Breath of the Dead

Chapter 333: Inside the Grand Guanyin Image (please subscribe)

Chapter 333 Inside the Guanyin Statue (please subscribe)

 How did the weird toilet die?

Gu Xi didn’t think that just by throwing out the [Book of Possession], he could kill the weird guy in the toilet.

                    Even if you can possess a body, judging from the situation just now, as soon as this big weird person died, riots broke out in bathrooms across the city.

 This shows that his scope of control is the entire city.

 It only possesses one of the bodies, so there is no reason why it can be easily killed.

The real reason why the strange man died in the toilet was that the matter was too big and attracted the attention of the Goddess of Mercy in white.

 The level 20 Tiandao Guanyin in white wiped away everything about this great weirdo with one strike.

Here it is said that the Great Guanyin in White Clothes of Heaven just relies on his own level to crush everything, but Gu Xi will not believe it.

It seems that there is other information hidden in the white-clothed Guanyin of Heaven.

Gu Xi thought for a moment and stood up decisively.

“Storage these corpses first, tell Luna that the brought corpses will be stored first, and I will find a place to check some information.”

As he spoke, he exited Alidovi City.

Originally, because of the mirror effect, Gu Xi thought he could freely enter and leave Aridovi City and the real world through the mirror.

 Now he realizes that the situation is not as good as he imagined.

 The temporarily available mirror channel is temporarily unavailable, and the location where he entered Alidovi City before was still in an alley near No. 22-17 Nanliu Road Street.

When Gu Xi came out, he looked around, and then he found that no one was staring here.

Thinking about it, the treasure inside No. 22-17 Nanliu Road Street has been taken away, so those players will naturally not stay here longer.

 They have other treasures to find, and they cannot stay here and wait.

 So after coming out, Gu Xi didn't notice many people staring at him.

As for Wei Wei, there was such a big chaos happening at the moment that Wei Wei had no time to pay attention to Gu Xi who suddenly appeared.

This made Gu Xi seize the opportunity and walked out of the alley. When passing Building 22-17 Nanliu Road Street, Gu Xi glanced at the security guard and found that he was staring at him from the street with an angry look on his face. On people passing by.

 It seems that he should have discovered that the treasure has been taken away.

 For this point, Gu Xi could only say sorry.

 Some things will be taken away by others if you don’t take them, especially since this game has essentially become a desperate game.

If you don’t work hard to improve yourself, then you’re just waiting to die.

Without even looking at the security guard, Gu Xi turned around on his bicycle and headed towards the direction of the White-clad Guanyin of Heaven.

The bicycle transformed into Evil Coffin moved very fast, and Gu Xi could no longer care about much this time, so he took advantage of Evil Coffin's new ability.

Strange flash!

It can be said that the evil coffin can lock a strange and free flash within a thousand meters.

 Gu Xi did not go too far. He only activated this skill when he encountered a bridge or where he was about to stop.

Even so, Gu Xi’s movement speed has also increased a lot.

It only took less than half an hour for Gu Xi to arrive under the great Guanyin in white clothes.

 Compared to yesterday’s walk, this speed is really much faster.

Stopping in front of the gate of the Tiandao Guanyin Statue, Gu Xi found that the person guarding the door was still the security guard from last night.

Today the uncle did not stop Gu Xi. He just collected 500 yuan and let Gu Xi in.

After entering a place that looked like a park but also looked a bit like a shrine, Gu Xi first saw the white-clad Guanyin of Heaven in front of him. For some reason, in addition to the proper sense of looking down from the front, Gu Xi could also clearly feel that the jade purification bottle held by the white-clad Guanyin of Heaven was facing him.

The scene during the day yesterday convinced Gu Xi that this thing was not a decoration, but a magic weapon that could swallow people directly.

Facing such pressure, Gu Xi strode towards the Guanyin statue without even raising his head.

He discovered that under the Guanyin statue, what was standing was not the traditional lotus platform, but a giant dragon. The dragon's head was stepped on by the Guanyin statue, and the dragon's mouth was the door to the underground palace.

 After only hesitating for a moment, Gu Xi quickly stepped into the door.

The moment he stepped into the door, Gu Xi felt that the space around him quickly became colder.

 There was something chilling in the air that blew past Gu Xi's skin.

 Gu Xi took a closer look and found that there were many Buddha statues inside the Guanyin statue.

However, the most eye-catching among them are the thirty-three Guanyin statues with different movements and shapes in a circle on the ground floor.

Opposite the Guanyin statue are twelve demon statues.

For some reason, Gu Xi had a feeling that these thirty-three Guanyin statues were used to suppress the twelve demon statues.

Gu Xi stepped forward and looked at them one by one, and finally walked to the high tower inside the Guanyin statue.

This tower has a total of twelve floors, and people can go up from the inner spiral staircase.

 At the stairs, there are one hundred and eight Buddha statues.

 When he saw the first Buddha statue, Gu Xi suddenly understood the reason why the white-clothed Guanyin statue of Heavenly Dao could suppress all dissatisfaction.

It turns out that all the Buddha statues enshrined here have strange routes closely related to the city.

All the weird things in the city cannot avoid these one hundred and eight weird routes.

They can fight, they can devour other weird things, they can carve out a new path on their own, but the source of everything is here.

As long as they violate the taboos of the White-clad Guanyin, they will all die.

It seems that when Gu Xi was on the sixth floor, he saw a filthy Buddha. At this time, there was a crack on the Buddha statue.

 Obviously, the toilet that was killed before was weird, and it was this route.

And as a great weirdo, he has already been able to come into contact with the Buddha statue of the Great Avalokitesvara in white clothes.

 So when the great weirdo who violated the taboo was obliterated, the Buddha statue was also affected.

At the same time, Gu Xi also saw the Mirror Buddha here.

 Obviously he is the target Gu Xi is looking for this time.

But standing in front of this Buddha statue, Gu Xi felt helpless.

He realized that even if he found the target, he couldn't transport the Buddha statue back.

After looking at all the one hundred and eight Buddha statues, Gu Xi returned to the beginning. He always felt as if he had missed something.

Trying to think back, Gu Xi turned his attention to the thirty-three Avalokitesvara statues and the twelve demon statues.

 The statue of Guanyin is very complete. It can be said that the most important changes of Guanyin have been cast.

 But the golems are very weird. The positions of the twelve golems and their movements always give Gu Xi a gloomy feeling.

By the way, Gu Xi suddenly reacted.

 He understood what was missing here.

 (End of this chapter)

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