Breath of the Dead

Chapter 328: Treasure chests and books (120167)

Chapter 328 Treasure Chest and Books (120167)

 “Is this what you call a big node?”

Standing in front of the sink, Gu Xi asked curiously.

At this time, Luna was adjusting the picture on the sink mirror.

Just as Luna said, most of the places corresponding to the sinks in front of them are bathrooms. Judging from the current situation, most of them are women's bathrooms.

“No, large nodes are woven with at least five or six different weird rules. There is only one weird rule here, and it is not even a node, at most it is a passage.

  Okay, we have found it. This is the mirror in the women's bathroom on the second floor of No. 22-17 Nanliu Road Street. Sir, please wait a moment. "

Without waiting for Gu Xi to do anything, Luna got into the mirror. Then she didn't see any movement on the other side of the sink. Luna lifted a woman wearing a red short skirt with her hair down. Drag it out in the mirror.

 “That’s it, the weirdness has been dealt with.”

  After rolling up the woman who was dragged out of the bathroom and stuffing it into the cabinet under the sink, Luna turned to Gu Xi and said.


Gu Xi pointed at the woman who was stuffed into the cabinet and asked curiously.

“No, this kind of weirdness cannot die, and unlike the previous mirror weirdness, she is temporarily gone after the rules are drawn. If this thing is killed, it will quickly resurrect in the same place. There is no way to guarantee that she will definitely die.

 So you can only put it here first. If you want to kill her, come over and kill her at night to see if there are corresponding rules and treatment methods. "

 “That’s not necessary, we don’t rely on this to earn points.”

As Gu Xi said this, he climbed onto the sink and got out of the mirror.

The next moment, Gu Xi climbed out of the women's bathroom on the second floor of No. 22-17 Nanliu Road Street as if he had squeezed through some thick water curtain.

 Because the time has not yet come, the security guards did not let anyone in, and the building in front of them was still empty.

Gu Xi checked the time and quickly ran towards the third floor without stopping.

At the men's bathroom at the end of the corridor on the third floor, Gu Xi decisively pushed open the second cubicle.

Standing in the cubicle, Gu Xi reached out and took off the toilet tank lid. Then he discovered that someone had packed a large stack of magazines in plastic bags and placed them in the water tank.

Because they were packed tightly, Gu Xi was not sure what magazines these were, so Gu Xi simply took out all the magazines and then lifted the lid of the water tank.

When he took off the lid just now, Gu Xi already knew that the lid was the strange treasure box he was looking for this time.

 After getting the treasure box, Gu Xi did not leave the building from the front.

  I didn’t go back to the women’s bathroom on the second floor.

 Gu Xi used his ability and returned to the assembly hall of Alidovi City in an instant.

After taking a look at the surrounding situation, Gu Xi knew that Luna must have led the troops to go to war. He did not go to Luna to open the door for him again, but took out the things he brought back first.

 Gu Xi hasn’t looked at the weird treasure chest yet. He is more curious about the 19 books.

 Gu Xi still remembers clearly that his library is still short of books.

 Now there are 19 books. As long as they can produce an attribute, it will also be an improvement to the library.

So Gu Xi quickly opened the plastic bag containing the magazine and poured out the magazine inside.

 Because of the tight packaging, although these magazines have been placed in water, they do not feel damp at all. When Gu Xi held these magazines in his hands, he couldn't help but grinned, looked around, and then moved the magazines aside.

However, Gu Xi had already seen the properties of these magazines at this time.

Compared to the fairy tale books originally placed in Gu Xi's library, the quality of these magazines is much better. Two are green, one is blue, and the rest are all white.

【"huge? "High School Students" (green): full-color personal photos, a very serious magazine, not suitable for children. 】

  【"Underground Idol Girl Group" (green): A magazine used to introduce a very hard-working underground idol girl group, introducing the hard work and poverty of this idol girl group, and is not suitable for children. 】


 Gu Xi looked through these magazines carefully and found a very strange thing, that is, all the magazines have high and low quality, but there is no corresponding quality attribute blessing.

At this time, Gu Xi couldn't even tell the difference between blue and green quality magazines and white quality magazines.

 Is it because the content in magazines is more attractive?

 It doesn’t look like it will be used to add attributes.

Although he looked puzzled, Gu Xi still read through the nineteen magazines, put them into a stack, and sent them to the library.

 In the library, the corpse succubus was still sitting at the desk reading fairy tales.

 It can be seen that she is still very obedient to Gu Xi's orders.

 When Gu Xi sent these nineteen magazines to the library, a voice came to his ears.

  【The collection of books in the library has increased, and the number of collected books has reached 39 (32/100). Please continue to increase the collection of books in the library. 】

[The direction of the collection of books in the library has been shifted, the number of peas produced every week remains unchanged, and at the same time, a fairy tale character will appear in the library every week (only female, cannot be saved, cannot be made into an undead, can be made a wish or traded). 】

 Gu Xi was still watching the changes in the situation in the library. The corpse succubus who had been reading the fairy tale book had already picked up the newly placed magazine and flipped through it.

As she watched, she raised her head and glanced at Gu Xi.

 “You just... like this?”


At this moment, Gu Xi realized that he seemed to have arranged for the corpse succubus to learn here, and as a result, he could speak.

 The succubus picked up one of the magazines, opened a few pages, and said to Gu Xi: "I can also do these actions, and I can do them better than them."

“No, I brought these books here because I wanted to improve the level of the library. The library had previously said that fairy tale characters would be arranged every week, but in the end they were never arranged. I thought there must be something wrong in this area.

 These books were specially found by me. "

 Gu Xi said seriously.

 The corpse succubus looked at Gu Xi, with a look in his eyes that made you wonder if I believed it or not.

“Well, these books were picked up outside, not bought by me, and now I need to fill up the library.”

“Then, do I still want to study here?”

 The corpse succubus raised the magazine in his hand and stared at Gu Xi and asked.

 “Of course, you study first, and I’ll wait for you…”

 “I’ll use it on you after I learn it?”

 (End of this chapter)

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