Breath of the Dead

Chapter 331: Got into big trouble (121168)

Chapter 331 Got into big trouble (121168)

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Looking at the information recorded on the white paper, Gu Xi felt something. He raised his left hand and pulled up the cuff, and found that there was an extra mark on his arm at some point.

This brand is the word "fierce".

 When you focus on this word, you will also find that a message will appear above the word "fierce".

  【You are targeted by the toilet weirdness. As soon as you enter the bathroom, the toilet weirdness will come to your door. 】

Looking at this message, Gu Xi felt a little disdainful.

 Just tell me, if only one of us can survive, why bother?

 I don’t believe that this influence can affect my city of Alidovi.

After thinking about it for a while, Gu Xi became cruel. He called the undead troops who were staying in the city and brought along everyone they could, including the corpse succubus who Gu Xi had never liked to see. On.

With these troops, Gu Xi immediately left Aridovi City. In the open space outside the city, the sink was still the same as before, but Gu Xi could clearly see that as long as the picture in the mirror was from the bathroom, There will be a pair of blood-red eyes staring outside.

 It can be said that this road was artificially blocked.

Gu Xi ignored this. He climbed up to the sink and put his hand on the mirror.

As he stretched out his hand, he felt his arm being tightly wrapped around something.

The men who had already received Gu Xi's order quickly stepped forward and dragged Gu Xi's body. At the same time, some skeleton mages stretched out their staffs through the mirror and started their spells.

 Mana extraction.

As soon as this skill was used, Gu Xi felt that the suction force on the opposite side was significantly reduced.

At this time, Gu Xi decisively stretched out his hand, and the cold wind staff was pressed into the mirror.

 You want to die, right? Then I will help you.

Storm of Bones!

 Flame trap!

 Death ripples!

 Magical arrows!

 Bone spurs!

As long as Gu Xi could think of spells, all the spells were used!

Since he can hit her through the mirror, let’s hit his sister.

Now Gu Xi has figured it out. He is in the city of Aridovi, and he does not believe that anyone can hit him along the city of Aridovi.

 As long as you can’t hit me, that’s when I’ll hit you.

 While Gu Xi was thinking like this, he kept using his magic in the bathroom.

Moreover, he also asked his men to adjust the mirror of the sink and constantly switch the pictures of the bathroom.

 Under the influence of Gu Xi, all toilets in the city are unusable.

The man in the toilet used all his strength to fight Gu Xi head-on.

Everyone can go to the bathroom, whether it’s a public bathroom or their own bathroom, a men’s bathroom or a women’s bathroom.

As long as it is within the scope of the bathroom, you will be affected by various strange effects after entering.

  Ordinary people were immediately drained of their lives and turned into strange nutrients in the toilet.

 In the end, even some strange things passing by, or other weird creatures related to the toilet, became the nourishment of this toilet weirdness.

 Actually, in this world, weirdness is also a circle. Everyone knows who has reached what level in various weird fields, large and small.

Like the toilet weirdness, it will be upgraded soon, from the comprehensive weird field to a big weird existence, and ordinary people will not mess with him.

And such a weird person would not normally use such a big move.

 Because unifying the entire strange realm is a long-term matter for him. What he usually needs to do is to accumulate and study weird rules and understand all the rules.

This world has never encountered anything like this direct madness.

At this moment, all the bathrooms in the city had problems.

Whether they were mortals or weirdos, everyone looked confused.

 They had no idea what was going on.

I don’t know what this toilet weird wants to do.

Only Gu Xi didn't know all this. He was still casting various spells in front of the bathroom in the mirror.

These spells cannot kill Weird, but they can cause damage to Weird and consume his life and rules.

Many of the weird people who discovered this situation did not stop it. Instead, some weird people took action to attract the attention of the Great Avalokitesvara in White Clothes of Tiandao, preventing the battle here from attracting the Great Avalokitesvara in White Clothes of Tiandao.

From the perspective of these weird people, even if Toilet Weird survives today, he will still have to consume a lot of energy. Then they may not be able to tear off a piece of something from Toilet Weird's body.

But Gu Xi didn’t know this.

 After casting a circle of spells, Gu Xi's anger finally dissipated a lot.

 At this time, he drew back the cold wind staff and figured out what to do next.

 He felt refreshed just now, but it had no actual effect.

The toilet is weird but he is still alive, and the mark of the word "fierce" on his hand is becoming more and more obvious.

 At the same time, he also exposed his method of action.

Now I believe that many weirdos know that Gu Xi can shoot from the mirror.

This is somewhat detrimental to Luna's ability to capture the strange mirror space.

Now Gu Xi needs to make a judgment about what he should do.

It would be nice to know the weird way this toilet is handled.

 Gu Xi felt a little annoyed.

But just at this moment, an idea suddenly flashed through Gu Xi's mind.

If you are not familiar with this weird thing, just change to a familiar weird one.

 It just so happened that Gu Xi had such a tool in his hand.

Thinking of this, Gu Xi turned around and jumped onto the evil coffin.

Before leaving, Gu Xi did not forget to give orders to the skeleton mage.

“You are here to draw mana, draw hard, draw him to death!”

Led by Xie Coffin, Gu Xi quickly retrieved the sealed items from the dock warehouse.

That [book of treacherous possession].

Gu Xi was very careful when holding this [Book of Artificial Possession]. The book always stared at Gu Xi from time to time, as if he was thinking about where to start in order to occupy Gu Xi's body. Body.

 Gu Xi was unable to completely suppress this weird prop. He could only find a way to control this [Book of Strange Possession] through a few words from the knowledge of the undead, magic and darkness.

When he returned to the sink again, Gu Xi finally made his own mark on the [Book of Possession].

The whole situation of the [book of treacherous possession] that had been marked became strange. The eyes on the cover of the book kept widening, and some purple tentacles appeared in the pages of the book, which were constantly stretching out from it. I thought... To tear off the mark Gu Xi carved.

Gu Xi was not used to the [Book of Magical Possession], so he brought it to the sink and stared at the red eyes behind the mirror.

“Still staring, I’m back again, come in and bite me if you can!”

 After saying this, Gu Xi stretched out his hand and stuffed the "Book of Magical Possession" into the mirror of the sink.

Throwing the [Book of Possession] through the mirror into the bathroom controlled by the weirdness in the toilet.

 (End of this chapter)

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