Breath of the Dead

Chapter 337: Study the rules of death (please subscribe)

Chapter 337 Studying the Rules of Death (Please subscribe)

"Okay, leave this matter to me. I should have dealt with this matter during the day, but I have something to do during the day. Now I can use the time at night to study these corpses and see how they are going to be dealt with."

 Now, Gu Xi is quite confident about these strange corpses.

Although he has no way to prevent these weird things from being resurrected through other means, Gu Xi can still take out the death rules from them and temporarily suppress them for three to five days.

 As long as these three to five days, these weird things cannot be revived.

That is enough.

 Gu Xi estimated that it would only take about three days for Luna to capture the strange mirror space.

 As long as those weirdos who were killed were not resurrected during these three days, that would be enough.

 Gu Xi quickly got ready. He picked a relatively good location to deal with these strange corpses, which was the evil wood lake in the magic plant area.

Although the Demonic Plant Area is still in the midst of war, the water in Xiemu Lake really has the effect of warming and purifying corpses.

 So Gu Xi was going to dispose of the corpse here and study how to extract the rules of death from the corpse.

Just as Gu Xi was ordering the remaining undead souls in the city to transport the corpses to the magic plant area, an owl flew in front of Gu Xi.

This is exactly the owl that Gu Xi gave to Zuo Ya.

Gu Xi was stunned for a moment, then reached out and took the owl, with a note on it.

 Hello, brother Gu Xi, your letter has been received. I have to say that your letter helped us a lot. Because of the information you sent, the players in this city suffered less losses in this incident.

 Looking at the other two cities, their luck was not so good. According to the information I received, they lost 30% of their manpower in this incident.

 Died in the toilet, what an achievement.

 We do not intend to miss such a good opportunity. Tonight is a good time for hunting.

I wonder if you are interested in joining us. If so, I am going to call a few more people and give them a big one for Qiufeng City. ’

Looking at the letter, Gu Xi hesitated for a moment, and finally gave up his plan to go out.

 He replied the letter casually and sent it out with a fish and dragon.

“Brother Zuo, I encountered something. I am dealing with a large strange thing. It may take two to three days, so I will not participate in this hunting. If there is any new news, I will contact you.”

After sending the letter away, Gu Xi took the body to the vicinity of Xiemu Lake in the Demonic Plant Area.

 Finding a clean place to sit down, Gu Xi began to dismantle the strange corpses.

 Because the directions for disposing of the corpse were different, Gu Xi’s next actions were also different.

Unlike dealing with Shu Yun's corpse as easily as before, Gu Xi used all the methods he had learned to deal with the corpse this time. The main topic was the word "split".

 Dismantle these corpses.

Anyway, the number of undead in Gu Xi's hands is enough, and these corpses can be used to transform new undead, so Gu Xi's operation on these corpses is to use the knife to remove the parts with strange auras on the corpses. .

During the process of dismantling the corpses, Gu Xi also carefully recorded the information of the corpses, and sometimes carefully checked the quality of some things on the corpses.

 There are some suitable ones that Gu Xi will put aside specially.

Even if it is inappropriate, Gu Xi will not throw away the corpses in a hurry. Because Gu Xi understood that the corpses were here and the rules of death had not yet been analyzed, so he could not throw them away.

 Because then he wouldn’t know where this weirdness ended up being reborn.

 In order to ensure Luna's safety in this battle, Gu Xi must do this well.

 Gu Xi’s eyes suddenly lit up as he took out a strange internal organ again.

 He recalled the twelve demon statues he saw at the Great Avalokitesvara in White Clothes of Heaven.

 Suddenly there was a feeling in my heart.

“Rules are written in time, life is hidden in rumors, and I finally found it.”

Gu Xi reached out and grabbed a certain place, and Gu Xi pulled out a ball of light blue stuff.

This is exactly the strange death rule. As long as this weirdness is still there, it means that this weirdy is not dead, and new weirdies of the same type will not be born. At the same time, if this weirdness disappears.

The situation needs to be analyzed in detail. If someone was killed directly by external force, new weirdness will appear in the shortest possible time.

 But if they are killed using the method of dealing with weirdness, then no new weirdness will appear in a short period of time.

Especially for the unique, super-large weird ones, the core point is often hidden in the rules of death.

 As long as they are not killed according to the rules, they can take the opportunity to resurrect. At that time, they will still be the only ones and the strongest.

The current batch is all the most common mirror image weirdos. There are only two large and unique mirror image weirdos, but those two are obviously different from the normal weird ones. Gu Xi has not yet dealt with their bodies.

What Gu Xi took out just now was just an ordinary and weird death rule.

 He ​​held the rule of death in his hand and felt that the rule of death was fading away in his hand.

 It seems that he can dismantle the death rules, but there is no way to save them.

But fortunately, Gu Xi took out the [Water of Order] he got from Shu Yun as soon as he thought about it, and threw the death rules into it.

 Later, Gu Xi discovered that his choice was correct. These death rules were soaked in the [Water of Order] and did not overflow again.

This shows that there are specializations in the arts, and Qiufeng City was really born to play weird.

After discovering the way to deal with it, Gu Xi dealt with these corpses much faster. He first found the death rules on the corpses and stuffed them into the [Water of Order]. After these death rules were taken away, Gu Xi then Dispose of these corpses when you have time.

Without the influence of the death rules, these corpses are just ordinary corpses. At most, they have strange powers and have some more usable parts.

 The research level of Gu Xi's corpse bones has reached level 3, and there is a chance that some white quality materials will appear in the dismantled corpses.

 At the same time, Gu Xi also gained a better understanding of these strange things through these materials.

These weird physiques are no longer a secret in Gu Xi's eyes.

So Gu Xi finally turned his attention to a strange corpse that had removed the rules of death, and performed spiritualism on the strange corpse.

As a bit of white light fell on the weird body, the weird body moved slightly, the flesh and blood spread out on the spot, the bones crawled up from the flesh and blood, and a skeleton soldier stood out.

 【You use spiritualism successfully and get a skeleton soldier (level 4) and 1 spiritualist experience point. 】

 (End of this chapter)

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