Breath of the Dead

Chapter 336: Enhanced Spiritualism (124169)

 Chapter 336 Enhanced Spiritualism (124169)

 Under Gu Xi's fine-tuning, it took Shu Yun's body an extra minute to complete the transformation of the spiritualism.

Under this kind of fine-tuning, Gu Xi can even actively specify what kind of undead Shu Yun's body will be transformed into.

 Skeleton soldiers, zombies or ghosts.

After checking Shu Yun's situation, Gu Xi immediately chose to transform Shu Yun into the special soldier he wanted.

 Skeleton Mage.

After Gu Xi finally determined the direction, Shu Yun's body exploded on the spot. Under the protection of bright blue light, Shu Yun's bones stood up from the flesh and blood, and then the exploded flesh and skin turned into The robe was draped over Shu Yun's bones.

 A skeleton mage stood in front of Gu Xi.

  【Skeleton Mage (level 4, summoned object): experience (0/500), attack 5, defense 2, life 16, ammunition 9, skills: lightning bolt, maze, clone. 】

 Gu Xi was still a little surprised by the skeleton mage's situation. He never expected that this skeleton mage also had skills of his own.

 The maze technique should have been his previous method of controlling weird ghosts and wall-breaking.

 The clone technique should be a way to control the weirdness and try to escape by using a clone.

 It seems that this is still a skeleton mage with potential.

It's just a pity that he is not at the boss level and is not a special undead, so the corpse of such a good player was lost in vain.

 After sending the Skeleton Mage away, Gu Xi looked at the entrance to the alley.

Just now, Gu Xi has noticed several players poking their heads in that position.

However, after Gu Xi killed Shu Yun, those players left quickly.

It seems that these players also know that Gu Xi is not something to be trifled with.

 Gu Xi did not chase after those players. He packed up the things here, turned over, jumped on the bicycle transformed by the evil coffin, and headed towards the Five Dou Family.

This time, there were no more enemies to stop him on the way. In less than fifteen minutes, Gu Xi returned to the vicinity of Wu Dou's house.

At this time, Gu Xi saw the place where he got off the taxi.

 Due to different moods and different levels of some skills, what Gu Xi saw in this position was also different.

Just like when Gu Xi looked at Maple Leaf Park at this time, he found that there was a strange feeling in Maple Leaf Park.

The abandoned Yitou Middle School looked pink with a weird aura on the surface, but Gu Xi could see the path of fear in it.

 This is completely different from what Gu Xi had heard before.

This made Gu Xi have some thoughts. He planned to deal with Maple Leaf Park and Yitou Middle School after the affairs in Alidovi City were settled.

As for now, Gu Xi plans to go back to Wu Dou's house for a meal first.

 He rode his bicycle to the door of Wu Dou's house. Before he could open the door, Wu Dou Mino took the initiative to open the door and welcomed Gu Xi in.

“Welcome back, the meal is ready. Do you want to eat first, or me first?”

 “Eat first…”

Gu Xi had never experienced this kind of situation before. Before he finished speaking, Wu Dou Mei Nao had already pulled Gu Xi into the house.

“I’ll eat first, don’t worry, I understand. The hot water has been put in. Let’s take a shower first.”

 The following time, Gu Xi felt like he had watched a very real Tokyo Fever.

 It took him more than two hours before he had dinner. However, Gu Xiyou noticed that when he went to the bathroom to take a shower, the bathroom of Wu Dou's house had been boarded up with wooden boards.

Standing in front of the bathroom door, you can still hear knocking sounds coming from inside.

  When Gu Xi looked towards the bathroom, Gotou Mino said with some embarrassment.

"This is an accident. It seems that all the bathrooms have problems today. The situation here in my house is not bad. It's just that there is a lot of sewage coming up. There is nothing weird. As long as the door is nailed, the things inside can't come out. That’s it.

I heard that the weird thing next door is the flower in the bathroom.

The owner of the house next door is gone now. If Hanako hadn't been unable to come out at night, maybe Hanako would have been killed on the street by now. "

"Oh, the owner of the house next door is gone?" Gu Xi stood up as soon as he heard this, and Wu Dou Mei Nai, who helped Gu Xi wipe his mouth, immediately put on clothes for Gu Xi.

"Yes, I found it when I went to buy groceries today. It was precisely because of this discovery that I didn't go into the bathroom and just nailed the door."

Go Dou Mino explained.

“Generally speaking, what will happen to a house without an owner like this? Is it waiting for other heirs to inherit it? Or does it belong to whoever enters it?”

What Gu Xi was thinking of was actually the abandoned castle tower that Gu Xi had built that day.

If the house next door has become an abandoned castle tower, Gu Xi wouldn't mind knocking it down and replacing it with his own land deed and architectural design.

“I don’t know about this either. I think generally speaking, they will find someone from their family’s collateral line to inherit.”

Gotou Mino has never encountered such a situation, and she did not answer Gu Xi’s question directly.

"If you have an heir, forget it. Don't go to the bathroom for these three days. Today I went to the Guanyin in white clothes of Tiandao. The filthy Buddha statue there was cracked.

 Everything weird related to the bathroom has gone wrong.

I'm afraid it will take a few days before it's safe. By the way, the money is rent. I will rent here for two more days. "

 Gu Xi explained the situation to Wu Dou Mei Nai.

As soon as Wu Dou Mei Nai heard that Gu Xi had gone to the Heavenly Dao Guanyin in white, he immediately responded: "I know, I will take care of it."

 Gu Xi patted the five buckets of fine wine, and then said: "Go to bed first, and we will talk about other things tomorrow."

Go Doumei nodded obediently.

Of course Gu Xi did nothing. More than an hour later, he entered Alidovi City and appeared in front of the council hall.

 At this time, Alidovi City is in a state of fighting.

Gu Xi saw Luna hurriedly dealing with the matters at hand, and quickly leading the troops to prepare to leave the city.

 “Luna, how is the situation? Do you need my help?”

“No need, sir, I have already captured two nodes, and I am now fighting the third node. These battles need to be handled by me. Sir, you don’t understand the situation of the mirror, and taking action will cause chaos.

Let's do this, sir. If you are free, please help me deal with these weird corpses that happen to be brought back.

This time I laid down two nodes and got a lot of weird corpses. If they are not disposed of, they will be resurrected soon, and the nodes will be snatched back by then. "

Hearing what Luna said, Gu Xi almost understood that the so-called weird mirror space node here is probably the kind of comprehensive weird field.

 Maybe even a big weird with some strength.

 One or two nodes are fine, but if there are too many, Luna may not be able to handle them.

 (End of this chapter)

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