Breath of the Dead

Chapter 325: The mirror world in the strange area (please subscribe)

 Chapter 325 The Mirror World in the Weird Zone (please subscribe)

Riding the bicycle transformed from the evil coffin, Gu Xi quickly headed towards the next treasure hiding place.

With the incident involving Xu Song in Hanye City, Gu Xi knew that he was not the only one who discovered the treasure place.

 There are some treasures that are found by quick hands but not by slow hands.

 Before, Gu Xi planned to pass slowly, but now.

 Gu Xi’s only thought was to hurry up and hurry up.

As Gu Xi hurried on, he finally crossed a city area and arrived at the second treasure place fifteen minutes later.

As soon as he arrived here, Gu Xi felt like something was staring at him.

 He ​​looked to the left and found that there was something wrong with the reflection on the street window glass. On the glass, behind his reflection, there was a strange black figure standing.

  When Gu Xi looked over, the strange figure smiled at Gu Xi.

Looking at the scene in front of him, he also grinned.

If it was something else weird, Gu Xi might still be worried. Isn't the person in front of him a target that he sent to his door?

  Is it true that the resting city of Aridovi is just a city of death? Mirroring is the key.

I don’t know if the weirdness in front of me is from the players in Qiufeng City or the local weirdness, who actually jumped out to seek death at this time.

Then don’t blame Gu Xi for using his own methods.

Facing the provocation of the person in the mirror, Gu Xi pretended not to see it. He even stopped his bicycle and walked forward slowly.

The weird person in the mirror was a little angry when he saw that Gu Xi was not afraid. He had scared many people to death with this trick before.

In his eyes, when most people see something strange behind them in the mirror, their first reaction is to look back.

This is where you fall into this weird trap. The more you believe in the weirdness, the more real it becomes.

Now Gu Xi pretends that he didn't see it. This is a blow to Weiyi. If this continues, Weiyi will become weaker and weaker.

 So when he saw Gu Xi ignoring Hui Xi, Mirror Weiyi planned to play a cruel trick.

When Gu Xi looked at the cupboard glass again, he suddenly jumped out from behind Gu Xi and pretended to throw out the glass.

 In his mind, this can scare people, and then he can let the enemy know how powerful he is.

 But he didn't expect that he would hit something just as he rushed out from behind Gu Xi's mirror reflection.

This strange creature looked up and found that a ghost holding a mirror appeared beside him at some point.

Weird looked around and felt that something was not right. He did not leave his home court or the mirror. What was going on?

Looking at it again, he found that the surrounding environment seemed not quite right. Why was he moved to another city.

Before the strange creature could react, the ghost holding the round mirror flew in front of him.

"Thank you very much. If it weren't for you, I really wouldn't have discovered that mirror images can still be played like this. Is this mirror world built by your weird ability?"

Wei Wei kept shaking his head, and he discovered that a large number of undead troops had begun to appear in the mirror.

 Because it is within the mirror, the battle here cannot be seen from the outside.

 Unless someone goes to this place to look in the mirror, most people will not notice what is going on here.

As for the weirdness, it doesn’t matter if they notice it. As long as the Heavenly Dao Guanyin in white doesn’t notice it, other weirdness will be dead if it enters.

Standing in front of the display window, Gu Xi looked at the reflection in the glass and smiled.

At this time, he could see through the glass that Luna and Alidovi City had been pressed into the world in the mirror.

When he saw Luna turning around, Gu Xi smiled at Luna and said, "Leave it to you."

"do not worry!"

Luna was doing something, and Gu Xi was naturally relieved. He didn't even study what was strange in the mirror, he just bypassed the street window and walked upstairs. The treasure Gu Xi is looking for this time is a group of ashigaru treasure maps.

[Ashigaru Treasure Map (Treasure): A group of Ashigaru found stolen goods during a certain operation. Instead of reporting it, they hid the stolen goods. As a result, a huge case occurred, and even some people were killed or injured. There were many ashigaru, and in the end the stolen goods were also hidden so that no one could find them. 】

 【Treasure location: Focus Street, under the water tank on the top floor of Quanyou Bank. 】

 【Treasure contents: Weird treasure chest (green)*1, gangster mask*1, Ashigaru hood*1】

 When he first looked at the message, Gu Xi really thought it was a group of ashigaru.

 But now it seems that the ashigaru here refers to something.

The ashigaru mentioned here probably refers to the police or other professions in this city.

It seems that they played quite well.

  I hid the stolen goods immediately, planning to wait until the limelight passed before spending them.

 In the end, instead of spending it, I actually lost it.

 In the end the loot turned into a weird treasure.

Rated to the top of the building, before Gu Xi saw the water tank, he saw a man sitting near the water tank with his eyes closed. At this time, his hair was emitting a light blue light.

It can be seen that he is an order mage from Qiufeng City, and he is controlling his own strange battle at this time.

 Thinking of the strange thing that appeared in the window glass before, Gu Xi knew who he was.

 For such an enemy, Gu Xi would naturally not let him go.

 Gu Xi raised his left hand and activated the Soul Dark Lamp skill.

 Spiritual flame!

The Order Mage who was controlling the strange battle suddenly burst into flames.

This time the Order Mage woke up. He looked at the flames on his body and screamed involuntarily.

 “How did you get up here and what did you do.”

However, if Gu Xi takes action, he will not give the other party any chance.

His left hand was raised again, and the demagoguery skill was activated, giving the Order Mage no chance to explain at all.

The mental power of a Order Mage is quite strong, and normal hypnosis cannot control such a Mage.

 But Gu Xi has no intention of controlling the other party. What Gu Xi has to do now is to amplify some of the thoughts in the other party's mind.

What would the average person do if their body was on fire?

 Walling on the ground, or running around.

 What Gu Xi wanted now was this effect. The panic in the Order Mage's heart was amplified. He didn't care about the situation around him and rolled on the spot.

 As a result, during the roll, the Order Mage actually rolled to the edge of the building.

 Gu Xi immediately stepped forward, "Fire trap!"

 Eight fire traps were placed near the position where the Order Mage rolled.

As the Order Mage rolled onto the flame trap, there was a bang.

 The big explosion blew the Order Mage into the sky.

 A series of explosions followed, and the Order Mage was blown up, fell, blown up, and fell again.

 Until a message popped up in front of Gu Xi.

  【Chen Yingru died in battle in Autumn Wind City. 】

 (End of this chapter)

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