Breath of the Dead

Chapter 334: Reading Death (please subscribe)

Chapter 334 Reading Death (Please subscribe)

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 He did not find a Buddha statue representing death among the Buddha statues.

And Gu Xi came here this time not to find the Mirror Buddha, but to find the rules of death in this world.

 There are no Buddha statues representing death. It’s not that there is no death in this world, but that death and weirdness are mixed together and become the twelve demon statues in front of us.

Gu Xi, who understood this, was about to get closer to the demon statue and take a closer look, when a voice reminded him.

 “This believer, please don’t get too close.”

Gu Xi turned his head and saw that a faceless monk was standing in the direction of the sound.

Seeing Gu Xi looking at him, the faceless monk clasped his hands together and bowed to Gu Xi.

“The Little Monk’s Seven-person Square is formed by burning seven different corpses of male, female, old, young, sick and disabled monks into ashes in the same crematorium.”

Hearing what Qi Renfang said, Gu Xi was also a little surprised. When he came to this world, this was the first time he told his origin when he encountered something strange.

"Believers, don't worry. I am responsible for cleaning up the weirdness inside the Guanyin Hall. I will not go out, so whether you know it or not, it actually doesn't mean anything to me."

Seeing Gu Xi's reaction, Qi Renfang spoke calmly.

 Gu Xi knew that weird things could be communicated with, but generally communicating with weird things was the job of the order mages of Qiufeng City. Faced with weird things that could be communicated with like this, Gu Xi didn't know how to speak.

Finally, Gu Xicai said: "I want to observe these twelve demon statues, but I don't know where to start?"

“What believers want to observe is the rule of death.”

 Qirenfang could see Gu Xi's thoughts at a glance, and he shook his head.

 “No, believers cannot get too close.”

Although Qirenfang rejected Gu Xi's request, Gu Xi found that the other party's refusal was not so firm.

 “What if I donate?”

 Gu Xi suddenly asked.

“Ten yuan allows you to take a closer look, and you don’t have to think about anything else.”

 Gu Xi didn't say anything after hearing this. He decisively took out the tens of millions of dollars in cash that he found from the strange treasure box, and poured it all into the incense box next to the golem.

 Then he rang the hanging bell heavily.

 Qirenfang looked at the money in the incense box and then at Gu Xi.

He quickly walked up to Gu Xi and said, "This believer, let me introduce to you the situation of these twelve demon statues. Please don't leave me too far. I can protect your safety by my side."

 Speaking, Qirenfang began to explain the situation of these twelve demon statues to Gu Xi.

These twelve demon statues, just as Gu Xi thought, represent the rules of death.

  And it’s a death rule calculated by month.

 Every month there are sayings about how to die gracefully and how to die beautifully.

The golem represents the month of December, recording information about how to be buried on the top of a snowy peak and sit and watch the snow cover you.

Another March Golem walks into the Yellow Spring Road among the cherry blossoms.

  Anyway, there is a situation every month.

Gu Xi heard it, but it was not like this. At this time, in addition to these messages, reminders kept popping up in his ears.

  【You have listened to "Song of the Snow Covered Body", your knowledge of the undead has been increased to a certain extent, your control of the undead has been improved to a certain extent, your undead enhancement has been improved to a certain extent, and your soul knowledge has been improved to a certain extent. 】

  【You have listened to "Sakura Yellow Spring", your knowledge of the undead has been increased to a certain extent, and your knowledge level of the undead has reached level 7. Your ability to control the undead has been improved to a certain extent. You have slowly understood the soul strengthening ability, and your soul knowledge level has reached level 1. 】

  【You listened to "Deep Sea Map under the Blazing Sun", your knowledge of the undead has been increased to a certain extent, your undead...]

 【You listened to "The Poetry of Autumn Wind Like a Knife", your knowledge of the undead...】

 【You listened to "Bitter Wine Ci", you...】


 Seven People's Square explains it in great detail, and even quotes some things during the explanation.

These poems or other information just enriched Gu Xi's knowledge reserve.

 After slowly circling around these demon statues, Gu Xi seemed to have sublimated and seemed to understand a lot of things.

Gu Xi looked down and realized that he had gained a lot this time.

 Much of the undead's knowledge and abilities have been improved, and he has also learned many things that he did not learn at the beginning.

[Passive skills: Undead Knowledge Level 8, Undead Contract Level 3, Magic Knowledge Level 6, Basic Science Level 4, Basic Reading Level 2, Basic Scribe Level 2, Undead Dominance Level 5, Enlightenment Level 1, War Mechanics Level 1, Darkness Knowledge level 3, undead enhancement level 4, undead research level 3, soul whispers level 3, corpse research level 3, basic curse level 2, corpse structure level 1, soul knowledge level 2, soul research level 1, and death whispers level 1. 】

 【Soul Knowledge Level 2: Passive skills, mastering knowledge about the soul, basic conditions for abilities such as soul extraction and soul transformation. 】

 【Soul Research Level 1: Passive skill, mastering the ability to study souls, and can make certain transformations and adjustments to creatures and souls. 】

[Whisper of Death Level 1: Advanced passive skills, which can be learned after mastering the three skills of Undead Research, Corpse Research, and Soul Research. After learning, you can communicate with death. Death will have different meanings to him, and it also means many things. The basis for advancement skills. 】

Looking at this harvest, Gu Xi also showed a trace of satisfaction in his eyes.

 At this time, Qirenfang has also returned to its original position.

“Believers, I have explained it to you almost, and now I would like to ask you to leave.”

Gu Xi also wants to complain about this, and Ten Million will just talk about this.

 I am still very energetic and can still hear the sound at night.

 But looking at the appearance of Qirenfang, Gu Xi knew that some things could not be forced.

 He has already made a lot of money this time, so there is no need to antagonize him here anymore.

 “Thank you, Master.”

At this point, Gu Xi also knows the ability and strength of Qirenfang, and he is worthy of being a master.

In response to Gu Xi's compliment, Qirenfang still had that shameless look, neither sad nor happy. When Gu Xi left, he slowly retreated to where he was originally standing and disappeared from everyone's sight.

After exiting the statue of Guanyin in White Cloth of Tiandao, Gu Xi raised his head and glanced at the sky outside.

 “What’s going on? Where did the time go?”

It turned out that it was almost dark at this time, the security guard at the door had already started to clear the place, and some strange things began to walk towards the Great Guanyin in White Clothes of Tiandao.

Standing in front of the gate of the Great Guanyin in White Clothes of Tiandao, Gu Xi hesitated for a moment, and finally decided not to participate in tonight's hunt.

  No matter how great the harvest at night is, it cannot be as important as the one in Alidovi City.

Now the weird mirror space is the focus of Aridovi City. The monsters in the city cannot be killed in a day or two.

 (End of this chapter)

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