Breath of the Dead

Chapter 327: Luna's Ambition (119167)

 Chapter 327 Luna’s Ambition (119167)

 The high order has exceeded 3,000. Let’s celebrate again. When will the average order be able to reach 3,000? Brothers, please subscribe more!


In the real world, Gu Xi, who was riding a bicycle, slowly felt the strange eyes staring at him shrink back. As expected, the best way to deal with the strange eyes was to ignore them.

However, Gu Xi also understood that he was still being targeted by the weird people. If his next actions attracted the weird people's attention again, he might not be able to get away so easily.

 He is going to speed up.

As Gu Xi's thoughts came together, the speed of the bicycle transformed by the evil coffin sped up a lot.

The bicycle took Gu Xi down inconspicuous alleys, passed under bridges, or simply walked through other people's back gardens or walls.

Anyway, as long as no one sees it, the evil coffin can always find the most suitable shortcut on the way forward.

 As a result, Gu Xi arrived at the third treasure spot more than ten minutes shorter than planned.

  No. 22-17, Nanliu Road Street.

  That is, the office worker’s secret treasure house.

When he arrived here, Gu Xi was sure at first glance that the secret treasure house here had not been discovered or taken away.

 The reason why I am so sure is because the four-story building has not opened its doors yet.

A security guard at the door was holding a baton and staring around.

Seeing Gu Xi looking over, the security guard immediately shouted: "What are you looking at? You haven't gone to work yet, get out of here! I'll beat you if you come back again."

Hearing this, Gu Xi also knew that someone had been here before.

 Just because of this security guard, no one went in.

 It seems that we have to wait for the time to come and rush in to grab things together.

Just as Gu Xi was looking around, preparing to find where the enemy players were, he suddenly saw Luna appearing behind him on the convex mirror on the side of the street.

Gu Xi smiled slightly, found a corner on his bicycle and hid in it.

His actions caught the eyes of several other players nearby, and a trace of disdain flashed in their hearts.

This was the first time they had seen such a cowardly player. Several of them even communicated with the security guards or tried to find a way, before they were finally kicked out by the security guards.

 Such players dare to come out and seek death.

How about getting rid of this player before the small building opens?

So several players quickly came out of their hiding places and headed towards the alley where Gu Xi entered.

 But when they walked into the alley, they found that Gu Xi had disappeared.

Several players glanced at each other, some of them wanted to take action, but because they were not sure whether the other party was an enemy or a friend, they finally provoked and warned each other before turning around and leaving.

At this time, Gu Xi was at the meeting hall of Alidovi City.

 Luna, whom I had not seen before, was already waiting in the meeting hall.

"grown ups."

"How is it going."

Seeing Luna, he became excited after taking a breath. He was no longer interested in the treasures in front of him. Now he was more concerned about the situation in Alidovi City.

“I discovered a treasure by accident.” Luna said happily, “In this world, there are many weird people who play with mirror images. To facilitate themselves, they secretly opened the weird mirror space.

I have just checked and there are a total of nineteen large nodes. As long as we capture these nineteen large nodes, we can control this space. "

Gu Xi smiled as soon as he heard it, Luna's words made him very satisfied. Although there was no explanation in Luna's words, Gu Xi could completely understand that as long as he entered the strange mirror space and was willing to obey the rules of the space, he could use the strange mirror space to move freely.

 At most, some places belong to other weird territories and cannot be passed easily.

 But what Luna is talking about is mastering this space.

This shows that Luna has no intention of letting go of the entire space. She plans to knock down all nineteen large nodes and kill all the weird things in the weird mirror space.

“If you need it, ask directly. I just got two copies of building stones. You can deal with them freely. If necessary, you can build all the buildings you want.

 In addition, you can mobilize the five old and new heroes. You can also use the forty red dragons if necessary. "

It can be said that except for the incarnation of death that cannot be assigned to Luna, Gu Xi gave everything in his hands to Luna.

“Sir, please don’t worry, I can definitely get this space.”

"Then I'll leave it to you. Don't be nervous. It doesn't matter if you can't finish it in a day or two. I can accommodate your needs and find a place to hide at night."

 Gu Xi has already seen the benefits of the strange mirror space to Alidovi City.

 Compared with this kind of benefit, killing players at night and challenging weirdness during the day is nothing to see.

From the battle last night, it can be seen that fighting monsters at night can not only get some new undead, but also gain something else.

The space is not so fragrant if you have nothing to do with it.

"I will arrange it, sir. I just saw that you wanted to enter the small building, right? It just so happens that we now have a passage to enter the small building."

Luna just smiled at Gu Xi's concern, and then she explained the reason for inviting Gu Xi in.

“Oh, in this case, when I go in and out of Alidovi City from now on, I don’t have to go in and out at the same time?”

“Of course, I estimate that in the past, as long as I can capture this weird mirror space, our Alidovi City will be upgraded.

 At that time, we will be able to separate ourselves from the mirror image of Victoria City and turn this place into our own city instead of just a mirror image of Victoria City. "

Looking at Luna's serious look, Gu Xi understood Luna's ambition.

She was not willing to accept that her city was just a mirror image of Victoria City, nor did she want that there was a super powerful king sealed in the space of Alidovi City.

 There was no way before, but now Luna saw an opportunity.

As long as she gets this weird mirror space in front of her, Luna can master more mirror rules.

 Although these rules are twisted and weird rules.

 But rules are rules, and they cannot be false just because they are weird.

 The more comprehensive the rules are, the more perfect Luna’s control over the mirror space will be.

Perhaps one day, Luna can use the rules to make a cut of the mirror underground palace in Victoria City.

 At that time, Aridovi City will be Aridovi City, and the mirror underground palace will be the prison used to exile the great king. The two will become completely different.

Gu Xi didn't say much about this. He just followed Luna and came to the mirror channel that Luna mentioned.

That is a wash basin located outside the city of Alidovi. The wash basin here is located alone in the wilds of the city of Alidovi, and it feels strange to look at it.

When she brought Gu Xi over, Luna specially explained it to Gu Xi.

"This previously belonged to a strange mirrored entry and exit point. He was always here to observe the situation of all the bathrooms in the city. After he was killed by us, this entry and exit point was fixed here outside the city and could not be moved back to Yali. Multidimensional City.”

 (End of this chapter)

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