lady, but because the Wine Lady has no skin, her movements are not as charming as those of the Blood Oiran.

Now everything about the Bone Wine Lady has been suppressed by the Blood Oiran.

Looking at the look on the white-bone wine lady, Gu Xi knew that she was really angry.

Gu Xi shook his head, entered the tavern and found a place to sit down.

"Okay, you are the owner of the tavern. I am sending you a helper. I will ask you if she will be useful after she comes."

"But sir, there are some things that you can't talk about whether they are good or not. I want to talk about feelings." The white-bone wine lady leaned on Gu Xi's shoulder.

 “I have a relationship with a bone?”

 Gu Xi was even made fun of by the White Bone Wine Lady.

 The Bone Wine Lady has always said that she wants to paint a skin for herself, but she has never been able to succeed.

  Now she is still in a state of bones. I don’t know if she is lazy or if she really doesn’t care about this.

Seeing the Bone Wine Lady applying eye drops to her face, the Blood Oiran was also a little annoyed. She twisted her waist and wanted to come over to talk to Gu Xi, but before she could take two steps, she was stopped by the Corpse Succubus. .

 “Okay, let’s just play around, business is more important.”

 Gu Xi glanced at the Blood Oiran, then turned to the Bone Wine Lady, "How was the analysis of the information sent before?"

 When it comes to business, the White Bone Wine Lady becomes serious.

She doesn’t look down on the Blood Oiran’s strength, she just doesn’t like the Blood Oiran’s shamelessness, but she still approves of the Blood Oiran’s professional level.

 The addition of the Blood Oiran actually gave the White Bone Wine Lady a lot of help.

As soon as Gu Xi said this, she immediately put down her teasing of the Blood Oiran and took out the compiled intelligence materials and placed them in front of Gu Xi.

There are a total of more than ten books of information that have been sorted out. Because the information given before was mostly weird and weird, Baigu Liquor Lady took her men to analyze them one by one and finally copied them down.

 Looking at the information in this document, you can tell that Baigu Liquor Lady is very attentive to this.

 “Thanks, you did a great job.”

  Listening to Gu Xi’s compliment, the White Bone Wine Lady took a handkerchief and pressed it to her mouth.

“No way, I just do some small things randomly, it’s not as powerful as you said.”

At this moment, Gu Xi turned over his hand and took out the recording paper and the blank paper at the beginning.

 “Look, are these useful to you?”

The Bone Wine Lady took the recording paper, raised her head helplessly, and pretended to roll her eyes.

“Sir, this is a tavern, a place for drinking and eating.

 We do some information business, but we are only responsible for speaking, not copying.

How about your lord, if the **** courtesan is idle, how about you arrange for her to be sent to the library and ask her to transcribe for you? "

The Blood Oiran who was stopped by the Corpse Succubus was so angry that he screamed loudly.

But no one paid attention to him. Gu Xi kept flipping through the information in his hand.

At the same time, Gu Xi discovered that the information he had read was constantly appearing on the white paper he brought.

  【Eating Hair (Level 2): ​​A common weird thing. It will attach itself to a middle-aged man and eat the other person's hair, causing the other person to live in fear. If the hair grows faster than the eating speed, you can ignore the existence of the weird food. 】

【Killing method: 3 grams of wall ash, 10 grams of camellia oil, 200 grams of 65 degree hot water, pour it directly on the head, it can eliminate the strange food and hair. 】

 【Available after killing: Black gold silk (high-quality material, can be used for tailoring, making bow strings, etc.)】

【How to capture: Crush three snails and apply them on the hair to attract food snails and they will not leave within three hours. You can use a cat comb to capture them. 】

  【Explanation: Shifa is a servant of the big weird Nifa Jieluo. He can communicate with Nifa Jieluo through Shifa. 】

 (End of this chapter)

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