Breath of the Dead

Chapter 34: Land exchange plan (seeking further study)

Chapter 34 Land Exchange Plan (please follow up)

 “Oh, that’s it.”

Shaya took two steps back with a look of displeasure, lifted her body slightly, and sat on the edge of the barrel.

As soon as she raised her legs, the red skirt was squeezed between her legs. The red gauze skirt wrapped her round thighs and looked like a glorious jade pillar.

 “Where are you?”

Seeing Gu Xi looking over, Shaya just pulled up her dress, but had no intention of jumping down.

 “No matter where you look, just tell me if you can handle this.”

"Such a simple thing can definitely be done. Tell me, who are you looking for? Our Destiny Compass has been in Victoria for hundreds of years. We have connections and everything. If you want to find someone, all you need to do is give me a name and information. , even if it turns into bones, we can dig it out for you."

“It’s not that troublesome. I just want to ask you to help find a broker to help me deal with real estate issues.”

“Broker? Dealing with real estate issues, this is simple, but what kind of real estate do you want to deal with? You don’t need to give a detailed address, just mention a big area, and I will arrange manpower for you directly.”

Sha Ya became less and less interested after hearing this. She didn't know where she took out a shiny silver knife and polished her nails there.

“I have a land purchase order of 300 square meters in Camden District. I don’t want to ask for more. I want to at least get a piece of land in Camden District.”

 “What did you say?” Sha Ya jumped down from the edge of the barrel as soon as she heard this.

 “Camden, what’s wrong? Isn’t it convenient there?”

Gu Xi looked at Sha Ya with some confusion. He didn't quite understand why the other party was so nervous.

“No, do you have a land purchase order?”

What Sha Ya cares about is not which district, but the land purchase order in Gu Xi's hand.

“Yes, why do you want to rob it?”

Gu Xi’s eyes narrowed, and the way he stared at Sha Ya changed.

Sha Ya felt a chill all over her body, as if a dagger was held on her neck.

"No, our Destiny Compass is a guild of order. There is no such thing as a gangster, so don't be too nervous."

Gu Xi didn’t speak, nor did he take back his methods. He just watched Sha Ya’s performance quietly.

“I really don’t mean that. It’s just that I’m familiar with this job. No, I just want to say that I can do this job too.”

Gu Xi glanced at Sha Ya again and took a step back. Only then did Sha Ya feel that the chill on her body disappeared.

 At this time, Sha Ya finally breathed a sigh of relief, and no longer had the previous attitude of looking down on Gu Xi.

Sha Ya has already seen that Gu Xi is also a professional. Although he doesn't know what his profession is, it is obvious that he is not the kind of reckless person.

 She had no intention of irritating Gu Xi until there was no way to determine Gu Xi's career.

 “Why are you interested in a land purchase order?”

 Gu Xi did not say whether he agreed with Sha Ya's participation in this matter, but asked another question.

He felt that the attitude of Shaya in front of him was wrong.

“Actually, it’s nothing. Just a few days ago, my mentor took a job and exchanged a land purchase order for a large apartment building. I was a little curious at the time as to why those people would ask my mentor to do this business, but my mentor didn’t tell me.

I didn’t ask too much. It happened that you also had such a land purchase order, so my reaction was a little bigger. "

Gu Xi stared at Sha Ya, not saying whether he believed her or not.

 Gu Xi’s eyes made Sha Ya feel a little hairy. Sha Ya was about to say something when Gu Xi picked up the bread on the side, dipped it into the soup, and ate it slowly.

 “Hey, what’s your attitude?”

"His attitude is that he doesn't believe you." At this time, the waiter's voice sounded from behind Sha Ya.

Upon hearing this, Shaya quickly lowered her head, "Teacher, why are you here?"

"If I don't come over, you will tell everything about the other guests." The waiter patted Shaya on the head, "If you continue like this, you will never be able to pass the test."    "Okay, I That’s curiosity.”

Shaya lowered her head and muttered.

The waiter didn't know what to say. After driving Sha Ya out, the waiter looked at Gu Xi.

 “I heard that you have a land purchase order for Camden? What do you want to exchange for it?”

“If the land in Camden is not available, it would be OK to replace it with an already built house, but I need a single house.”

 Gu Xi only intends to leave an anchor point of his own in this game world so that he can come and visit frequently, so a separate house is a must for Gu Xi.

 Otherwise, next time he comes in, he won’t know where he will appear.

 Hearing Gu Xi’s request, the waiter had some ideas.

“It’s hard to do whatever you ask for.

 Let me tell you directly, something is wrong with the current situation in Camden District. A large client said that Camden District will be demolished three times and is using a land purchase order or other means to exchange for a house in Camden District.

House prices there are now much higher.

Even the land on the street has been sold for a lot. If you want a separate house, you can't buy it now. "

“It’s not that the tutor can’t be changed, it’s just that the position is not good.” Sha Ya poked her head outside the door and whispered.

 “It’s none of your business, shut up!”

The waiter pushed Shaya out of the door with a backhand.

 After closing the door, the waiter looked at Gu Xi again and said, "I'm sorry, she just has no brains."

"It's okay, I just want to ask if you can get a 300-square-meter open space in Camden. What I want is not a 300-square-meter room, but an open space."

 Gu Xi put forward his request.

The waiter shook his head immediately after hearing this, "This is impossible. It is very difficult for Camden to get land now, let alone a large land like 300 square meters."

Upon hearing this, Gu Xi said directly: "Forget it, I'll find someone to ask."

After saying that, Gu Xi packed up the clothes hanging on the bedside and prepared to leave.

"Wait, that's it. Are you willing to sell the land you purchased?" When the waiter saw that Gu Xi wanted to leave, he stopped Gu Xi.

“I don’t want to.” Gu Xi shook his head affirmatively, “I also plan to have a place to live in Camden.”

Just as the waiter was about to speak, Shaya opened the door secretly and peeked in.

 “I have a way, I have a way.”

 “Shaya, it’s none of your business, get out.”

 The waiter was also a little annoyed.

"Teacher, I really have a way. You remember the place at the junction of Camden and Damingway. We can not change the house in Camden to the house in Damingway."

Hearing this, Gu Xi glanced at the waiter sideways.

The waiter looked at Gu Xi with some embarrassment, "The Damingwei District is actually right next to the Camden District. The environment is actually the same, and the housing prices are similar. And I know that there are several pieces of land in the Camden District. On the street, if only there were a few more lines, this would be Camden.

But just this little bit, the area between the upper city and the middle city is divided here.

 Many people are not willing to buy houses in Damingwei District. "

 At this point, the waiter couldn't help but look at Gu Xi.

 Gu Xi understood what he meant, "It can be changed, but it needs to be changed to a larger piece of land, at least 500 square meters."

 (End of this chapter)

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