Breath of the Dead

Chapter 350: Players who came to support (please subscribe)

Chapter 350 Players who came to support (please subscribe)

 At a certain location in the city, a large number of undead troops were fighting a group of demonic troops.

 Among the undead army, Zuo Ya was looking through the letter that had just been delivered to him.

 Zuo Ya actually didn’t care much about this letter at first.

  Today is a very important point for them. They need to kill as many players as possible who are still on the leaderboard tonight.

  It can be said that most of the players in Bailian City are mobilized by Zuo Ya in order to prevent any enemy from escaping.

The arrival of this letter made Zuo Ya's eyes widen, and he quickly asked loudly: "How long will the fight last?"

The necromancer who was directing the battle from the front didn't even look back. "At least half an hour. What's the matter? There's something new?"

"The Breath of the Dead just sent a message, saying that he has something that all the demon warlocks want to get. Now I am afraid that all the living demon warlocks are rushing there."

Zuo Ya raised the letter in his hand and said with a smile.

 It can be seen from his words that he does not believe much in the meaning of the message.

“Didn’t he say that something happened in the past two days and he couldn’t get out? Why did he show up again and cause such a big thing?”

The Necromancer was also a little surprised. He looked back at Zuo Ya, and stopped directing his troops to fight and instead started talking to Zuo Ya.

"I don't know either, but I'm a little unsure about Gu Xi. He seems to be one of those little transparent beings in the school. He got the top job all of a sudden and didn't do anything special. Instead, he kept hiding himself. Strength.

If it hadn't been for Bai Lian Daji this time, we wouldn't have known at all that he had mastered two of the three divine skills.

He asked us to come over this time, fearing that this was really the case.

 It's just that I'm a little curious. With his current strength, wouldn't it be a good idea to eat all the enemies by himself?

 Why do you have to take us with you? "

 Hearing Zuo Ya’s question, the necromancer laughed.

“You, you have been on top for too long, and you have never thought about it from the perspective of a player at the bottom.

 Our breath of the dead, what has been there before? No.

 He got a title and the position of chief by relying on three magical skills.

If he wants to go further, he must have connections, and what could be thicker than the connections made on a battlefield like the Bailian Festival. "

Zuo Ya also nodded, "I understand what you mean, but he is still the chief of our session, so he needs to be given some face. I'll just ask who is near him and let them go and take a look. ”

As Zuo Ya spoke, he began to write letters to deliver orders.

As for himself, Zuo Ya is not willing to give up on the Hanye City players he just surrounded. He will wait until these players are killed.

 At this time, near the Five Doujia Castle Pavilion, Gu Xi had already entered a fighting state.

The Incarnation of Death is lying on top of the castle tower whose ceiling has been knocked open, staring at the red spar as tall as one person below. Anyone who wants to get close to this place will receive a full blow from the Incarnation of Death.

And Gu Xi also had some more troops around him.

 This is the army he temporarily dragged up through spiritualism.

In such a battlefield, even though Gu Xi came without anyone, he only had to release a wave of death ripples and another spiritualism, and Gu Xi would have more than 200 undead troops around him.

Since he had to stand firm here this time, Gu Xi specially fine-tuned the effect of the spiritualism and summoned a batch of level 4 zombies.

 After doing this, all Gu Xi had to do was wait.

He believed that everyone had seen the red light just now. The demon warlocks in Hanye City should know better than him what the red crystal does. Unless they were surrounded by people, they should be heading this way now. Come. As for Zuo Ya, Gu Xi was not sure whether he would believe what he said.

If no necromancer came to help him, Gu Xi would have no choice but to send the red crystal to Alidovi City and take the things away first.

Fortunately, Gu Xi didn't wait long, as the sound of horse hooves came from far away.

Gu Xi looked towards the direction from which the sound came, and found a necromancer riding a bone war horse rushing towards this direction.

 Behind the necromancer, there were also a large number of skeleton soldiers.

Seeing Gu Xi from a distance, the necromancer immediately put up his own banner.

It was a battle flag with a blue background, with a skull palm extending from the ground on it, and a black crystal ball held in the palm.

 “Looking down at the Dark Guild?”

Gu Xi knows how to look down on the dark guild.

This guild is different from other undead guilds. In addition to undead knowledge, this guild also requires priority to learn dark knowledge. Finally, with soul link and curse master, you can master an ability called dark regeneration.

 After mastering this ability, as long as dark magic is used and the spell is successfully cast, the caster can recover about 30% of the mana. If the spell fails or the spell is resisted by the opponent, the caster will be able to recover all of the mana.

This is not the key yet. When the skill level of Dark Regeneration is relatively high, you can also set a locking skill.

 When all mana is recovered, the locked spell will be activated automatically.

  You can ignore the enemy's magic resistance and use this spell directly on the enemy.

  It can be said that this is a very rogue method.

I heard that the Guild Leader of the Dark Guild had used this trick to deal with the black dragon before.

Furthermore, I have heard people say that looking down at the darkness does not mean looking down at the skills of dark magic or dark regeneration, but looking down at the darkness of the black dragon.

Because they often slay dragons, players who overlook the Dark Guild have a very high success rate in reaching level 10 after level 5. In addition, the rewards from defeating the dragon lair are huge, so all of them are relatively rich.

 In school, when most students discuss where they want to go in the future, they always put overlooking the dark guild at the top of their list.

Now that he saw this player, Gu Xi couldn't help but sigh, the player looking down at the guild is really rich.

In order to make a quick journey, they actually used a magic scroll of rapid march, which was a bit too awesome.

As soon as the player who rushed over saw Gu Xi, he said loudly: "Hello, are you Gu Xi, the Breath of the Dead? I am Xia Yi, overlooking the Dark Guild, and I am here to fight the demon warlock."

 “You came just in time, the enemy is coming soon, come this way.”

Gu Xi waved to Xia Yi.

Xia Yi also quickly rode to Gu Xi's side, and after his men stopped, they quickly stood up behind Xia Yi.

Gu Xi noticed that although most of Xia Yi's men were skeleton soldiers, the armors and weapons they wore were not the rusty stuff used by skeleton soldiers, but exquisite weapons and equipment made of fine iron. The quality was obvious at a glance. White level.

  It is necessary for them to be enchanted.

Had it not been for the fact that the skeleton soldiers were cannon fodder, Gu Xi would have believed that they would equip the skeleton soldiers with green-quality weapons and equipment.

At this time, Xia Yi also saw the huge red crystal stone stared at by the incarnation of death.

His eyes widened and he said with disbelief: "Isn't this what it is!"

 (End of this chapter)

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