Breath of the Dead

Chapter 346: Weakened level 6 soldiers (please subscribe)

Chapter 346: Weakened level 6 soldiers (please subscribe)

Shaya’s letter describes in great detail Princess Anna’s strength and power after being transformed into a necromancer.

 Especially the information one of them got from a descendant of an unknown lord.

  It is said that Princess Anna was able to be resurrected this time mainly because all the blood in her body was replaced by the magic blood stored inside the Victoria Tower.

The 1:1 mixture of demon blood and mercury was poured into Princess Anna's body, and the remaining demon blood was poured into the underground veins of Victoria City.

 Although Princess Anna's strength is level 20 on the surface, as long as she is located in Victoria City, she is almost invincible.

Shaya specifically pointed this out when she wrote the letter, in order to tell Gu Xi that they had sent back the body of Princess Anna.

 Now, please do not send back the second body of Princess Anna.

 If you give it away again, it will become an enmity.

If you encounter the body of Princess Anna, if you are not willing to turn her into an undead, then find a place to bury her.

I heard that the place where a being like Princess Anna is buried will have special spirits.

 After reading Sha Ya’s letter, the last trace of hesitation in Gu Xi’s heart disappeared.

This is really the ultimate one-for-one exchange.

 The corpse in the dungeon is replaced with a real corpse.

But there are too many things to deal with now, and Gu Xi is not in a hurry to deal with the body of Princess Anna. He transports the dead Mirror Immortal back to the evil wood lake, and disposes of it first while still stacking it in the evil wood lake. The big weird corpse comes in front of you.

We have dealt with large and strange human-shaped corpses before, and the snake-shaped corpse is considered a living creature after all. No matter how difficult it is, it will not be as difficult to deal with as the dead mirror fairy.

 So Gu Xi can be considered very handy in handling it.

He first dealt with the ordinary weirdness that had not been dealt with before, put these weird death rules into [Water of Order], then dismantled various materials, and threw the remaining flesh and blood corpses into the evil wood Lake.

 After preparing all the materials, Gu Xi placed two large and strange corpses into the undead transformation circle at the same time.

Because the two corpses were both in human form, Gu Xi treated them as humanoids. In addition to placing different viscera or other materials according to the condition of each corpse to supplement the completeness of the corpse, there was no basis for each corpse. A lot of weird and different features to adjust.

 The situations of these two weirdos are somewhat similar, so Gu Xi’s choice is to deal with them together.

Gu Xi’s choice may seem a bit reckless, but in fact it was all based on Gu Xi’s calculations.

During the exchange and study with the queen on this day, Gu Xi understood a truth.

 Magic is actually like that. The more careful you are, the more things will go wrong.

 It is better to deal with it generously, as long as no big mistakes are made.

Of course, Gu Xi also understood that this was the witch's idea of ​​using magic, and it might not necessarily be applicable to him.

But this also affected some of Gu Xi's actions to some extent.

This time the undead transformed two corpses, which can be said to have exceeded Gu Xi's normal level.

 After placing the Death Mirror Immortal on the edge of Xiemu Lake, Gu Xi started the ritual of transformation of the undead.

 That’s right, Gu Xi planned to use ritual magic this time to increase the success rate of undead transformation.

The existence of the Death Mirror Immortal can increase the success rate of ritual magic to a certain extent, and ritual magic can allow Gu Xi to leapfrog and use some things that he could not use originally.

 Superimposing this means that Gu Xi can use abilities that can only be used by level 5 or above necromancers in advance.

Although the undead transformed two corpses at the same time this time, the operation was not as difficult as the previous two times.

 After activating the soul-calling effect, Gu Xi began to inject mana into the corpse.

With the injection of mana, Gu Xi discovered that one of the strange corpses was actually disintegrating. That is the source of the strange mirror space, Wei Wei, the big boss who wants to fill the entire city with mirror images.

 He was sealed in the mirror and slowly became weird.

Judging from the current situation, Luna seems to have said less.

I'm afraid it wasn't his body that was sealed in, but his soul. Although in the weird mirror space, his body was replenished.

 But it’s not a real body after all. This guy may become a ghost in the end.

This is actually okay, after all, ghosts are considered good beings.

 But at this moment, another corpse exploded.

This explosion was like countless glass fragments exploding at the same time. There were reflections and mirror images among the fragments. Gu Xi felt like countless spaces were unfolding in front of him.

 Every space needs to be filled with mana.

One or two spaces are fine, but Gu Xi can’t hold up to so much space.

When his mana was about to be exhausted, Gu Xi immediately thought about whether to place an incarnation of death.

  After all, there is only a little bit of mana left, so it seems a bit unaccustomed not to put an incarnation of death.

Perhaps these two weirdos are not suitable to be transformed into special undead, but are more suitable as kits for the incarnation of death.

With this thought, Gu Xi gritted his teeth and withdrew the injected mana. Just when he was about to say "death incarnation", another change happened.

As Gu Xi's mana was withdrawn, the broken mirror and corpse fragments quickly stuck to the virtual corpse.

 Subsequently, the two actively merged.

The flesh and blood were like missiles, pieced together on the virtual body, turning his body back into reality.

 Things like mirrors are mixed with flesh and blood and integrated into his body.

 Because the piece together this time was not handled by Gu Xi, nor was it guided by Gu Xi, so when it was put together, it was quite haphazard.

A human body, although blurred, is still personal, but now it is like this, and it becomes not like humans.

In the end, the guy was 2.5 meters tall and had two identical heads. It was obvious that the two heads were mirror reflections, and even the movements were exactly the same.

He has three arms on his body, one thicker on the right and two thinner on the left. The main feature is asymmetry.

His body also became chubby, like an oversized bun, with the meat filling spilling out.

 At the cracked part of the body, you can still see the light flashing inside, which is reflected by the fragmented mirror.

Looking at the huge monster in front of him, Gu Xi regretted for the first time why he had been a step too slow just now.

If this is to release the incarnation of death and **** away all the corpses and fragments that were just exploded, then it will be fine.

How could something so ugly appear like now?

This made Gu Xi quite speechless, but he still took a look at the attributes of this monster.

 Stitch monster, an undead unit that should start at level 6.

  【You successfully used spiritualism, your spiritualism experience +1, and you have some understanding of skills such as corpse structure, undead research, and soul knowledge. 】

[Maze Devourer (level 4, summoned object): experience (0/500), attack 13, defense 7, life 35, skill: Maze in the belly (there is a mirror maze covering an area of ​​5 square meters in the body, which can swallow the Weapons, items and enemies are stored in the maze), digestion (when the body is damaged, you can use the items in the maze to repair yourself), and double heads (you can learn and use spells). 】

【Note: The Labyrinth Devourer should start at level 6. Now this is a weakened version. Please upgrade it in the cemetery above level 2, or in the suture base above level 1. 】

 (End of this chapter)

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