Breath of the Dead

Chapter 335: Effects of Whispering Death (123169)

 Chapter 335 The Effect of Whispering Death (123169)

 The average order is 1692, it is rising every day, work hard!


 Gu Xi's bicycle was riding very fast, which naturally attracted some people's attention.

It's just that this is the time when day and night alternate, so even if most people find something unusual about Gu Xi, they won't meddle in other people's business.

The ones who are really eyeing Gu Xi are the players who are so disgraced today that they don't even have to go to the toilet later.

 The troubles during the day made some players feel unhappy and planned to go out at night to have some fun.

 Several players among them are eyeing Gu Xi.

From their point of view, Gu Xi was riding his bicycle non-stop in one direction. He clearly wanted to find a safe place to take shelter before the day passed and night came.

 This is the best goal.

This kind of coward, even if he comes from his own city, is not ranked high. Beating him is just a way to vent his dissatisfaction.

When Gu Xi cycled out of a street and entered an alley to take a shortcut, he suddenly realized that there seemed to be a problem ahead.

No matter how fast his bike moved, he could never get out of the alley.

 It seems that someone is using strange abilities to prevent him from leaving.

If it was daytime, Gu Xi might think of another way.

 But it was different now. Gu Xi took out the cold wind staff that turned into a pen and patted the evil coffin that turned into a bicycle.

 Xie Coffin instantly understood what Gu Xi meant.

 Strange Flash is activated.

 The next moment, Gu Xi appeared behind a strange person.

There is nothing particularly eye-catching about this weird one, it just looks like you are a faceless white wall.

 But behind this strange person, there is also a player dressed like an office worker.

The player was also shocked when Gu Xi suddenly appeared in front of him.

 “How did you…”

 Gu Xicai didn't have time to talk nonsense to him.

The other party has already taken action, so they are the enemy.

 The cold wind staff in Gu Xi's hand pointed at the player.

 “Magic Arrow!”

As Gu Xi struck, a flying sword made of ice pierced the player.

This player's reaction was not slow. When the flying sword flew over, he immediately hit a blue light on the weird body in front of him.

 “Confused and strange-ghost hits the wall!”

 After this sentence, Gu Xi's flying sword actually flew in a different direction, obviously not hitting the player.

However, his reaction is quick, and Gu Xi's reaction is even faster.

 “Death Ripple!”

Gu Xi didn't care what was going on nearby, he just released the Death Ripple, a spell that no one but the undead could withstand.

"Are you crazy!"

 Gu Xi ignored the other party at all. After the death ripple confirmed that the other party's position had not changed, he pointed his finger in front of the other party.

 “Storm of Bones!”

The player had just faced the Death Ripple, and now the Bone Storm was dealing real physical damage to him.

Even if he uses Ghost to hit the wall, it will be useless. Others will just stand there. Bone Storm is a range attack. As long as the person does not move, the attack effect will not stop at all.

This player quickly recruited Weird back.

 “Confused and weird-deceiving life!”

 The strange weapon in his hand actually split into four and pounced on the player from four directions. When he jumped forward, the player also transformed himself into the same look as Weird. It was obvious that he was preparing to escape.

 But can he escape?

 No one can offend the abbot and still leave alive.

 Gu Xi chose Death Ripple immediately.

 As long as he is alive, he will be affected by the death ripple.

No matter how many people the other party becomes, it is of no use to Gu Xi. Under the ripples of death, all living beings are equal.

Especially since Gu Xi just learned some knowledge about death from the Great Guanyin in White Clothes of Heaven today.

 The understanding of death has not yet dissipated, and the effect of death ripples has been significantly strengthened.

As soon as the death ripples are pushed out, they continue to spread outwards. Not to mention that the opponent player is still here, even if he sneaks and becomes invisible, it will be useless.

  The damage caused by the death ripple will still fall on this player.

The player pointed at Gu Xi and wanted to say something.

 But Gu Xi was not the kind of person who would give his enemy a last chance to speak. He waved his staff twice in the direction of the player.

 “Bone spur!”

 “Magic Arrow!”

Two flying swords pierced into the player's body one after another, pinning the player to the wall.

  【Shu Yun of Autumn Wind City died in battle! 】

At the same time, Gu Xi's eyes were looking at the position behind him.

After staring at the alley entrance behind him for seven or eight seconds, Gu Xicai walked towards the player Shu Yun who was nailed to the wall.

 He did not call his men out, but touched Shu Yun's body and took out several things from him.

A photo album that is not too thick. It shows the faces of some people who were frightened and frightened when they got lost because of ghosts breaking through walls.

                                             G)). 】

 A white porcelain bottle filled with a faint blue liquid.

 【Water of Order (grey): A life liquid unique to Autumn Wind City. After taking it, you can avoid the influence of strange forces on yourself (it is white quality for Autumn Wind City, and gray garbage for other cities)】

 A small pot for traveling. There is a yellow talisman on the pot lid. I don’t know what is sealed inside.

  【Sealed Pot (green): Seal Weirdness in a pot to polish Weirdness' temper and make Weirdness obey your orders. 】

 Other than these things, Shu Yun had nothing else that could be used.

Gu Xi said disdainfully: "For such a waste, he dares to come over and attack me. Isn't this seeking death?"

Shaked his head, Gu Xi pointed at Shu Yun's body.


As a ray of white light fell on Shu Yun's body, Shu Yun's eyes suddenly opened, and a bright blue light flashed in his eyes.

 This is the effect of the soul being nourished by the power of order.

If it was Gu Xi before, he might not be able to handle this situation.

But just now Gu Xi just learned soul knowledge, soul research and other methods.

This kind of method for the soul to be nourished by external power is exactly the right one. Gu Xi stretched out his hand and grabbed it, holding down the soul that wanted to fly out of Shu Yun's body with the help of power.

Then Gu Xi kept moving his hands to push the soul back into the corpse, and then used negative energy to assimilate and repair the wounds on the corpse.

In Gu Xi's eyes, the effect of spiritualism is broken down into many details, and he can adjust and change each detail.

 It seems that this is the benefit of mastering the Whisper of Death.

 Gu Xi can now master the details of spiritualism, and believes that many things in spiritualism will be affected or even undergo certain changes.

 (End of this chapter)

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