Breath of the Dead

Chapter 323: Open the treasure chest (117167)

Chapter 323 Opening the Treasure Chest (117167)

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The shopkeeper who walked out of the store was an old man who couldn't tell how old he was. When he walked, his steps were already very slow, but when he walked to the automatic ramen vending machine, his hand movements were not slow at all. .

He just moved his fingers and pressed back the spring that popped out.

Then he looked around and couldn't find the green button that bounced off. He could only find a piece of wood and write the word "beef" on it and press it in hard.

After doing this, the old man looked at Gu Xi: "You want beef ramen, right? Come in."

 Gu Xi was a little confused. Isn't this an automatic ramen vending machine? Why should he go in?

When I entered the store to rest, I realized that I had really thought too much.

This so-called automatic ramen vending machine is basically a tin stand, with coins inserted outside or something like that. It just makes the bell inside the store ring. Everything after that still needs to be operated by the old man.

 The prepared food will be delivered to you from the food collection area below as soon as possible.

 So whether you use the automatic ramen vending machine outside or eat in a store, the situation is the same.

 Gu Xi found a seat and sat down, thinking in his heart that he hoped the amount of ramen this time would be larger, not as small as the bird feeding meal at Goto Mino's house.

 While the old man was preparing ramen, Gu Xi also took out the coins and green buttons and studied them carefully.

  【You open the strange treasure chest. 】

  【You got 229 gold coins. 】

  【䱱Received 260,000 yuan in cash from this world. 】

  【You got wood*10. 】

  【You got metal*9. 】

 【You get soldier recruitment coupon (level 3)*3】

 【You get building stone (level 1)*1】

  【You get the Bowl of Ichiraku (green)*1】

  【Cash: Cash that can only be used in this world. Because the denomination is relatively large, exchange is not provided. 】

 【bowl of one piece of music (green, helmet)】

  【Defense: 5】

 【After equipped: Constitution +2】

  【Equipment requirements: Strength 2】

 【Special 1: Food of Life, which can be actively activated during combat to instantly replenish all life, and can be used three times a day. 】

  【Explanation: Look, this bowl of ramen is wide and long. 】

 Looking at the helmet, which looked like a ramen bowl, Gu Xi felt like he was not feeling well.

Although the properties of this helmet are pretty good, he really doesn’t want to carry a bowl on the street, even during battle.

 This tarnishes his image as a necromancer.

  Secretly putting away the bowl of music, Gu Xi glanced at the old man who was making ramen, then lowered his head to study the special coins.

  【Special coin (blue): A coin used for divination. It can be used to divination something, or it can prevent others from divination you. If you master the divination skill, the effect will be better. 】

Looking at the ten-yuan coin with a hole in the middle in front of him, Gu Xi thought about it seriously, finally rummaged through his pocket, found a thin red string, threaded the coin through and hung it on his left wrist.

This kind of thing is quite useful for Gu Xi. After all, you don't have to believe in things like divination, but you have to be on guard against it.

While Gu Xi was packing his things, the old man just brought the ramen up.

 “Guest, your ramen.”

Looking at the large bowl of ramen in front of him and the thick beef on top, Gu Xi couldn't help but sigh, this is the amount of food a human being can eat.

 The food I fed the birds before was just a taste at most.

"Thank you very much!" Gu Xi picked up the chopsticks and started eating with big mouthfuls.

Seeing Gu Xi eating so happily, the old man's face was also full of smiles.

While eating noodles, Gu Xi felt a wave of heat rising from his abdomen and going straight to his forehead.

  After a night of sleepless nights, Gu Xi felt energetic all of a sudden, as if he had slept for three days and three nights.

This feeling made Gu Xi couldn't help but look up at the old man.

I found that the old man had already gone to do his own business without even raising his head.

At this time, Gu Xi didn't want to say anything. He ate the noodles quickly to fill his stomach.

While Gu Xi was eating, he suddenly heard the sound of a bell.

 He ​​looked up and found a man outside the door playing with an automatic ramen vending machine.

But there seems to be something wrong with this guy's face. He seems to be looking for something.

 Gu Xi frowned, this couldn't be a player.

With this thought in mind, Gu Xi observed this man.

Gu Xi found that this man was dressed like an office worker like him. He was wearing an ordinary suit and there was nothing suspicious about him.

However, his actions are not like those of ordinary people in this world. When he is waiting in front of the automatic ramen vending machine, he will look around at the situation around him. Unlike ordinary people in this world, he will not look around at ordinary times. .

 Looks like he's a player, but I don't know which city he's from.

Gu Xi was about to step forward to deal with it, but he didn't expect that the old man had already reacted, walked out from the stove, and walked slowly to the door.

When the old man walked out, Gu Xi had a feeling that the temperature in this store would drop a lot without the old man's presence.

At the same time, Gu Xi could clearly see that there seemed to be a knocking sound coming from the pot where the old man was cooking something.

Gu Xi glanced over there, but did not go over to check. Instead, he recalled the intelligence information he had collected in his mind.

 He found that among the weird things he knew, there was no introduction to the situation in front of him.

 So Gu Xi suppressed some impulses in his heart and continued to eat seriously.

At this time, the old man had already walked in with the man outside the door.

 Gu Xi could clearly feel the unwillingness on this man's face.

 It seems that he also got information about the [mysterious object in the future world].

 The ones who value treasures so much must be the players from the other two cities.

After all, they are not like the players in Bailian City who just quit the rankings. They still have to compete on the rankings. Losing a treasure means losing the opportunity to move up the rankings. .

 This player will naturally feel unwilling.

 Obviously he had already collected all the information about the treasure, but he was a step too late.

This made the man somewhat unhappy.

 When I entered the door, my steps were a little heavy.

After entering the door, the first thing he saw was Gu Xi, who was about to finish eating.

Seeing Gu Xi's carefree look, the man became angry immediately.

 He had already thought that Gu Xi was his enemy, and it was Gu Xi who had robbed him of his treasure.

Before the old man could react, the man punched Gu Xi.

Gu Xi didn't expect that this guy would dare to take action during the day, and he was accidentally hit in the face.

Gu Xi was angry. As soon as he turned around, he kicked the guy out.

Just when Gu Xi was about to get up from the ground to fight back, the old man also took action.

 (End of this chapter)

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