Breath of the Dead

Chapter 33: The Thieves Guild in the Tavern (please read more)

 Chapter 33 The Thieves Guild in the Tavern (please follow up)

The person who stepped forward to stop all this was a tall and thin hotel waiter. Although he was in such a shabby tavern, he was dressed like a butler in an ancient castle. The small suit on his body showed obvious signs of alteration.

 That appearance seems to have been changed to facilitate activities and combat.

 At the same time, when he made a gesture of invitation, he always had one hand behind his back. Gu Xi had a feeling that if he had any adverse reaction, a dagger would be pierced into his neck immediately.

 Has this entered a den of thieves?

Gu Xi frowned and was about to leave, but found that the waiter had blocked his escape route.

Helplessly, Gu Xi could only go to the second floor under the guidance of the waiter.

After going up to the second floor, Gu Xi noticed that the second floor of this seemingly not too big tavern was actually a different place with many small rooms.

 Although each room can only accommodate one bed and one bedside table, this size is definitely not noticeable outside the pub.

  Pushing open a door, the waiter said calmly: "Please wait here for a moment. The hot water will be brought up soon."

 After saying this, the waiter stepped back and disappeared through the door.

 After the waiter left, Gu Xi breathed a sigh of relief.

Every move the waiter made just now showed Gu Xi that he was a relatively strong killer.

 It's just a group of killers opening a tavern here. This is very unreasonable.

 Gu Xi was thinking and looking around.

 He noticed that although the room in front of him was clean, there was no trace of life.

 The whole room looked like it hadn't been used for many years, and there was a musty smell in the air.

 Gu Xi walked a few steps in the room, hesitated, and finally did not sit down on the bed.

At this moment, a maid in a red dress with an embarrassed look came in dragging a large bucket.

This is Shaya who almost had a quarrel with Gu Xi just now. The big wooden bucket she was dragging was filled with hot water, but in her hand, it was as easy as dragging a mineral water bottle.

 Moving the barrel into the room, Shaya raised her head and tried hard to put on a smile.

“Guest, would you like me to wash it for you?”

“No need, can you find me some more food? My stomach is not good and I need something softer.”

 “Okay, the guests will wait first.”

  After saying that, Shaya withdrew and closed the door.

After waiting for others to go out, Gu Xi locked the door, took off his smelly clothes, cleaned his skin with water, and then jumped into the barrel.

 When the warm water soaked his body, Gu Xi felt so comfortable that he almost screamed.

But Gu Xi also knew that now was not the time to enjoy himself. He quickly washed the dirt off his body and dealt with his hair, at least it made him less smelly.

 After completing all this, Gu Xi climbed out of the barrel.

At this time, in the kitchen of the tavern, Shaya also told the waiter about Gu Xi's situation.

“That guy said he had a bad stomach and needed something softer. Which side of the incision is this?”

The waiter who was making the soup added some meat cubes and red wine to the soup, then raised his head and said to Shaya.

“Do you think it’s possible that he wasn’t talking about the incision, but what he was thinking?”

"How can this be!"

Shaya looked unbelieving.

"Isn't this impossible? Everyone in the underworld knows that we are a thieves guild, but there are always civilians who don't know our identity. One or two people come in to have a drink. Isn't this normal?"

"This is not normal. Anyway, I have been here for three years and I have never encountered anything like this." "Then you have encountered it now. Okay, this soup is ready. You can bring some bread with it. , let him leave quickly after eating, it’s okay now it’s daytime, but we won’t be able to save him at night.”

The waiter said as he put the freshly cooked soup into a bowl.

Shaya still looked unbelieving at this time.

But she didn’t argue with the waiter. After the soup was cooked, she took a tray, put the soup and a piece of white bread on it, and walked out of the kitchen easily holding it with her hands.

As she walked away, she said: "What a ghost. After training for so long, this is the first time I actually serve food to the guests."

Gu Xi didn't know what was going on below. He washed his clothes with hot water, and after smelling that there was no peculiar smell, he hung the wet clothes on the bedside.

Gu Xi has already made a plan. As long as his clothes are a little dry, he will leave here immediately.

The tavern in front of me is clearly not a kind place.

 But just when Gu Xi was spreading out all his clothes to dry, the door was suddenly pushed open.

Gu Xi glanced back and found Shaya walking in holding a tray.

 “I remember locking the door.”

"It's locked, but as far as we're concerned, this kind of lock is of no use. This is your food. Tell me, what's your business here?"

“I fell into the Isis River. Find a place to wash yourself. How can I get out without the stench all over my body?”

“Falled into the Isis River? I’m afraid you don’t know that this place is three blocks away from the Isis River.”

“I know, I walked all the way, it’s because I didn’t find a suitable place to take a bath.”

Seeing that Sha Ya was about to get angry, Gu Xi could only say helplessly.

"But there is a tavern opposite our house, why would you choose us." Sha Ya still didn't want to believe that Gu Xi came in for this reason. In her opinion, Gu Xi must have come in because of a mission.

Gu Xi didn't know how to answer Sha Ya's question. He finally said: "I saw your sign looked familiar, so I came in directly. Why, is there any problem?"

 “No.” Sha Ya finally believed Gu Xi’s words.

She said with some frustration: "Your food is here. If you have nothing to do, leave quickly, otherwise you won't be able to leave at night even if you want to."

 After speaking, Shaya put the food on the table next to the bed and prepared to retreat.

As she retreated to the door, Gu Xi suddenly stopped her.

“Wait a minute, do you have any other services?”

Sha Ya glanced at Gu Xi's waist and said, "Yes, but I won't do it. If you want, I'll call someone over for you."

“No, I’m listening to you. Is this a thieves’ guild or an intelligence hut?”

Gu Xi knew that Sha Ya had made a mistake, so he quickly explained.

 Hearing what Gu Xi said, Shaya's eyes also lit up.

“Thieves Guild, are you planning to steal something?

 I knew you had a mission, tell me quickly and I’ll give you a 20% discount. "

Seeing Sha Ya so excited, Gu Xi hesitated.

At this time, Shaya strode up to Gu Xi, her face almost touching Gu Xi's.

"I asked you what's wrong with you. You're hesitant in doing things. Are you okay? If not, don't beep."

 “I don’t plan to steal anything, I just want to find someone to do something for me.”

 (End of this chapter)

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