Breath of the Dead

Chapter 343: The fairy tale character Black Queen from the library (1271

Chapter 343 The fairy tale character from the library-The Black Queen (127170)

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While Gu Xi was looking at the map, Fu Gu was still introducing it to Gu Xi.

"Sir, please rest assured that our territory will keep pace with the times. As long as the size of the city changes, new changes will appear on the map immediately. You see, we are adjusting the new map now. At the same time, the city battle mission will also be moved here. arrange."

Hearing this, Gu Xi had to be convinced. It was not without reason that the barracks could be upgraded one step ahead of schedule.

 Although there is a reason why Gu Xi suddenly added three thousand undead troops, they have been working hard.

 Compared with this, the white-bone wine girl who has been chattering there is really no match for Fu Gu's efforts.

"Okay, I already know about your efforts. What are the conditions for upgrading from level 2 to level 3? Are there any other requirements besides troop strength?"

“No, there are no other requirements before level 5, but starting from level 2, more resources will be required for upgrading, and the special resource of mercury will begin to be needed.”

Fu Gu immediately stated the needs of the barracks, "At the same time, it would be best for you to arrange for some adjutants and staff to come over, even if it is only temporary, so that the efficiency of the barracks' city campaign mission can be improved."

"Okay, I know about this. If there are suitable people, I will arrange for them to come in."

 Gu Xi was not worried at all that he would not be able to do this. During this period, the three cities were fighting, and there would always be some players jumping out to die.

 The player's corpse is the most suitable for making special undead.

 If you are lucky and find one or two people who are suitable for the barracks, there will naturally be manpower available to arrange them.

 After walking around in a circle, Gu Xi noted down the needs of the barracks and left the barracks. At this time, he did not forget his original goal.

Although he turned to the barracks on the way, he still wanted to go to the library.

 After all, things over there still need to be taken care of.

At the same time, Gu Xi also planned to ask other core buildings to see what their upgrade conditions were and if there was anyone who needed his help.

These things were originally Luna's business, but now that Luna is dealing with the weird mirror space, these things naturally fall on Gu Xi's head.

 After leaving the barracks, Gu Xi immediately headed towards the library.

 At this time, he discovered a problem. He seemed to have not seen Dimi for a while.

Didn’t the original Dimi often hang out near the meeting hall or the magic plant area?

 Why did he disappear as soon as he turned around?

While Gu Xi was still wondering, the evil coffin had already sent him to the library.

After jumping off the evil coffin, Gu Xi hurriedly entered the library. At this time, the skeleton that sent Death Mirror Immortal in had already left, leaving only Death Mirror Immortal as an undead soul in the library.

No, when Gu Xi entered the library, he found a woman in black robe touching the mirror of Death Mirror Immortal in front of him.

 Hearing Gu Xi's footsteps entering the library, the woman turned around.

For some reason, when Gu Xi saw this woman, he always had the feeling that she had a heroic aura.

 Looking at this person, it's like seeing a general, but her dress is obviously not that. Some people will believe her if she is dressed like a witch, and others will believe her if she is dressed like a queen.

 This situation made Gu Xi a little puzzled.

At this time, the woman also smiled at Gu Xi and said, "Hello, the owner of this place, I am an old woman passing by, and I would like to take a rest here."

“Please help yourself, I just came over to take a look. By the way, I seem to have noticed that you have some thoughts about this mirror?”

When the woman spoke, Gu Xi realized that this should be a fairy tale character that appeared every week in the library.

It’s just that the black robe on her body was too tight, and Gu Xi wasn’t sure who she was.

Facing such a person, Gu Xi will naturally not let him go, and he is trying to find a way to communicate with him. "Yes, your mirror is interesting. It is relatively low-level. You can ask questions, but you have to make offerings. It seems that you don't have enough control over your own mirror."

 I used to have a mirror, and it was the kind of mirror that I could use to ask questions.

 If you have any questions, just ask them directly. There is no need to submit an offering at all. "

As soon as Gu Xi heard this, he immediately understood who it was, and he asked naturally.

 “Is your mirror reliable?”

Hearing this question, the queen in front of her with a heroic face, fair skin, beautiful long legs, was also stunned. She was silent for a moment, and finally spoke slowly.


Hearing the Queen's words, Gu Xi couldn't help laughing.

The somewhat unhappy queen rolled her eyes at Gu Xi, "You don't know what you've missed."

Gu Xi didn't care what he missed. He remembered that the queen was considered a high-level witch. Her abilities in magic were beyond the imagination of ordinary people, especially her abilities in poison and transformation, which were beyond the level of ordinary people. .

 After Gu Xi smiled, he quickly came up with some questions and asked the queen.

 The Queen was somewhat dissatisfied with the way Gu Xi asked the question.

 After all, you laughed at me at first, and now you want to ask questions, so don’t even think about it.

 But Gu Xi’s attitude behind him was quite sincere, and the queen was attracted by the power of the library.

 So the Queen started talking.

I don’t know if it was because of the Death Mirror Immortal, but the Queen and Gu Xi slowly started talking about ritual magic.

 The Queen is quite aware of this.

“Actually, sometimes magic is in the ceremony. For example, marriage is an irreversible ceremony. As long as the ceremony is successful and completed, even if the last step of the bridal chamber is not carried out, it will be considered a second marriage.

 There are also the transshipment ceremony and the life renewal ceremony. Why do they take so many days? Because everything is done subtly.

 So when dealing with some powerful beings that cannot be dealt with now, you can use ritual magic to slowly affect it.

I don’t know what a necromancer is like, but the magic principles are the same. "

Hearing what the queen said, Gu Xi slowly came up with some ideas.

  【You communicate with dark fairy tale characters, learn and master ritual magic, and ritual magic reaches level 1. 】

 Seeing a look of understanding slowly appear on Gu Xi's face, the Queen also showed a hint of smile.

It seems that Gu Xi is someone who knows magic.

 Haven’t communicated like this for a long time.

 But at this moment, Gu Xi suddenly asked.

“I would like to ask, the princess died three times and was resurrected three times. Is this a ritual?”

 As soon as she heard this question, the queen's face quickly darkened. Was this a slap in her face?

 At this time, Gu Xi quickly talked about the situation of Princess Anna.

 When talking about Princess Anna being resurrected as an undead through various means three times and dying in battle three times, the queen hesitated and comforted Gu Xi.

  “If things don’t go as far as three, there is no hope.”

 (End of this chapter)

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