Breath of the Dead

Chapter 342: Upgrade, level 2 barracks (please subscribe)

Chapter 342 Upgrade, level 2 barracks (please subscribe)

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After buying the golden sternum, Gu Xi and his men carried the Death Mirror Immortal toward the library.

As for the sign in front of the witch's hut, the woman leaning against the window had closed her eyes and stopped moving as before.

 What can Gu Xi say about such an unreliable living sign?

Who made his city full of such weird things?

This time, I hope there won't be anything in the city that he can't look down upon.

Just as Gu Xi was about to reach the library, a horn sound came from the direction of the barracks.

 Gu Xi turned his head and looked over there, and saw that colorful flags were raised above the barracks. It was obviously like he had won a big prize.

Gu Xi thought for a moment and waved to his men: "Take this Death Mirror Immortal to the library, and I'll go to the barracks to have a look."

 After saying that, Xie Coffin automatically turned around and drove towards the barracks with Gu Xi.

Arrived in front of the barracks, before Gu Xi jumped out of the evil coffin, Fu Gu came out to greet him.

 “Sir, you are here.”

 “I just heard the horn sound, come and see, what happened?”

"Sir, the barracks has completed its first upgrade. That was the news of the barracks upgrade just now."

 “The barracks has been upgraded?”

 Gu Xi was a little surprised when he heard this.

 He never expected that in the core building, the barracks would be upgraded one step ahead of schedule.

“Yes, sir, since the establishment of the barracks, we have been working hard to complete daily tasks, accumulate enough experience, and with sufficient resources in the city, it is normal for the barracks to be upgraded.”

 While Fu Gu was speaking, Gu Xi had already begun to check the situation in the barracks.

 【Building name: Barracks

 Level: Level 2 (can be upgraded)


  Reorganize no more than 10,000 soldiers to ensure that all soldiers enjoy the special effects of the player (if a unit dies in battle after reorganization, other soldiers can be quickly replaced to replace its weapons and equipment)

 Send five troops at the same time to complete city tasks (task level 1-5).

 Can store 5,000 sets of weapons and equipment.

 Discover the invasion and attack on our city two days in advance.

 Two troops can be dispatched to station at wild resource points. 】

Looking at the information in front of him, Gu Xi thought to himself: Sure enough.

 This barracks has really been upgraded.

At this time, Gu Xi also became curious: "Fu Gu, what are the conditions for upgrading the barracks? Why haven't the other core buildings been upgraded?"

“Sir, the conditions for upgrading the barracks are very simple. Just complete 50 city battle missions and reorganize 5,000 soldiers.

 Since the establishment of the barracks, we have been working hard to complete the city's battle mission.

As soon as each mission is completed, new manpower will be arranged to go out quickly, and the standard has been reached long ago.

As for the 5,000 soldiers, the undead that the Lord arranged to come in last night have completed the reorganization of the troops, so the reorganization requirements for the 5,000 soldiers have been met.

 Coupled with the sufficient resources, we started upgrading the barracks yesterday. Just now, the barracks has been upgraded. " ˆ ˆ ˆ " Well done, let's go in and have a look. "

After understanding why the barracks could be upgraded so quickly, Gu Xi felt relieved. At this time, he was also curious about what a level 2 barracks looked like.

As soon as Fu Gu heard this, he made a way and asked Gu Xi to go in.

When entering the barracks, Gu Xi found that compared with last time, the interior of the barracks was significantly larger, and many new rooms had also been cut out.

 There is a corresponding sign in front of the door of each room, which states the function of each room.

 Weapons depot, reference room, collection room, drawing room, adjutant’s room, staff room, black gun barracks, bone-cutting barracks…

While walking through these rooms, Fu Gu would also introduce the functions of these rooms to Gu Xi one by one.

Needless to say, there is no need to talk about the weapons depot and data room. They are places used to store weapons and information on various arms of the city.

 The collection room is a room used to store achievement rewards obtained in city battle missions, or some commemorative battle collections.

But according to Fu Gu, city battle missions must be at least purple quality to be worth collecting, and forget about blue quality or below.

The drawing room is used to draw maps. There will be the most comprehensive full-scale map of Aridovi City. Of course, these maps are maps of the areas that have been explored. There are no maps for areas occupied by the enemy or blocked by the sky of death. of.

 The adjutant's room can accommodate two adjutants. The adjutants need special undead and a certain amount of talent.

Of course, with their joining, Fu Gu can save a lot of things, and the details of the city battle mission will be more comprehensive.

The staff room is similar to the adjutant room. Two staff officers can be stationed there. The staff members also need special undead and a certain amount of intelligence.

 Staff officers can study more combat plans and be more targeted when sending troops to participate in urban battle missions.

As for the Black Spear Barracks and the Bone-cutting Barracks, these two battalions are stationed here. They can communicate with the barracks through these two rooms at any time.

When the help of these two troops is needed, Fugu can give orders to these two troops as soon as he is here.

 While explaining these situations, Gu Xi and Fu Gu also came to the center of the barracks.

As soon as he entered the place, Gu Xi found that the map originally placed in the hall had become three-dimensional.

Three different maps can be pushed open at any time and put together at any time. It is obvious that this is influenced by Alidovi Tower. The barracks has begun to conduct planned research on Alidovi City in two different periods.

At the same time, Gu Xi also noticed that the map on this floor had also undergone obvious changes. In addition to the main city area being made more three-dimensional, Gu Xi also found that outside the magic plant area, part of the foggy area had been explored.

The sewers under the city are also clearly represented. It can even be seen that the barracks has the idea of ​​making a separate map of the sewers.

It seems that the barracks really played the map very carefully.

However, Gu Xi soon discovered something different.

 “Fu Gu, what is here?”

"Oh, here are some weird mirror nodes that Lady Luna just captured. Because the weird mirror space has not been integrated yet, this place can only be regarded as a conquered place, not an occupyable position. I can't send troops to station in Yun. "

Looking at these new locations marked with glass, Gu Xi couldn't help but ask: "Can you see Luna's current situation from this map?"

 “This may not work.”

“What if the weird mirror space is merged in, will it be considered a location in the city or outside the city?” At this time, Gu Xi raised a question.

Regarding this issue, Fu Gu thought about it seriously, "Maybe it will be like a sewer that has been cleaned, and it will be an auxiliary location of the city."

 (End of this chapter)

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