Breath of the Dead

Chapter 358: Blacksmith shop and war machinery (please subscribe)

Chapter 358 Blacksmith Shop and War Machinery (Please subscribe)

 【Building name: Blacksmith shop

 Level: Level 1 (can be upgraded)


 The weapons and equipment of the soldiers in the city can be upgraded. Each level up will increase the attack and defense of all soldiers by 1 point, and increase the life by 10 points. The progress is 1 level (33%).

 Heroes can purchase property war equipment at the blacksmith shop (healing tent is a special product of this city, and slings are common to all blacksmith shops).

 It can smelt iron ore and recast gray metal waste.

 Part of the building prerequisites. 】

 【Blacksmith: Anderson (Level 1)

 Characteristic impact:

 Mechanization: The quality of the war equipment produced will be improved by one level.

 Those with strong strength: When recasting metal junk, the probability of finding the best quality will be higher.

 Charge: The soldiers produced use ordinary weapons, which are more suitable for enchanting. 】

                        ule as the first blacksmith, his existence represents the lower limit of the weapons of the city's soldiers, so please make sure there are enough materials in the blacksmith shop to ensure that the soldiers' weapons upgrades are always carried out. 】

After taking a look at the progress of the blacksmith shop, Gu Xi walked to the side, where there was a small wooden box that was not too big.

 Gu Xi opened the box and took a look, and found that inside was a thick cloth that looked like woven wire.

 This is the city’s specialty war equipment, the treatment tent.

  【Healing Tent (Level 1): The first aid tent can restore the health of friendly troops during combat (cannot be resurrected). 】

【Note: The treatment tent is affected by skills such as war mechanics and first aid. Without first aid, a maximum of 25 points of life can be restored per minute, and the recovery target cannot be selected. 】

Looking at the treatment tent in front of him, Gu Xi's eyes lit up.

 This is what he wants.

 The War Mechanics that Gu Xi has mastered has a function similar to the first aid skill. It can increase the number of life points restored per minute for the treatment tent, and can even specify the recovery target in the later stage.

 After he learns the branch abilities of war mechanics, he can even master the two branch skills of first aid tent and plague tent. One of these two skills is to revive troops on the battlefield, and the other is to attack the enemy on the battlefield.

 It can be said that this is a sharp weapon on the battlefield.

If Gu Xi had brought a treatment tent with him during last night's battle, he wouldn't have been helpless when he encountered the little girl's situation.

Not to mention, Gu Xi will encounter more of the same thing in the future.

 He must also consider treatment options for the rest of his troops.

 After hanging the box containing the treatment tent behind the evil coffin, Gu Xi came to a trebuchet.

The trebuchet in front of me is a medium-sized trebuchet. It is only five meters long and can be pushed by three people. However, it is impossible to operate it without more than ten people.

 The most important thing is that the stone bullets required for this kind of trebuchet are specially made. There are four different kinds of specialized stone bullets placed next to the trebuchet.

  【Trebuchet (Level 1): The trebuchet can attack city walls and arrow towers in siege battles. The order of attack is city walls, gates, and arrow towers. 】

  【Explanation: The trebuchet is affected by skills such as war mechanics and ballistics. If there is no ballistics, it can shoot once per minute, and the attack point cannot be selected when shooting. 】

 Trebuchets, like healing tents, are abilities that must be mastered by war mechanics.

 After mastering it, you can also learn ballistics, and then learn skills such as sulfur rain and magic stone bullets.

  It can be said that like the treatment tent, it is something that may not be used on the battlefield, but as long as it is used, it will be a big killer.

Watching Gu Xi circle around the trebuchet, Anderson also laughed: "Sir, you can rest assured, there is nothing that I make that is not useful."

“I can see it. Although this trebuchet may be small, it is powerful.

Have you tried it? How far can a stone bullet be shot? "

"Three hundred and fifty meters, this is a conservative distance." Anderson said proudly.

As soon as Gu Xi heard this, he knew the power of this thing. The attack range of his death ripple was fifty meters centered on Gu Xi, and the farthest magic he could hit, the Magic Arrow, had an effective attack range of one hundred meters. about.

 Under Gu Xi's men, the best skeleton shooter has a shooting range of about 150 meters.

 Beyond this distance, they basically can't shoot anything.

The trebuchet in front of him can hit a distance of 350 meters. Just by looking at this, you can know the level of Anderson.

“And the four types of stone bullets have different functions. The ones with cracks on them are recast stone bullets used when attacking city walls.

Don't use this kind of smooth rolling stone bullet, which is used to hit enemies in the city.

The square-shaped ones are the ramming stone bullets used to smash city gates.

 Coupled with ordinary stone bullets, we only have these four types of stone bullets available.

As for the shotguns you mentioned, there really aren’t any. Slingshots are used against city walls and gates.

 The trebuchet does not hit people. "

 Gu Xi also knows the rule that trebuchets do not hit people. If you want to use trebuchets to hurt people, you can only use some marginal means at most.

For example, when smashing the city wall, you accidentally hit some people, or if the stone rolled an extra distance on the city wall when you threw it, other things are not allowed.

 So Gu Xi didn’t object much to Anderson’s words, but asked directly.

"Andersen, did you see the soul stone I sent over before? Do you have any idea how to deal with it?"

"Yes, this thing is simple. The top of the thing has already cracked. Just give it a strong impact. What other artifacts, hammers, etc. are used by other people? I don't need it. We have a mechanical hammer. .

 Just wait for me for a day, and I will make the mechanical hammer, and then you can come over and smash the golden eggs. "

Hearing this, Gu Xi couldn't help but laugh.

As Anderson said, breaking the soul stone is like breaking a golden egg.

"Okay, I'll come back tomorrow. Now I have to go to the city to recruit troops. You should be busy first."

Gu Xi smiled and walked out of the blacksmith shop, and then he jumped onto the evil coffin.

 “Let’s go, starting from the cult church, we have a lot of places to run this time.”

As soon as Gu Xi finished speaking, the evil coffin headed towards the evil church.

 Normally, Luna does all the recruiting and other things.

This time Luna was still fighting, and Gu Xi became a support worker.

At this time, Gu Xi also felt for the first time the many things Luna had to deal with every day.

 As far as recruiting soldiers every week, you need to travel around the entire city to complete the recruitment of soldiers.

 After calling out all the soldiers, Gu Xi came to the fire in front of the main city gate.

Today's fire has been replaced by a new batch of refugees.

As soon as Gu Xi arrived here, he got a piece of news.

  【The fire attracted a group of refugees this week. Do you need to meet them? 】

 (End of this chapter)

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