Breath of the Dead

Chapter 329: Unexpected items (please subscribe)

Chapter 329 Unexpected Items (Please subscribe)

  After putting all the magazines into the library, Gu Xi opened the strange treasure box of white quality.

In Gu Xi's mind, there must be nothing good in this treasure box. He opened the treasure box first and immediately went to the next weird treasure.

 Judging from the situation just now, players in the entire city are already in action. They are all going to grab treasures and kill weirdos.

 At this time, whoever falls behind will be pushed off the ranking list.

 So these players are very hardworking.

 If Gu Xi doesn't hurry up, the remaining treasures may fall into the hands of other players.

For this reason, Gu Xi only planned to take a look at what was in the treasure box that was opened this time, and then go to the next place immediately.

But as soon as Gu Xi opened the treasure box in front of him, something caught Gu Xi's attention.

  【You open the strange treasure chest (white). 】

  【You got 155 gold coins. 】

  【You get 330,000 yuan in cash from this world. 】

  【䱱got crystal*2. 】

  【You got gem*1. 】

 【You get soldier recruitment coupon (level 3)*4】

 【You get building stone (level 1)*1】

 【You get the Book of Time (green)*1】

  【Book of Time (green, magic scroll): Use it on a certain place or a certain person. After use, you can change the specified item back to before it changed (3/3)】

  【Explanation: I heard that the bathroom is a time devourer, and time may have passed without even realizing it. 】

 Time spells?

 And in the name of a book?

 Gu Xi looked at the information in the Book of Time and hesitated for a moment.

  He opened the book of time that was very similar to the magazine he had put in the library before, and found that it contained all the information on how to use the book of time.

 This book of time is named after time, but it cannot really control time.

This thing is more like an undo button. If you have done something somewhere before and it doesn’t feel good, just undo it.

 And we can’t say when we will retreat, we can only retreat one step upward.

 At the same time, life and death cannot be changed. You cannot say that you were killed in the last step, and then you undo the next step and come back to life.

 That won’t work.

 So this thing made Gu Xi suddenly think of something.

His eyes widened, he held the book of time, called out the evil coffin, and rushed towards the evil wood lake in the magic plant area.

Watching Gu Xi rush out of the library, the corpse succubus glanced outside. She didn't quite understand what Gu Xi was doing in such a hurry.

Soon Gu Xi came to the vicinity of Xiemu Lake. He waved to the skeletons who were doing things by the lake.

“You go and take out the bodies that are soaked in there.”

 When the skeleton jumped into the lake, Gu Xi finally calmed down.

When he got the Book of Time, he didn't think too much about it, but as he read some details of the Book of Time, Gu Xi found that this thing was not very useful, and the one who could really take advantage of it was still found. The body of Princess Anna, who could no longer become undead.

It was precisely because of understanding this that Gu Xi rushed over as soon as possible.

 Because he was worried that the purifying effect of Evil Wood Lake on the corpse would purify the corpse of Princess Anna.     In that case, the Book of Time will not have any good effect.

 On the contrary, it will turn Princess Anna's body back to its original appearance, which would be an embarrassing situation.

Fortunately, when Gu Xi came to Xiemu Lake, Princess Anna's first round of purification had not yet been completed.

 Gu Xi brought the body of Princess Anna in in the first place, but now the body is still the same as it was when it was pulled out.

So Gu Xi backhand pressed the Book of Time on the body of Princess Anna.

 With the activation of the Book of Time, the situation of Princess Anna has undergone some changes.

Gu Xi saw that a lot of Princess Anna's bones had been removed, and then he discovered that the bones that had been replaced by Princess Anna were actually some black vines.

 Now that the effect has been canceled, Princess Anna’s bones are gone, and these vines have also been pulled out.

[Weird apple tree roots (blue): Weird roots that are affected by special forces. They contain powerful weird powers and can be used to make various weapons and equipment. However, after use, it will bring certain effects to the user. Impact. 】

Looking at the seventeen or eighteen roots dancing on the ground, Gu Xi couldn't help but sigh. The boss is the boss. He can attack casually and use blue-quality things.

 The same situation made Gu Xi more confident.

 He was worried that there would be no way to dispose of Princess Anna's body.

 It seems that there is no solution now.

So Gu Xi quickly applied the remaining two effects of the Book of Time to Princess Anna.

These two times did not push Princess Anna back to the level where she can summon spirits. They just cleaned up some of the things in Princess Anna that were forced to fuse.

 In it was half a set of broken scarlet armor.

[Cinnabar Demon-Suppressing Armor (blue, scrap): The discarded armor was originally used to suppress evil corpses. However, for some reason, it was affected by strange forces. Now, not only does this armor not have the effect of suppressing corpses, but it also has the effect of suppressing evil corpses. It has the effect of raising a corpse. 】

Gu Xi doesn’t know who merged this thing into it, but it’s obvious that it doesn’t fit Princess Anna’s position.

 Princess Anna's body became stiff and difficult to handle because of this, and a large part of the reason was because of this.

 The other item is a book with no visible cover, and there are moving eyes on the cover of the book.

 When it was removed from Princess Anna’s body, this book seemed to want to crawl back to Princess Anna’s body.

 As a result, Gu Xi was nailed to the ground with a staff.

[Book of Strange Possession (Blue): A book of possession with strange influence. It always hopes to possess some people and occupy those people’s bodies through strange power, but his possession always There will be problems like this.

 The corpse possessed by this book cannot be resurrected. 】

 The reason was found.

Picking up the [Book of Creation and Possession] from the ground, Gu Xi knew in his heart that the reason why Princess Anna could not summon spirits had been found.

Now as long as the body of Princess Anna is disposed of, Gu Xi will have a chance to resurrect Princess Anna.

After the body with all the problems removed was returned to Xiemu Lake to be warmed up, Gu Xi picked up these things and left the magic plant area.

 Gu Xi immediately sent all these items to the warehouse for storage. After all, these were not good things. They had no serious attributes and there were a lot of problems.

If not stored properly, these things may cause some problems when Gu Xi comes back next time.

Gu Xi is now even planning to find a place to dispose of these things after he goes out, and see if the possessed book can be thrown to the statue of Guanyin in white with the head of the sky.

 If this happens, then Gu Xi will make a lot of money.

 (End of this chapter)

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