Breath of the Dead

Chapter 324: Comprehensive weird field (118167)

Chapter 324 Comprehensive Weird Realm (118167)

 “No assaulting others in the store.”

The old man held his mouth and spoke seriously.

Listening to this voice, Gu Xi couldn't help but raise his head and look in the direction of the old man. He found that there was a hollow feeling flashing in the old man's eyes.

At the same time, Gu Xi discovered that many parts of the noodle shop began to undergo changes, such as the stove that Gu Xi had noticed just now, and the windows that looked outside, all of which had changed.

 Gu Xi also reacted quickly. He pointed to the overturned noodle bowl and said to the old man: "He knocked over my noodles, and he wants to pay for it."

The man who was kicked out by Gu Xi didn't react at all, he yelled.

 “I’ll pay it to your sister!”

As he spoke, he punched Gu Xi. When the punch was punched, it smelled of fire and sulfur.

 A player from Hanye City.

 Gu Xi instantly made a judgment in his mind. After all, the order mages of Autumn Wind City knew the strange rules best. The old man had already warned them for the first time. The only ones who still didn't stop were the demon warlocks of Castlevania City.

 Gu Xi immediately dodged back.

 Although he also knew that taking a punch was the best option at this time.

But Gu Xi is also a person who wants to have face. If he was beaten just now, forget it accidentally. If he is beaten again when he is prepared, Gu Xi cannot afford to lose his face.

 When Gu Xi dodged backwards, the demon warlock also reacted. His expression changed, he immediately stopped his hand, and immediately opened his mouth to explain to the old man.

At this moment, Gu Xi raised his left hand and activated the Soul Dark Lamp skill.

Without the old man noticing, Gu Xi's skill fell on the demon warlock.

 Gu Xi did not ask the other party to do anything unreasonable. He just asked the demon warlock to take a step forward again and punch Gu Xi.

 This is what the demon sorcerer originally wanted to do, so the effect of confusing people's hearts is quite good.

At this time, Gu Xi was well prepared. He ducked to the old man's side in one step, and at the same time guided the demon warlock to attack the old man.

Although the demon sorcerer was influenced by the demagoguery, he was not really stupid.

 When he punched out and realized something was wrong, he still thought about holding back his punch.

But it was already too late. The old man, who was obviously too weak, stretched out his hand to block the demon warlock's blow.

 The old man then turned to look at Gu Xi.

 Gu Xi glanced at the knocked over ramen on the ground and thought to himself that this old man is very bad.

If the demon warlock hadn't taken action and Gu Xi had finished eating the noodles, then there would have been nothing wrong.

But now the demon warlock overturned the bowl, leaving Gu Xi without finishing the last bite of noodles. If he leaves like this, strange attention will fall on him.

But if he doesn’t leave, this old man will represent the mysterious man who kills the demon warlock. Because no one can detect him if he takes action during the day, the old man will either not take action, or if he does, he will kill Gu Xi as well.

 This is definitely not possible.

Gu Xi didn’t want to test the level of this weirdo here.

 You know that Gu Xi has been thinking about it for a long time just now, and he doesn’t know who this weirdo is.

 So you must leave safely.

With this thought, Gu Xi turned around on the spot and strode to the overturned noodle bowl. He reached out to pick up the noodle bowl and put it on the table. He raised his hand and caught the ramen scattered on the ground. in hand.

Without waiting for any reaction from the old man and the demon warlock, Gu Xi took the last bite of ramen. “It tastes good, I’ll leave first.”

 After saying this, Gu Xi walked out of the ramen shop without even washing his hands.

 Gu Xi walked quickly through the street and reached the turning point. He opened his mouth and spat out the last bite of ramen he had just eaten on the ground.

At this time, Gu Xi noticed that the color of the ramen had turned dark red, as if it had been filled with blood.

 At the same time, Gu Xi's vitality was also affected by the ramen, and was directly reduced by about half.

 Gu Xi wiped his hands on his body and took out the white paper from his briefcase. At this time, something strange about this man had already appeared on the white paper.

  【Wooden Ramen Shop (Comprehensive Weird Area)】

[1. House of Immortality (Level 5): A relatively common high-level weird, and also the starting point of the weird field. With the title deed of the house, a weird can be obtained by blood sacrifice. When the house has an owner, the house will not be occupied by weird. At the same time, the homeowner can control the rules of the house. 】

  【Killing method: Undiscovered】

  2. Bloody Cauldron (Level 3): A **** cauldron used for cooking. Don’t look at what’s cooking in the pot. I believe that after seeing it, you won’t have any appetite to eat anymore. 】

  【Killing method: Undiscovered】

 【Survival rules: 1. The cooked food must be eaten, and those who leave before it will die; 2. Food must not be wasted, and those who waste food will have their lives deducted...】


  【5. Warning Bell (Level 5): No fighting is allowed within the designated range. If an attack is launched against others, the owner of the house can actively stop it, and the strength will be twice that of the attacker. 】

  【Killing method: Undiscovered】


【Explanation: The comprehensive weird field is a composite field formed by a variety of weird things gathered together. If you want to destroy this place, you need to face all the weird things at the same time. 】

 “Strange realm?”

 Gu Xi thought about it, wouldn’t this be part of the building that can be occupied in the beginning of the mission?

 If this is the case, can we come over and occupy this place at night?

With this thought, Gu Xi looked back at the wooden tube ramen shop and remembered this place. He would come here again at night.

 After all, this place is very close to Wudou Mino's B&B, just a few blocks away.

 When all these weird things can't be moved at night, then this place will be Gu Xi's home field.

 When the time comes, Gu Xi will give back everything he received just now.

After snorting heavily, Gu Xi got on the bicycle again and headed towards the next target.

Not long after Gu Xi left the neighborhood, a banging explosion came from the wooden tube ramen shop.

However, the explosion was not very powerful and did not affect the integrity of the wooden ramen shop. Even if it were not for the explosion, no one on the street would have known what happened in the ramen shop.

Even Gu Xi only knew that the person from Hanye City had died when he saw the pop-up message.

  【Xu Song died in battle in Hanye City. 】

 This piece of information made Gu Xi feel that his decision to leave early was the right one.

If he had not left at that time, his name would definitely appear on the death list.

 Now, Gu Xi is much more careful when traveling. He already knows that there will definitely be some strange guardians near the treasure. If he is as careless as before, he may get trapped when he is looking for the treasure.

 (End of this chapter)

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