Breath of the Dead

Chapter 330: You are being targeted (please subscribe)

 Chapter 330 You are being targeted (please subscribe)

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After finishing the matter at hand, Gu Xi checked the time and immediately drove the evil coffin to the washbasin outside Alidovi City.

 At this time, the hand washing station was still as before, unattended and standing alone on the roadside.

 Gu Xi stepped forward and took a look, and found a piece of paper taped to the basin of the sink, which stated how to operate the sink.

 Gu Xi understood that this was the message left by Luna.

 This is because he knew that Gu Xi would use the sink, so he stayed here specially.

 Gu Xi glanced at the operation instructions above, and then started swiping on the mirror of the sink.

 Every time he makes a stroke, the environment in the mirror will change.

But just as Luna said before, the previous weird mirror image is not a good thing. The location where he usually observes is mostly the women's bathroom, and a few places that are not the women's bathroom are women's bathrooms or women's bathhouses.

  There was no serious place to go anyway. Gu Xi looked through it for a while, and then compared the map to choose where to go next.

 This speed naturally slows down.

 Finally, Gu Xi finally found an empty women's bathroom.

 After making sure that no one was nearby, Gu Xi quickly got out.

However, Gu Xi's luck was not very good. When he got out of the mirror, he felt something dripping from the top of his head.

Gu Xi looked up and found a female corpse being sealed with tape on the roof of the women's bathroom.

 This is the scene of a murder.

Gu Xi thought with a speechless expression.

As a necromancer, the thing Gu Xi is least afraid of is this kind of situation. It's just corpses. Even if you have grievances and want revenge, I can lend you my power.

  Learn about the spiritualism of the Necromancer.

 You can now give priority to ghosts.

  If it doesn't work, I can call the police for you.

But let’s not talk about whether those useless police officers can find the murderer, but how do I explain that I will appear in the women’s bathroom.

  But what does it mean that after I appeared, your eyes suddenly stared at me with wide eyes?

 Treat me as an enemy?

Still unable to find the murderer to take revenge, so it just turned weird?

 Gu Xi was glared at by the corpse above and felt a little unhappy.

 But just when Gu Xi was about to dispose of the corpse, he suddenly discovered that there was something wrong with the iron chain wrapped around the wrist of the corpse.

The iron chain is a blazing red inverted cross, and it looks like a short axe.

This discovery shocked Gu Xi, and he quickly looked at the condition of the corpse in front of him.

 A bad guess came to his mind.

 This is a player.

  She was killed by Wei Wei.

Without thinking much, Gu Xi pulled out the cold magic staff that turned into a pen and turned it in his hand. Now was not the time to hide his strength. If he continued to hide it, there would be big problems.

Sure enough, as Gu Xi moved, a large amount of yellow tape popped in from nearby doors and windows at the same time. The words "under renovation" were written on these tapes.

The tape was also directed towards Gu Xi.

Gu Xi moved the cold wind staff a little higher on the ground.

 “Death Ripple!”

 Gu Xi didn’t know where the enemy was, but the fact that the enemy dared to attack here proved that no one nearby saw him.

Then if you don’t use big moves at this time, when will you use them?

As the death ripples were released, a black line centered on Gu Xi pushed outward.

The yellow tape immediately lost strength and fell to the ground when it came into contact with the death ripples.

However, Gu Xi didn't care about this. The death ripples pushed outward until they reached the men's bathroom opposite. They were pushed to about thirty meters outside the bathroom before dissipating. After this blow, Gu Xi did not relax. He always felt that something was not quite right.

Sure enough, the next moment, the female body that was still taped to the ceiling hit the ground.

At the same time, the ground shook.

Gu Xi didn’t think it was the ground shaking caused by the female corpse falling down, maybe it was something really strange happening.

At this time, Gu Xi immediately turned the handle, and the main gate of Alidovi City appeared behind him.

 Because the main city gate is located inside the bathroom, Gu Xi's city gate only has two doorposts.

 But this is enough for Gu Xi.

The presence of gateposts means that the gate is open, and Gu Xi’s undead troops quickly rush out from the main city gate.

 This time those who rushed out were the level 2 cannon fodder troops that Gu Xi had defeated last night.

 The number of people was not very large, only seven or eight people came.

As soon as they arrived here, they protected Gu Xi and retreated toward the city gate. At the same time, two skeletons did not forget to drag the dead female body back.

 But just when Gu Xi was about to enter the city gate, all the water pipes in the bathroom burst, and a large amount of **** water was sprayed towards Gu Xi.

 “It’s not over, right? Corpse explosion!”

 Gu Xi pointed at the tape on the ground.

These tapes will be affected by death ripples, which are considered corpses. Using corpse explosion on him is the right choice.

 With such a corpse like Gu Xi's body exploded.

 There was another bang from the ground.

 All the tape on the ground exploded, and there were even deep cracks on the floor.

 Gu Xi also knew that this was not the time to dwell on these matters anymore, so he entered Alidovi City immediately.

 When the undead dragged the female body back, Gu Xi could still see a pair of crimson eyes, staring at Gu Xi who retreated into Alidovi City.

  After closing the gate of Aridovi, Gu Xi sat in front of the gate and panted.

 He never thought that he would encounter such a thing.

After stabilizing his mood, Gu Xi took out his briefcase and took out a white paper with strange information written on it. The strange information Gu Xi encountered just now was written on it.

  【Toilet weirdness (comprehensive weird field)】

  【1. House of Immortality (level 6): A relatively common high-level weirdness. After level 6, this house has mastered the ability to move and appear freely. It can only be discovered by looking for it specifically. 】

  【Killing method: Undiscovered】

  【Explanation: Seriously injured by unknown reasons】

  2. Universal tape (Level 3): It can be used to block outside eyes, kill enemies, store corpses, prevent enemies from speaking, etc. 】

  【Killing method: Undiscovered】

  【Explanation: Killed once by abnormal means, it will take three days to be resurrected】


[4. The faucet that keeps dripping water (Level 3): The faucet that keeps dripping water can only be used to scare people, but it can store other people's fears in the faucet, and mix it with sewage when needed and spray it out together. . 】

  【Killing method: Undiscovered】


  7. The door of deception (level 6): People who enter the bathroom through the door will unconsciously obey the rules, but they never think that the rules have led them to a dead end. 】

  【Killing method: Undiscovered】


  【11. Weird Heart (Level 9): A comprehensive weird subject, an unknown powerful existence. 】

  【Killing method: Undiscovered】

                               tlement: There are many comprehensive weird fields related to toilets. It is obvious that he is transforming himself into a more powerful weird person. As a result, all this was destroyed, so you are targeted. 】

 (End of this chapter)

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