Breath of the Dead

Chapter 341: Special mirror undead (please subscribe)

Chapter 341 Special Mirror Undead (Please subscribe)

While Luna was leading the troops to repair, Gu Xi had already dragged all the strange corpses back to the front of Xiemu Lake.

Before dealing with the big weird corpse, Gu Xi still dismantled the weird corpse to practice his skills as before, and then transformed the big weird corpse after he found the feeling.

Among the strange corpses brought this time, there were also non-human ones, but Gu Xi had already figured out how to deal with some of the corpses.

Now he just needs to wait for some knowledge to be understood clearly before he can start taking action.

 Because he had a direction, Gu Xi's action of dismantling the strange things was very smooth this time.

But something soon happened that embarrassed Gu Xi. The [Water of Order] bottle used to store the rules of death was already full.

 The originally bright blue Water of Order has now turned into pure black.

Gu Xi just opened the bottle cap and could hear resentment and wailing coming from inside.

Gu Xi knew without looking that if he stuffed it inside, the rules of death would turn this bottle of [Water of Order] into the water of the undead.

With no choice but to do so, Gu Xi could only temporarily stop what he was doing and deal with the Midnight Mirror, which had taken away the rules of death and turned into a truly dead thing.

 How to deal with the Midnight Mirror, Gu Xi had already thought of it when he saw Luna.

If it’s not human and has no soul, then give him an elf.

 Gu Xi brought a ghost fruit that looked like an apple, stood in front of the broken full-length mirror, lit a white candle, and carefully peeled the apple in front of the full-length mirror.

Although the time may not be right, Gu Xi did a good job in other ritual aspects.

 The peel of the apple was not broken. At the same time, while he was peeling the apple, he kept staring at the reflection in the mirror.

When the first apple was peeled, Gu Xi suddenly reached out to the mirror and grabbed it, and he grabbed the reflection in the mirror.

"I knew that if the rules were here, intelligence would be generated. That's fine. I just need to seal you in."

As Gu Xi spoke, he did not stop moving his hands.

He quickly drew the magic circle of the undead transformation spell on the mirror, and at the same time, he kept taking out various materials to serve as magic sacrifices.

As for the filling and modification of the corpse, Gu Xi has no need. After all, the Midnight Mirror is not a serious corpse. Even if Gu Xi wants to put the internal organs, he doesn't know where to put it.

Gu Xi just drew the magic circle on the mirror, and did not even fill in the broken parts of the mirror. After drawing the magic circle, Gu Xi casually stuffed the soul he had just grabbed back.

 After the soul was stuffed in, Gu Xi's mana was quickly drained away.

 Gu Xi discovered that the mana that had been taken away was not integrated into the mirror, but was instead injected into the pillars of the full-length mirror.

This made Gu Xi a little speechless. Could it be that this pillar is the key to this full-length mirror.

As the pillar was injected with mana, Gu Xi found that the full-length mirror in front of him, which was originally more than two meters high, quickly rose up.

The pillars that were not originally thick have become as thick as a calf, and the gold and silver jewelry on them have also changed into a black skull style.

Then where the mirror surface cracked, a mercury-silver liquid flowed out, and a struggling figure was twisting and turning in the mirror.

  【You successfully use spiritualism, you get a special undead (death mirror fairy, level 4), spiritualism experience +1, and have some understanding of skills such as corpse structure, undead research, and soul knowledge. . 】

  【Special Undead: Death Mirror Immortal (Level 4)

  Buildings that can be garrisoned: library, magic tower, school    Characteristic effects:

Mirror Immortal: As a method of weird divination, as long as you can afford the sacrifice, you can get the corresponding answer from the Mirror Immortal. However, if you do not provide the offering, your soul will become part of the offering.

Ritual Master: In order to be the source of some strange rituals, Death Mirror Immortal has a deep research on various rituals. If placed in a location where the ritual is needed, the success rate of the ritual will be greatly improved.

Soul-suppressing Cage: Some people will imprison their souls in the mirror. After a long time, some strange things will begin to appear in the mirror. Now the Dead Mirror Immortal has reversed this method, and the soul imprisoned in the mirror will not be able to be transformed into a new one. Instead, it will become a part of the Death Mirror Immortal. 】

  【Explanation: A very special undead, because he cannot move, you must use rituals to order him. The most important thing is that the answers he gives may not be true. 】

Gu Xi, who had completed the undead transformation this time, couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

 The success of the undead transformation technique this time is equivalent to opening up another path for Gu Xi.

 Now Gu Xi has further researched on the knowledge required for the undead transformation technique.

If the death rules hadn't been removed from the next three weird corpses, Gu Xi would have already started the next action.

Now, Gu Xi had to stop what he was doing and command his men to carry the Death Mirror Immortal toward the library.

Gu Xi and Death Mirror Immortal walked to the vicinity of the witch's cabin, and the witch lying in front of the window waved her hand to Gu Xi.

“Uncle, come and play! No, I’m sorry for running away. Guest, new things have arrived. Do you want to come in and have a look?”

 Gu Xi turned around and took a look. He remembered that he had arranged for people to take away all the things that were refreshed every day. What happened this time? Why didn't anyone go to deal with it?

Although he had some doubts in his heart, Gu Xi still entered the witch's hut.

As soon as I walked in and took a rest, I saw something on the table in the middle of the hut.

At the same time, there were some coins condensed with negative energy placed in two places nearby. It seemed that it was not that Gu Xi's men did not come to buy the items, but that the quality of the items left behind was beyond the normal level. The people who stayed behind from Luna were not at all There just isn't enough money to buy this thing.

This made Gu Xi a little bit interested.

Gu Xi walked to the table, reached out and picked up the thing placed on the table.

It was half a set of ribs made of gold. Judging from the size, it was either from a sheep or a human.

 The moment he lifted the rib, Gu Xi knew the condition of this thing.

[Golden sternum (purple, incomplete): Comes from the bones of golden humans. Although every bone has purple quality, because the bones are incomplete and only have half a set of ribs, this thing can only be regarded as blue quality. It can be used to strengthen the undead or become the main material for making the undead. 】

 Purple is incomplete.

 It’s a pity.

Looking at this attribute, Gu Xi couldn't help but sigh. If this were a complete purple skeleton, even if it only had ribs, Gu Xi would dare to use it to summon spirits directly.

 Now, this thing is really not as good as imagined and can only be used to strengthen the undead.

 What a pity that such a good opportunity has passed.

 (End of this chapter)

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