Breath of the Dead

Chapter 332: The large weird one that was killed (122168)

 Chapter 332 The large strange being killed (122168)

After the [Book of Possession] was thrown into the bathroom, Gu Xi decisively turned off the monitoring of the bathroom.

 All the men retreated from the sink.

 The next thing is just to wait.

 Gu Xi turned his head and glanced at the troops behind him, and was about to say something when the corpse succubus ran out.

“Sir, you still have to wait here, right? Do you want to relax?”

 “No need, I’ll be even more nervous when you’re here.”

Gu Xi shook his head decisively, and after waiting for about seven or eight minutes, Luna also came back from a distance with another group of troops.

When she saw Gu Xi, Luna waved loudly, and then appeared in front of Gu Xi in a flash.

"grown ups."

“How about it, did I influence your conquest of this weird mirror space?”

“No, this is just right. The Great Guanyin in White Clothes of Tiandao has discovered where the chaos came from this time, and all the weirdness related to the mirror has hid in this space.

 Now is the best time to hunt. "

Hearing Luna's excited voice, Gu Xi laughed and said, "As long as it doesn't affect you, I'll go out after I finish taking care of the strange things in the toilet."

Luna said quickly: "Goodbye, sir, I brought back the strange corpses that I killed. Can you help me deal with these corpses?"

Hearing what Luna said, Gu Xi discovered that there were some strange corpses coming back with Luna's team.

Gu Xi could definitely tell that there was still some weird vitality in these corpses.

 Obviously, a strange force trapped this last bit of life, preventing them from truly dying.

Gu Xi curiously stepped forward to move the corpses, and then looked at Luna.

 “Have you taken away these weird mirror rules?”

“Yes, the mirror rules have been taken away, but they all carry a death rule, and they will not truly die unless they are dealt with through rules.

 This aspect may still need to be handled by you. "

 Gu Xi nodded. If his knowledge of the undead was only level 4 and he had not learned other undead skills, he would not be able to see anything with the corpse placed in front of him.

 But since Princess Anna helped him last time and asked him to burn experience and read like crazy, Gu Xi now has a certain amount of knowledge and experience.

Although he may not guarantee that he can handle these corpses, he can find the rules related to death through the corpses.

But it is still possible to suppress these corpses and turn them into undead or something.

"Okay, keep as many corpses as you want. I just happened to do some research. It seems I have to find some time to find some architectural design drawings for research and study. My current knowledge is still a little behind."

While Gu Xi was saying this, the mirror on the side of the sink suddenly became blurred, and a large amount of sewage sprayed onto the mirror, blocking all the mirrors.

At the same time, a message also popped up in Gu Xi's ear.

  【In the comprehensive weird field, the weird person in the toilet went crazy and was killed by the Goddess of Mercy in white. All weird things related to the toilet will be affected within three days, with a 50% loss of strength and a 50% loss of life! 】

  【Everyone (including mortals, players, and weirdos) who enters the bathroom within three days will be attacked indiscriminately by the weird forces in the bathroom. 】

   【Till death! 】

  【You caused 35.17% damage to the strange toilet, and served as a key node for its death. After three days, you will receive the corresponding reward (weird treasure chest and achievement)】

 “Is this the case to kill?”

He took a moment to react and quickly ran to the sink to take a look at the situation in the bathroom. But he found that no matter how he adjusted it, as long as the mirror moved to the room related to the bathroom, it was all covered with sewage, making it difficult to see anything.

 Such a thing shocked Gu Xi.

 He thought for a moment, and immediately took out the dragon fish that could communicate with Zuo Ya, and wrote a letter to Zuo Ya.

‘Brother Zuo Ya, I just got the news that a comprehensive weirdo has been killed. All the bathrooms in this city will go crazy. Anyone who enters the bathroom will be attacked indiscriminately and will not stop.

I feel this matter is quite serious. I don’t know if you have contact with players from other guilds. If so, please inform all players in this city not to enter the bathroom within three days, otherwise your life will be in danger.

 As for the players in other cities, let them die in the toilet. ’

  After sending this letter, Gu Xi commanded his men and dragged the strange corpse back to Alidovi City.

Since there were no specialized laboratories or research institutes, Gu Xi could only find a bright place to study these strange corpses.

The weirdness of this world is actually not what Gu Xi thought.

Weirds come in all shapes and sizes, and people can tell that they are weird at a glance, and sometimes their abilities can even be seen at a glance.

This is the case with these strange corpses that were dragged back by Luna.

These guys look like kappas, but the top of their head is obviously a mirror. Gu Xi can tell at a glance that their abilities are related to the mirror.

In addition, this body was wearing a long trench coat. Even if his hands were dead, the trench coat was tightly wrapped around his body.

He didn't need to look at it, but he knew that there was a mirrored body under the windbreaker.

 The same is true for several other corpses.

 Gu Xi can find some information about mirror images from these corpses.

However, Gu Xi only glanced at it for a few times and ignored the weird thing about the mirror image.

 Those things are all taken care of by Luna.

 At this time, Gu Xi was studying the death rules of these strange bodies.

After Gu Xi’s inspection, Gu Xi discovered that the reason why these strange creatures were alive was not because they had strong vitality and could not be killed no matter how hard they were beaten.

 It’s because the last drop of their life’s blood is not in their own bodies.

This feeling is very similar to that of a lich with a phylactery.

Liches can be resurrected through phylacteries, and they can be resurrected through the contents of their own life.

 Only through corresponding processing methods can this weird person be completely killed.

Even if corpses like the one in front of Gu Xi are disposed of, new ones of the same kind may appear again in a few days.

 Gu Xi believed that Luna would never want such a thing to happen.

The reason Luna was so excited this time was entirely because she saw how the strange mirror space matched her own.

 Now he is happily grabbing these weird powers related to mirror images.

If these weird things were resurrected and the weird rules were taken back, Luna would be very depressed.

 Gu Xi must find a way to solve this problem.

Thinking of this, Gu Xi suddenly thought of the strange death in the toilet. This might be an idea.

 (End of this chapter)

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