Breath of the Dead

Chapter 344: Crazy growing Gu Xi (128170)

Chapter 344 Gu Xi’s crazy growth (128170)


Hearing the Queen's words, Gu Xi couldn't help but sigh.

 The situation of Princess Anna made Gu Xi somewhat emotional.

  Obviously she is the genuine Princess of Britain, and she has obviously fought through life and death three times for Britain.

 In the end, Britain's face was replaced by a fake one that Gu Xi brought out from the copy.

 Gu Xi thought that if he could find a way to help, he would help so as not to feel guilty all the time.

 In the end, I got such news from the Queen.

 Suddenly, Gu Xi felt as if his heart had collapsed and he felt weak no matter what.

 But at this time, the queen said something else.

“Actually, if you want to save her, you can change your mind.”

Gu Xi looked at the queen with confusion.

At this time, the queen smiled and said: "It's still a ceremony, but this time it's a substitute ceremony. Before starting the ceremony, you have to find a princess first."

 At this point, the queen looked at Gu Xi, recalled Gu Xi's identity, and added something.

 “Alive, preferably alive before the ceremony begins.”

Gu Xi thought for a moment and said decisively: "Yes!"

This time the queen was surprised.

 Although in the world of fairy tales, no matter what kind of family, there can be a queen, princess or something.

 But the princess will never be like Gu Xi, who can just drag out someone to serve as a sacrifice.

"You have to think clearly before answering. I just said that some rituals cannot be stopped once they have started."

 “This is true.”

 Gu Xi can say with certainty.

After hearing what Gu Xi said so confidently, the queen said to Gu Xi: "Okay, then I will trust you once. This time we are going to perform a substitution ceremony, using this princess to replace the princess you mentioned. The last resurrection of the princess.

 Transform the princess into a corpse with one chance of resurrection.

 As for whether you can resurrect Princess Anna next, it depends on your own abilities.

 Let me now talk about the process of the ritual. This substitution ritual was something I learned from a witch from the Sea Tribe.

 She used it for their black catfish spirit, hoping to turn the black catfish spirit into a princess and fall in love with the prince.

 But something went wrong during the final ceremony. The black catfish spirit failed and finally turned into bubbles and disappeared on the sea.

For the Princess Anna you mentioned, replacing the princess you mentioned should be very smooth, because you can't speak at the beginning of the ceremony, and your feet are like stepping on the edge of a knife. These problems are nothing to the dead. meaningful. "

The queen explained the events of this ceremony to Gu Xi.

 Gu Xi listened attentively, took out a recording paper and quickly recorded every step of the ceremony.

While the queen was explaining, she would also look back at the ritual steps recorded by Gu Xi. If there were any questions, she would immediately raise them.

After recording everything, the Queen said to Gu Xi: "Remember, once the ceremony starts, it cannot be stopped, and Princess Anna only has one chance to replace the ceremony. If this ceremony fails, she will It will turn into bubbles and disappear.

 So don’t make mistakes. "

Gu Xi nodded seriously and put the recording paper away.

The queen glanced at Gu Xi and said, "Why, don't you go and deal with it now? I can only stay here for one day. You rush over now. If something goes wrong..."

"If something goes wrong, you can't save it, can you? Then I might as well take this opportunity to ask you more about the situation. By the way, you are a potion master. Let's see how to prepare this liquid."

 Gu Xi took out the [Water of Order] and placed it in front of the queen.

The queen opened the bottle and was shocked by the smell of death inside.

But she immediately saw something behind the breath of death.

"This is a liquid condensed from the power of order. It is not a type of magic potion. It is part of the condensed mana. I can't help you with this." However, the Queen has actually helped Gu Xi.

She pointed out the situation of [Water of Order] and already helped Gu Xi a lot.

 After knowing what this thing is, Gu Xi can think of a corresponding substitute.

 After that, Gu Xi brought up some magic problems that he didn't quite understand and asked the Queen.

Just as Gu Xi said, there is only one chance for the ceremony. No matter when it starts, it will be successful if it succeeds. If it fails, there is nothing even the queen can do.

It’s better to take out the things you don’t know and ask them first.

It is rare for a fairy tale character with advanced magical abilities to appear. If you don't take this opportunity to make up for some things that you don't know, then how long will it take?

 So Gu Xi spent the next period of time studying in the library.

He didn’t ask Luna about the fighting situation there, nor did he go back to Wu Dou’s house.

 He stayed in the library all day, and even the food was brought from the tavern.

The only thing that reminded Gu Xi that he was still in the world of the Bailian Festival was the reminder that popped up early in the morning on the third day.

 It was this that dragged Gu Xi out of his crazy study.

  【A new day begins, now settle yesterday's information:

  Bai Liancheng: 319 players, 109 died or quit, and 1 on the ranking list.

  Hanye City: 320 players, 235 died or quit, and 85 were on the leaderboard.

 Autumn Wind City: There are 320 players, 244 died or quit, and 76 are on the leaderboard. 】

It was this reminder that told Gu Xi that the night of the second day had passed and it was now the third day of the Bailian Festival.

“To put it into perspective, they played very hard last night.”

 Pressing his temples, Gu Xi couldn't help but say something.

 “Why is it so powerful?”

 The queen, who was explaining the situation to Gu Xi, raised her head and looked at Gu Xi.

She also didn’t expect that Gu Xi would be so crazy when it came to studying.

“It’s nothing, now is not the time to talk about this. I still have some energy and can just study.”

 Gu Xi did not explain what he knew to the queen, but quickly changed the topic to the knowledge he had learned.

 Just like this, time passed by minute by minute.

When the queen's existence time reached zero, Gu Xi put down the book in his hand, stood up and said to the queen.

 “Thank you Queen!”

“You don’t need to thank me. These are all your own efforts. I hope I have a chance to see you next time. By the way, I think this is useful to you and is given to you.”

As the queen spoke, she placed a small bottle on the table with a drop of blood in it.

"how do you know…"

"Please don't underestimate the ability of a witch who masters divination. I see that I will need your help in the future, and I hope you will not hesitate to take action."

"I will!"

 Gu Xi stood up straight and watched the queen leave.

 When the Queen completely disappeared, he sat down at the table in the library and looked at the results of his hard work throughout the day and night.

 In addition to raising his magic knowledge to level 7, he also learned three more pieces of knowledge that were not very related to the undead.

  【Ritual Magic Level 3: Passive skill, perform various magics through rituals. As long as the ritual is logical and runs according to the ritual, you can use high-level magic beyond level 3. 】

  【Magic Potion Making Level 1: Passive skill, can make magic potions, and can learn all magic potion and alchemy potion recipes below level 1. 】

 【Divination knowledge level 1: Passive skill, can divination some things, and learn divination spells below level 1. 】

 (End of this chapter)

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