Breath of the Dead

Chapter 35: Street surface (seeking for reading)

Chapter 35 Street (please read)

"make a deal!"

 The waiter said happily, "Guest, how about we go to Damingwei District now?"

Looking at the waiter's appearance, Gu Xi felt that he seemed a little careless.

"I'm warning you, I'm not that easy to fool. Although I agree to go to Damienwei District, it must be close to the land in Camden District."

Regarding Gu Xi's righteous attitude, the waiter said with a smile: "Guests, please rest assured that our Destiny Compass Guild has never let our guests down."

 After speaking, the waiter made an inviting gesture.

 And Shaya outside the door was even more eager to try and wanted to follow.

 Just Gu Xi said with some embarrassment: "Can you go out for a while? At least let me put on clothes."

As a result, Shaya not only did not retreat, but also stuck her head in, as if to say, I haven't seen anything.

 Gu Xi put on the freshly washed clothes. He didn't care that the clothes were still wet, but Gu Xi didn't care at all. At least the clothes were not so smelly now and could be worn.

Seeing Gu Xi like this, the waiter couldn't help but frowned.

 As a thief, what he dislikes the most is dressing up in such a way that can easily reveal his whereabouts.

But Gu Xi was not his subordinate, so he couldn't say anything.

He could only watch as Gu Xi put on his clothes, drank up the soup with bread, ate it in his hand and walked out.

“Teacher, what kind of profession does he look like with his turbulent appearance?”

“He’s so thin, he’s probably a necromancer.”

The waiter whispered, "Shaya, please stay in the store later and don't go out."

"It doesn't matter." Shaya rolled her eyes, "It's not dark yet, and there's no one in the store, so I can't have any influence on the past."

 The waiter glared at her and Shaya shrank her head and hid herself behind the door.

 “You think I won’t go because of this, you’re overthinking it.”

 The waiter didn't pay much attention to Sha Ya's attitude. On the one hand, this was a test for Sha Ya, and on the other hand, he was doing it for Gu Xi to see.

His meaning was actually very obvious. He did not intend to bring such a troublesome person with him, just to show Gu Xi that he was professional.

It's just that Gu Xi didn't understand what the waiter meant at all. At this time, his thoughts were based on the waiter's familiarity with the nearby roads.

 This waiter is worthy of being a member of the Thieves Guild. He is quite familiar with the streets and alleys nearby.

 Sometimes it is clear that there is no road ahead, but he opens a small door and walks into another alley.

 Gu Xi followed the waiter and almost got lost.

As long as someone was leading them during the day, Gu Xi believed that if anyone dared to enter this alley area at night, they would not be able to find a way out in less than three or five hours.

 And this area is also connected to many streets. The waiter took Gu Xi out of this alley area after three or two turns.

“Ahead is Greenwich Street. Beyond this street is Northumberland Avenue, which is also the junction road between Camden and Damienway.”

 The waiter introduced the items seriously while walking.

Gu Xizi followed behind, looking around at the street in front of him.

The street in front of me seems to be lined with relatively tall buildings on both sides. There are no storefronts on the street, and there are no signs except for the house number. It doesn't look like a good place.

Seeing Gu Xi looking around, the waiter quickly gave him a hand. "Don't look around, there is a nickname here called Great Scotland Yard Street, and you don't want to injure yourself."

As soon as Gu Xi heard this, he realized that this street was related to Scotland Yard.

 No wonder there are no marks.

But the location is good, as Scotland Yard is right outside the door, and there are few petty thieves nearby.

Just as Gu Xi was thinking this, he glanced at the waiter leading the way.

This guy seems to be a thief, and he is walking freely on the streets of Greenwich.

It seems that Scotland Yard’s deterrence is not that strong.

The waiter didn't know what Gu Xi was thinking, so he led Gu Xi through the street, and they entered the Damingwei District.

As soon as he entered this street, Gu Xi found that there was a clear difference between this street and the previous Grewich Street.

The buildings on the street are not that tall anymore, and every building looks like an apartment building.

 Between the buildings, there are sometimes one or two vacant lots or abandoned old buildings.

Since Gu Xi requested to stay close to the Camden area, the waiter did not take Gu Xi inside.

 He just pointed out to Gu Xi a few apartment buildings or land that could be sold on this street.

“This piece of land can be exchanged. Although it is relatively narrow and long, it has the advantage of being long. At least it has a large area. It only covers an area of ​​nearly 600 square meters.

Due to the terrain, it has never been sold. If you want to exchange it, you can easily get the land purchase order of 300 Camden District.

 As long as the height does not exceed the height of other nearby buildings, you can build whatever you want.

This small building is for sale to the public. Look at this gate. As soon as you go out of the gate, you will see it directly on the main street of Camden District. If you walk past it, you will be in Camden District. "

The waiter is not an intermediary after all, and his explanations are a bit stiff, but the requirements for interest rates are not high, and the area is large enough, just on the edge of Camden.

So Gu Xi quickly set his sights on a building that was being put up for sale. It was a three-story building, which was only five buildings away from Greenwich Street. The building looked new, and the front door had just been opened. Painted.

 Just outside the building, Gu Xi liked it quite a lot.

When the waiter saw Gu Xi like this, he was also willing to say more for him.

Although the owner of this building is not a guest of their guild, their guild is doing a big business. The land purchase order for Camden is the most useful thing. It is quite simple to replace such a building. .

But just when Gu Xi was about to make up his mind, his eyes suddenly glanced outward and pointed at the junction of Greenwich Street and Northumberland Avenue.

 “Wait, what’s going on there.”

Greenwich Street and Northumberland Avenue are in a T-shaped direction. Where Gu Xi pointed, there happened to be a collapsed building.

The original area of ​​this building was not too small, about 320 square meters, but after the building collapsed, all the building materials were piled on the ground, making it look quite messy.

The waiter looked at it and said directly: "What else could it be? The ownership of this land is unclear. The original landowner always said that it belonged to Greenwich Street and was considered part of the Camden district.

However, you can actually tell at a glance that it is the middle section of Northumberland Avenue, how can it belong to Camden District.

 So things just dragged on. "

 Gu Xi looked at the ruins here and thought about it seriously, "If I am willing to admit that this belongs to the Damingwei District, will the price be cheaper?"

 (End of this chapter)

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