Breath of the Dead

Chapter 320: The situation of Princess Anna (116166)

Chapter 320 The situation of Princess Anna (116166)

[The Office Worker's Secret Treasure House (Treasure): A miserable office worker died suddenly at work. His soul turned into a strange creature that would automatically turn on the computer during the day. At the same time, he would collect some weird things and hide them in his treasure house. among.

 This is a map recording the location of the treasure house. 】

[Treasure location: No. 22-17 Nanliu Road Street, the toilet tank in the second stall of the bathroom at the end of the corridor on the 3rd floor. 】

 【Treasure contents: Weird treasure box (white)*1, book*19】


As the last piece of information was transcribed on the white paper, Gu Xi put the white paper away. The one holding the white paper found that there was only one piece of white paper, but as long as Gu Xi thought about it, he could record it by himself immediately. information.

 This situation is not bad.

As for the [recording paper] that Gu Xi got back, Gu Xi has not found any use for the time being.

I'm afraid it will have to be sent to the library for storage later.

While Gu Xi was thinking about this, Luna flew back with the owl.

 “Did Shaya get the news?”

“I have received preliminary information. Shaya said she will inquire about the detailed information.”

"tell me the story."

Gu Xi asked curiously.

"Shaya said, when we returned to Victoria City, it was already more than ten days after the incident in Westminster Abbey, and Westminster Abbey had been dragged into the mirror space.

Princess Anna died in the battle, but her body was never recovered.

By sending the body back, we just gave the British royal family a face, and the body we sent back was not affected in any way. Although they also understood that this was not the real body of Princess Anna.

But this was in the best interest of the royal family at that time, so they chose to accept the body of Princess Anna, resurrected Princess Anna, and became a necromancer, becoming the new guardian hero of the British royal family.

These things were not spread to the outside world. Shaya found some people to ask about this matter.

However, Shaya made special inquiries and found out that the British royal family did not blame us. Instead, they believed that we had done meritorious service by sending Princess Anna's body back. "

 After hearing the news, Gu Xi wanted to understand what was going on.

At the beginning of the Westminster Abbey event instance, Westminster Abbey in Victoria City had already come into contact with the monarch in the mirror world.

 So many days have passed, and Princess Anna has almost no chance of survival.

Princess Anna’s aunt, Svertana, the Flower of the North, is a level 20 legendary necromancer.

 She must have participated in this battle. After Princess Anna died in the battle, the resurrection and transformation of the undead were probably all done by this person.

It’s just that Princess Anna is the kind of person with a strong head.

 Faced with a powerful enemy, it was not enough for her to die once, she would just rush forward the second time.

Died many times, and finally made himself unable to summon spirits.

If Gu Xi hadn't accidentally sent out the paladins under Princess Anna, this body might have been hanging in Westminster Abbey as a decoration.

“In other words, Britain no longer recognizes that the body we just obtained belongs to Princess Anna, right?”

 After understanding the situation at hand, an idea suddenly flashed in his mind.

After hearing what Gu Xi said, Luna nodded: "That's what I mean." "Then let's find a way to save her."

 Gu Xi thought for a moment and finally said.

As for whether it can be saved, he is not sure yet. After all, the condition of Princess Anna's body is quite serious and requires a long period of adjustment and transformation.

“Over at Xiemu Lake, keep an eye on it. If there are any changes to Princess Anna’s body, come and notify me right away.”


 After the incident in the tavern, Gu Xi immediately rushed to the library.

The recording paper Gu Xi had no use for, so it was naturally kept in the library, and Gu Xi had to go to the library to get the three peas for this week.

As soon as he got the three peas, Gu Xi planned to go back to rest. He had been busy all night and it would be almost dawn if he didn't go back to rest.

Gu Xi's luck was pretty good this time. Although he didn't produce one blue-quality pea like last time, the attributes of the three peas were pretty good.

  【Princess Pea (Green): After being planted in the soil, a Princess Pea can grow. Although she is not big, she has all the props of a princess (no combat effectiveness, can survive for 30 minutes). 】

  【Ghost Pea (green): After taking it, the body can become virtual like a ghost for 30 minutes. During the process of becoming a ghost, the user will not be harmed by physical attacks and can freely walk through walls, etc. 】

【Taoist Pea (green): Throw the pea on the ground to recruit a Taoist. The Taoist is level 4. It has the ability to attract taunts and can quickly attract the attention of nearby enemies. 】

After putting away all three peas, Gu Xi glanced at the empty library, then turned and left.

 Outside the library door, the corpse succubus has been waiting outside.

Seeing Gu Xi come out, the corpse succubus quickly followed.

"It's useless for you to follow me. Why don't you go inside and read more. Although they are all fairy tales, the content is still very good. You should also study more from the books. I will have enough time later. , and I’ll arrange work for you.”

Gu Xi didn't want to have a succubus around him all the time, as that would make him seem like he wasn't such a gentleman.

 For a person like him, the one he should bring is a fairy or a princess.

 The corpse succubus did not speak. As an undead soldier, she would obey the orders of her superiors.

 She had been following Gu Xi without any request before, helping Gu Xi to block all the troubles.

Now that Gu Xi has an order, she will naturally complete the task.

 So under Gu Xi's watchful eyes, the corpse succubus entered the library and started reading.

At this time, Gu Xi realized that the Corpse Succubi were also magic troops. It seemed that after the skeleton mages had learned enough, some other legal troops could be arranged to learn skills in the magic tower.

  Skeleton Mage cannot be the only unit to learn spell skills. After all, Gu Xi's team is now slowly starting to have other magic units.

 They also need to learn some different techniques so that they can play a certain role on the battlefield.

 After writing down this matter, Gu Xi withdrew from Alidovi City.

As soon as he returned to the castle tower of the B&B, Gu Xi heard a chaotic sound of slashing and killing coming from outside.

A somewhat strange Gu Xi opened the door and walked out of the room.

I found that Goto Mino, who was wearing pajamas, was huddled at the corner of the stairs, carefully watching the battle outside.

 (End of this chapter)

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