Breath of the Dead

Chapter 347: Princess Anna’s replacement ceremony (129171)

Chapter 347 Princess Anna’s Replacement Ceremony (129171)

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Looking at this attribute, Gu Xi knew that the Maze Devourer in front of him was the same as the Skeleton Mirror Guard before, and both looked like soldiers.

 It's just that this soldier is in an incomplete state.

 The troops that normally start at level 6 have only reached level 4 due to Gu Xi’s undead enhancement.

 It can only be considered half done.

If you want to make this Labyrinth Devourer normal, it must be placed in a cemetery above level 2, or in a suture base above level 1.

 Graveyards above level 2 can produce high-level zombies, and the Stitch Base is where stitch monsters are produced. Both places are suitable to make up for the deficiencies of this unit.

Currently, there is no suitable Gu Yi in the two buildings, so he can only forget it. He will store the Labyrinth Devourer first and wait for which cemetery to upgrade before considering completing it.

Before that, the Labyrinth Devourer may not be able to go to the battlefield.

After sending the Labyrinth Devourer away, Gu Xi took another look at his own mana. He still had 19 points of mana left. For Gu Xi, he was not used to letting the incarnation of death go out.

 As for using this little mana to transform the undead, this is obviously inappropriate.

 Gu Xi simply studied the steps required for the replacement ceremony.

 Because the queen did not see the princess in Gu Xi's hands, she just used the name princess instead when introducing her to Gu Xi.

 There is something in this that the Queen specifically raised.

 The master must be a real princess, and cannot be made up of a wild boar called a princess.

 She was fooled by the hunter in the first place and mistook the heart and liver of the wild boar for the heart and liver of the real princess. The ceremony failed from the beginning.

 Otherwise, it will be her who has three chances to be resurrected, not her gray-black successor.

 So she raised this point. If you want to correspond to a princess, you must be a real princess.

 It would be best if Gu Xi could find another Princess Anna.

Gu Xi suspected that the Queen said such a thing because she saw a replica of Westminster Abbey that she could enter and leave, or even divined something.

But if he really brought Princess Anna's real body into the dungeon, I'm afraid that the few troops he brought would be killed by Princess Anna's men immediately.

Gu Xi is not that stupid. His goal has been on the Princess and Pea prop from the beginning.

  Anyway, this ritual magic only requires a ritual and does not require investment of mana.

Gu Xi simply took this opportunity to start the substitution ceremony.

 He first asked people to transport the body of Princess Anna out of the place where it was raised.

 Because time has been reversed three times, coupled with the warmth of the corpse raising ground, Princess Anna's body is obviously in much better condition than before.

 The strange aura on her body also dissipated a lot, and the negative energy of death began to penetrate into Princess Anna's body.

Gu Xi brewed a pot of potion according to the recipe left by the queen, and then poured half of the potion into Princess Anna's mouth.

With Gu Xi's level of potion making, he just put the appropriate ingredients in a pot and boiled it for a while. Anyway, the formula was correct. As for the effect of the potion, he really didn't have much confidence.

The only thing that is certain is that because the snake blood is needed in the potion, Gu Xi took some blood from the strange snake-shaped body that was thrown aside and used it to cook the potion.

 After pouring the magic potion on the corpse of Princess Anna. Gu Xi said to the body of Princess Anna with a serious face: "From now on, you will not be able to speak, and when you walk, your feet will be like stepping on the tip of a knife until the ceremony is completed."

 After saying that, Gu Xi put Princess Anna's body back into the pool where it was kept.

 After that, Gu Xi poured all the remaining potions on the ground nearby, and then Gu Xi buried Princess Pea in it.

 The next step is to wait for the pea to grow.

 Gu Xi squatted where the Princess and the Pea was buried and watched.

 Not long after, a little pea crawled out of the ground.

She first cleaned herself up, then took the leaves from the newly grown pea vines nearby to make a princess dress, made a princess crown from pea flowers, and even made a princess carriage.

  Although she is relatively small, her creations are full of magical effects and are made very quickly. It only took less than fifteen minutes to complete the entire set of princess ceremonials.

After finishing everything, the Princess and the Pea glanced at Gu Xi.

 Seems to be waiting for Gu Xi's order.

It's just that Gu Xi didn't give any orders. He planted Princess Pea just so that Princess Anna could take her place.

He really didn’t have any commands to use on the Princess and the Pea.

Of course Gu Xi can assign several tasks for Princess and the Pea to complete.

 But looking at Princess Pea's big eyes, Gu Xi felt a little unbearable.

He is going to wait for the Princess and the Pea to die. What is the task he is giving the Princess and the Pea to call now, recycling of waste?

So the two of them just stared at each other.

Fifteen minutes later, Princess and Pea couldn't compare to Gu Xi, and she closed her eyes reluctantly.

At this time, Gu Xi began the next step of the ceremony. He put the body of Princess Pea into the small carriage, and then placed the full set of ceremonial guards on the edge of Xiemu Lake.

 The body of Princess Anna was then put into Xiemu Lake and brought to the shore through the lake water.

 The two corpses were placed side by side like this.

 There was no prince, and there was no dance or anything like that, but Gu Xi could see a green breath floating from Princess Pea's body to Princess Anna's body.

At the same time, some black liquid also gushes out of Princess Anna's body. This black liquid flows to the Princess Pea with the strange power that has not yet been cleaned up from Princess Anna's body.

 In these black liquids, Princess and the Pea's ceremonial guard was slowly melting and disappearing.

 But something different began to appear in Princess Anna.

 For example, a green princess dress made of leaves, or a lavender princess crown appearing on the top of the head.

 It can be said that the honor guard that Princess and the Pea should have is now being transferred to Princess Anna.

At the same time, the aura of Princess Anna is also changing.

Although unlike Princess and the Pea, her temperament has changed to the state she had just died, Gu Xi can clearly see that Princess Anna's condition is improving.

It's just a pity that Princess and Pea's quality is relatively low, and the replacement ceremony was quickly interrupted because Princess and Pea's carriage and body were melted by black liquid.

 The remaining black liquid was mixed with strange power and flowed back into Princess Anna's body.

At this time, Gu Xi had already figured out that the ceremony was quite successful, and Princess Anna already had a chance to summon the spirit.

 (End of this chapter)

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