Breath of the Dead

Chapter 349: A war that may happen at any time (please subscribe)

Chapter 349: A war that may happen at any time (please subscribe)

 After rushing out of the Five Dou Clan's castle tower, Gu Xi was immediately spotted by a nearby demon.

But Gu Xi didn't pay attention at all. With only 19 points of mana left, he had already taken out a bottle of magic potion and put it at hand, ready to drink it for himself.

 “Death incarnate!”

As the bone dragon shrouded in black mist rushed out from behind Gu Xi, Gu Xi finally breathed a sigh of relief.

“This is right, it just doesn’t feel right if I don’t put something into my mana.”

 Gu Xi muttered as he drank the magic potion to replenish the drained mana.

At the same time, the incarnation of death had already rushed towards the castle tower surrounded by demons. Before the demons could react, a black crystal storm was brought up, and the demons involved were instantly torn into pieces.

At the same time, the incarnation of death rushed over the opponent's castle tower.

Since there is only one bone dragon like the Death Incarnation, there is no need to attack the city. The Death Incarnation directly came face to face with the spirit body of the man on the castle tower.

This man who turned into a spirit body had a puzzled look on his face. Didn't he promise to fight ghosts?

What is the situation of such a big bone dragon in front of you?

 Actually, Gu Xi guessed wrong. This family really has no direct relationship with Hanye City.

If we insist on making a connection, just like what Goto Mino said, there is a stone sealed in the basement of their home.

What is imprisoned in that stone is a serious Western-style demon, the kind used by Hanye City's demon warlocks.

 The level may be stronger, but the strength should be one level weaker than the big devil.

The man's name is Banhe Tianping, and he is the grandson of the original owner of this house.

 He was found today, informed of the incident, and moved into this hut.

 As a result, something like this happened just at the beginning of the night.

 This made him quite speechless.

 Didn’t you agree to only fight monsters?

 What is the situation of such a large bone dragon?

Gu Xi didn’t know what Banhe Tianping was thinking. Although the opponent didn’t show his identity as a player now, Gu Xi had already seen that his power was that of a demon.

So Gu Xi didn't care whether he had found the wrong enemy. He waved his hand downwards. The incarnation of death glared, and two melting rays of light fell on the spiritual body of the spotted crane balance.

  Isobared Crane Balance just mastered the special power from the stone in the basement today. He can see through things during the day, and he can leave his body to fight monsters at night.

 Originally, Banhe Tianping was still thinking about whether he could become the strongest person in the city.

I didn’t expect to meet such a big guy on the first night.

Facing such a big bone dragon, Banhe Tianping was a little hesitant, but he still raised his right hand and made a shooting motion, and then a spiritual bullet hit the face of the incarnation of death.

The incarnation of death that was really slapped in the face just released the melting rays, and the two melting rays accurately hit the body of the spotted crane balance.

Zhe He Tianping's strength is still a little weak, and just two melting rays of light melted his soul away.

As the spirit body of the spotted crane Tianping spread out in the air, Gu Xi below could not help but frown.

 Because he didn’t hear the prompt sound for killing Hanye City players.

This made Gu Xi somewhat embarrassed.

 He had already seen that he seemed to have hit the wrong person.

Just when Gu Xi was not sure what to do, a roar came from below the opponent's castle tower.

Then a crimson beam of light shot out from under the castle tower, and a demon flew out from below. This demon has a face like a spotted crane and a scale, with horns as thick as a thumb on top of its head, and a pair of bat wings growing from its back.

But what surprised Gu Xi the most was that when this demon was flying, it was holding a girl in one hand and another hanging at its feet.

These three girls who were dragged into the air by the devil have yellow hair, brown hair and red hair.

I don’t know whether it was dyed or whether it was like the girl in the castle tower who was captured by Gu Xi. Her hair was naturally this color.

 Judging from the movements of being carried out by the devil, these three girls have already passed out.

 After flying into the air, the demon laughed loudly.

"Thank you very much. If it weren't for you, this guy's body wouldn't be..."

Before the devil finished speaking, the incarnation of death was struck by two more melting rays.

At this time, the demon still wanted to get high, but he didn't expect that the incarnation of death was so ungrateful and started a sneak attack without saying a word.

Two rays of melting light fell on this demon. The condition of this demon was a little better than the previous Spotted Crane Balance.

 At least he has substance.

But his entity only borrowed the body of Izog Helian Ping, injecting the power overflowing from the Demon Sealing Stone into it, and it did not really escape.

In addition, Ibara Tenping's body was not affected by the spilled magic power for a long time as he planned, and was unable to store all his power. Therefore, under this blow, Ibara Tenping's body was also incompatible with his. Like the spirit body, it turns into powder.

The incarnation of death immediately discovered the location of the devil. He ignored the three women who smashed towards the castle tower, and instead crashed towards the bottom of the castle tower.

With such a collision, the Death Incarnation knocked open the ceiling of the castle tower on the spot, and the destructive effect of the crystal dust storm cut through everything nearby on the spot.

With this impact, the incarnation of death broke through the ceiling of the fourth and fifth floors, and hit the basement directly from the roof.

In this basement, a red crystal that is as tall as a person is emitting a red light.

The beam of light that hit the sky just now was emanated from this crystal.

 Now that the castle tower outside has been dismantled, the red light pillar has become more obvious.

Gu Xi could even hear various wailing sounds coming from the red light.

 Gu Xi was also speechless at this voice.

How else could it be said that Bailian City, Qiufeng City and Hanye City are the same city.

 The styles of doing things are all very similar.

The undead let out a howl. When the demon appeared, it still had a howl. Maybe it was because it was afraid that the howl was not enough.

This voice was so sharp that even Gu Xi outside the castle tower was disturbed.

However, Gu Xi immediately discovered that it seemed that not only he had heard the sound, but some nearby players had also heard the sound.

  After all, the red light beam that was so high just now is still very attractive.

I'm afraid that players from several nearby urban areas have already set their sights on this place.

Looking at his own incarnation of death, Gu Xi hesitated for a moment, but finally suppressed the idea of ​​starting a war. For Gu Xi, supporting Luna to win the strange mirror space was more important.

Gu Xi stretched out his hand and summoned the dragon fish that was connected to Zuo Ya.

‘Brother Zuo Ya, we found a treasure targeting Hanye City. The remaining players in Hanye City will gather here. Come quickly! ’

 (End of this chapter)

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