Breath of the Dead

Chapter 357: The success and failure of undead transformation (please subscribe)

Chapter 357 The success and failure of the transformation of the undead (please subscribe)

After placing the three corpses into the undead transformation array, Gu Xi's eyes fell on the child's corpse.

Among these corpses, the corpse of this child is the most difficult to dispose of.

 With such a small stature, there are no undead souls he knows that are suitable for this kind of existence.

 When Gu Xi took action, when the spiritualism fell on the child, his movements obviously paused.

 It was precisely because of this meal that the originally smooth mana injection showed a slight fluctuation.

This wave exploded three corpses on the spot.

 At the scene where flesh and blood were everywhere, the skeletons of the three corpses flew together on their own initiative and were quickly spliced ​​together.

Finally, these bones floated in the air, forming a large skeletal creature made of many bones.

This large skeletal creature has no legs. On its back are bone wings composed of ribs. Three skulls hang on its chest. In front of the huge sternum is an arm holding a bone sickle.

 Gu Xi recognized the skeletal creature in this state.

This is the skeleton creature among the undead that corresponds to the Stitch Monster, the Skeleton Demon. It is also a high-level undead unit that starts at level 6.

 It seems that the situation of the undead in front of me will be the same as that of the previous Labyrinth Devourer.

As expected, as the skeleton demon's condition stabilized, Gu Xi saw the pop-up message.

  【You successfully used spiritualism, your spiritualism experience +1, and you have some understanding of skills such as corpse structure, undead research, and soul knowledge. 】

[Skeleton of Doom (level 4, summoned object): experience (0/500), attack 14, defense 9, life 41, skill: Sacrifice of the Undead (when each skeleton of doom dies, 15 to 20 will appear in the same place) Temporary skeleton soldiers), unlimited counterattack (will actively counterattack when faced with all attacks), range attack (can attack enemies at multiple locations around it). 】

  【Explanation: The evil spirit blessed these bones, and the necromancer resurrected them. 】

Looking at the description in front of him, Gu Xi knew that his guess was correct. This was another high-level undead soldier.

But Gu Xi also understood that compared to the cemetery, Gu Xi had three large buildings that could produce skeleton troops.

 As long as there is any one that can be upgraded to level 2, this kind of doomed skeleton can be trained immediately.

The combat effectiveness of these doomed skeletons can only be considered average. Even with the attribute blessings of the city and Gu Xi, their combat effectiveness can only be considered average.

This is the characteristic of the undead arms. The strong ones are extremely strong, but the weak ones are just scum in the same level.

But this kind of doomed skeleton still has its own advantages. Whether it is a one-to-many range attack, or a direct infinite counterattack after being hit, it is a good skill.

Not to mention that after he dies in battle, he can turn into fifteen to twenty skeleton soldiers.

 This is the final role of the Doom Skeleton. From this point, we can see the position of the Doom Skeleton on the battlefield.

Although he is not as good as various knights, training such a soldier will definitely not be a loss.

“I want it, come here, take this to the evil church.”

Gu Xi decisively issued the order to send the doomed skeleton back.

This kind of soldiers must be protected first. We don't need this few troops now.

After sending away the doomed skeleton, Gu Xi dealt with the remaining corpses.

 Originally, Gu Xi thought that with the previous successes, the next undead transformation would become easier.

 But Gu Xi never expected that all the five subsequent undead transformations he carried out would fail.

 All five corpses exploded on the spot, turning into fragments of flesh, blood and bones, scattered all over the ground, leaving nothing behind. Regarding the situation in front of him, Gu Xi was speechless. He never expected that the final situation would be like this.

Fortunately, before these weird corpses were disposed of, their death rules were extracted by Gu Xi and soaked in [Water of Order]. Even if the transformation of the undead failed, it would not affect Gu Xi's ability to prevent these weird resurrections.

With a depressed look on his face, Gu Xi easily dealt with all the ordinary and weird death rules here, and then took care of these weird corpses.

Gu Xi has always believed that the reason why the transformation of the undead failed just now must be because the materials were wrong, and now he must process and distribute the materials.

 Actually, this is not the case. Gu Xi is just forcing himself to use the skills he has not learned yet, so problems are bound to happen.

 It would be strange if there is no problem.

 The previous successes were just due to good luck.

It's just that Gu Xi hasn't figured it out yet and thinks he made a mistake in the materials.

 After processing all the materials, Gu Xi turned his attention to the body of Princess Anna that had been soaked in the water.

Previously, Gu Xi had thought that after taking care of the big weird corpse, he would go back and deal with Princess Anna.

 As a result, the five consecutive failures just now dampened Gu Xi's confidence.

 In a short period of time, Gu Xi may not have much confidence to carry out undead transformation again.

And Princess Anna only had one last chance to summon the spirit, and Gu Xi was not willing to waste the paladin's hard work.

 Finally, Gu Xi glanced at Princess Anna, waved his hand, and sent her body into the deepest part of Xiemu Lake.

 It is now a place used to purify and strengthen the corpse.

 Gu Xi needs to ensure that the quality of Princess Anna's corpse is always maintained at a very high level.

He asked people to pack up the materials on the edge of Xiemu Lake, and then Gu Xi asked the undead to send the Dead Mirror Immortal back to the library. After doing all this, Gu Xi jumped onto the Xie coffin.

This time Gu Xi planned to go to the blacksmith shop first.

 On the one hand, the soul stone is very important, and on the other hand, the full set of war equipment that Gu Xi ordered from the blacksmith shop should be ready by now.

After taking care of the blacksmith shop, Gu Xi still needs to run to several other training camps.

 Today is the beginning of a new week, and this is a good time to withdraw your troops.

Gu Xi is currently lacking in units such as gargoyles and vampires.

  If these troops are not taken back, Gu Xi will naturally be thinking about it.

So Gu Xi sat in the evil coffin and ran around the city. After a while, he came to the blacksmith shop.

As the core building, the blacksmith shop is naturally built in the main city.

As soon as Gu Xi arrived here, he felt that the style of the building was completely different from that in the main city.

 When he saw Gu Xi, a bearded muscular man whose body was half made of iron came out.

“Sir, can’t you move the blacksmith shop to another place? It’s really inconvenient for me to work here.”

Gu Xi laughed when he heard this, "Anderson, there is nothing I can do about placing this first core building here, but I promise you, when I build the second blacksmith shop, I will We must choose a better place and arrange for you to go there.”

 (End of this chapter)

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